Blood Cries

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Praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord. God has been so good to us and we just want to praise him and thank him for his presence a man. I pray that God has blessed you with health and strength and I praise him that we can worship him today. What a touching song and I want to thank everyone that is administered here to us today. I want to thank Elton Jones and Justice and corlett and everyone that serve today. God is good all the time and all the time. God is good and today as we as we go into his word. I pray that she would speak to our hearts words of life. title of a message today is Blood cries before God blood cries before God I want to see if you care to go into the word of God right now.

We have spent some time. Looking and celebrating people that God has been using in our nation and in our country and even in our city, will you spend time I can ology mean?

People that have given in sacrifice. We have honored an officer in a city that lost her life recently while responding to a family responding to the Call of Duty.

We have responded and spent time last weekend Memorial Day Weekend honoring people that have served in our military. We have our First Responders and today. we're going to take some time because the freedom that others have lost their lives to help us to enjoy we see so many evidences had a situation this week. Where is it? What has happened to George Floyd? We see how our freedoms have been jeopardized. And so we just want to look there's no way there's no way we can honor people that a sacrifice to give us freedom. and ignore When we see Freedom being traveled on by people in power and so did we going to go to God's word and I pray that his spirit will speak to a heart right now. Okay, would you buy Engine with me? Stop in heaven to become to you right now with the name of Jesus to thank you and to praise you for being out. We pray father that you would speak to our hearts now speak Words of Life speak words of Hope speak words of comfort and encouragement father. We pray that you would you are merciful You Are Holy and most of all that God you are God of mercy and Justice and we thank you and We Praise You In The Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. ignorant I'd like to invite you turn with me in your Bibles to Exodus chapter 3 verses 7 through 10 Exodus chapter 3 verses 7 through 10 and she put that up on the screen right now Exodus chapter 3 verses 7 through 10. Okay. Now let's take a look at the word of God Exodus chapter 3 verses 7 through 10. Notice what the Bible tells us here.

Okay Exodus 3 verses 7 through 10 the Bible says and the Lord said I have surely seen the Affliction of my people.

Which are in Egypt and I have heard their Cry by reason of the taskmasters.

So I know this sorrows and I am come down to deliver them. out of the hand of Egyptians

Okay, we're having a little technical difficulty here.

But yeah, we will get through this. It says I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of the land 2. aren't you a land a good land and a large land a land flowing with milk and honey on to a place of the amorites in the Hittites and the and the amorites the parasites the hivites and the jebusites now therefore Behold The Cry of the children of Israel. It's come unto me. I have also seen the oppression wear with Egyptians oppress them come now there for and I will send thee unto Pharaoh that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. praise the Lord This passage is a familiar passage to us. It is no stranger that Moses.

God appeared to him at a very pivotal time in history.

We want to talk today about blood cries. blood clots God appear to Moses. in the Are the burning bush? And he said I have surely seen the Affliction of my people which are in Egypt and I have heard their cries by reason of their taskmasters and I have come down to deliver.

You know the god of the Bible is very concerned about people. In fact, he made us in his own image and the word of God tells us and instructs us that that Was very concerned and at what if you look at the The Narrative of the children of Israel? The Bible says that God was concerned about them. He was concerned about this suffering. He was concerned and the Bible says that she says I've seen the Affliction. I have heard your cry and I have come down to deliver God is concerned and that nnnn so the word of God says that he says I've seen enough hurt your fries and I have come down to get if I want to suggest today at the first Friday that God heard was not just when they were crying in Exodus chapter 3, the Bible also tells us that they began to cry out to God and chapter 2 and so it's really interesting story because the first cries were not just from the..... The whips at the end if it was not just from the .... The taskmasters, the first cries were actually the cry that were the that was from the blood of the people that was shed.

Now the Bible tells us in the Book of Genesis Exodus chapter chapter to that funeral. Made up his mind that she would destroy all of the male children of Israel.

He said that we're concerned that they are growing too fast. And so what we're going to do if if we allow them to grow they will overtake us and they may attack us. So let's destroy all the mail boys. Okay, and if you destroy the meals then here's what will happen. They won't be able to attack us and to unite with our enemies. So let's destroy all the males and the attack was on the mail. So he issued an order so that they would be able to issue an order. so that they would be able to

It would be sweet dream for them to destroy the male children. And so they went around and they located all of the male children of Israel at least do them into the river and and Destroy them and you know what that's a familiar scene that we have seen re-enacted throughout history even in the United States of America. And I I I praise the Lord for this country. I'm proud to be an American and I'm grateful that I was born an American and I love our country. But but but you see we see this re-enacted in our country where the males of black males have been under attack. This has been the case from the from from the situation that we ever, you know from the time that we were brought over to this country in the slave ships. There was an attack on the males and and and and males were beaten into sub serve. And send it that were not the case and if they could not mentally break us they would physically she to destroy us and you see the destruction begins with the mind, but but but if it if they can't destroy the mind then they will destroy the person and so this is what happened back in Egypt. And so there was a license to destroy the males and people in power were destroying the males. We're concerned about the the man the black men in this country and the attacks on this blog on the black men because if you can destroy the man you can destroy the family if you can destroy the man you can destroy.... The entire people has been an attack on black males and this continues to happen even to this day and people in power were were were given the ability of the authority to Troy the males and you see this kind of abuse and mistreatment and brutality Contessa continue throughout the centuries, but you see what you see whenever blood is shed innocent blood is shed. I just want to declare today that the God sees and he knows and we need to understand under the authority of the word of God. That went blood is shed. Innocently. There is God sees and knows notice what happened the first time that the the blood of a male was shed as you read about it in in an exodus. Well actually as you read about it in in the Book of Genesis chapter 4 the word of God tells us that

When when Abel and Cain killed his brother God appear to me says and he said what have you done the voice of your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. This is God talking. You said listen King. Your brother's blood is crying out to me.

He's that he's gone, but his blood is crying out. The blood is crying out it was drained and absorbed into the ground, but he said and we understand the state of the Dead see when a person dies. They don't know anything but he says the is crying out when innocent blood is shed. The person may not be around the voice may be silent, but their blood cries out. God said the blood is crying out to me. Is crying out?

You know. It's really something that God takes every life. Seriously every life is valuable to him. And he says even if you take the the person's like that blood will continue to speak the blood will continue to call on me that blood will continue to call me to ask and to do something and to get involved and you see when when when when the blood is shed, it will continue to cry out from the ground and to all Duquesne had to bury his brother continue to cry out Abel's blood cries out and in this country has the blood of black man has been crying out in Orem are falling on deaf ears in in in this country. But but are the blood of black men have been crying out crying out for God to intervene crying out for God to move. Crying out for God to act crying out for God to rescue crying out for God to deliver crying out. For God to intervene the blood still cries out before God and God hears and he listened and he responds to the blood of his sons.

And God said I've heard the cries of the blood and UC. When the blood clots before God he hears and he responds so goddamn heard the Cry of the blood and he has heard the cries of black men the blood crying out for God to intervene and for God to save and for God to deliver.

You see when Moses when the blood was crying out.

God intervene Moses when he was born God spared his life. And he decided that he would do something and the Bible tells us in in in in Exeter said when he saw an Egyptian. Attacking a Hebrew Moses understood that God had raised them up to fulfill the purpose. And to help deliver his people. So what did he do? The Bible says that he resorting to violence. In order to stop the mistreatment in the attacks and that and he slew that Egyptian and buried him in the same and we have been witnessing as a country. Violence this week as we have at other times.

But you see although the blood is crying out that is not God's way for handling Bloodshed and mistreatment. It's not his way because the Bible says if you live by the sword you die by The Sword move just knew that God had called him to do something and I want to stay any person of God cannot stand by and and and not do anything. There must be actions that must be intervention steps. Something must be done to atone and to stop the Bloodshed from continuing.

But God had to let him know that that was not his way. Moses ended up fleeing for his life. He went to Midian and for 40 years. He had to unlearn the lesson God put him in isolation and took him away because he has to learn you. Don't meet the sword with the sword. You don't fight fire with fire.

He has to learn that if you going to be involved in Deliverance, you've got to do it God's way. And so he had to learn that you don't you don't fight in that way. No. God appeared to him. 40 years later and he said Moses. I've come down to deliver. I've heard I've seen the Affliction of my people which are in Egypt. I've heard that cry by reason of the taskmasters. I know their sorrows and I have come down to deliver if he God says listen, I've heard what's going on. I see what's going on. I'm coming down to deliver. I am coming down to deliver. I am coming down to deliver. God has resolved that he's not going to not do anything. He will get involved people step in he will intervene. He says I have come down to deliver. God is not going to stand by idly and watch. Wow, people suffer needlessly needless mistreatment and needless bloodshed. You know the blood has been shed. of many people God says I've seen the Bloodshed of my service end of the matter is in this country though. The blood has been crying out of many many black men killed by police as well as other citizens. We seen George Floyd this weekend. We can we we have seen Stephen DeMarco Taylor. We we the best his blood has been crying out and and and and we have seen Natasha Tony's MacDade and there's been Yassin Mohamed his blood is still crying out and spend on

His blood is crying out in Sean's read blood is crying out at Stephen DeMarco. Taylor's bus been crying out that Adrienne has been crying out to his brother's crying out miles Hall has been crying out the blood of these young black men have been crying out stereo Starbucks blood is crying out that's William cleans blood has been crying out and Samuel David Miller at 19 his Bloods been crying out take Kwame Jones at 17 been crying once had been crying out Anthony. He has been crying out a divorce. Eric has been crying a lot of 30 has been crying out and and n and end gym gym. Varian Slaton at 25th blood has been crying out and Ryan twyman's blood has been crying out and and Brandon Weber. Blood has been crying out and Kimmy attitudes blood has been crying out and Willy McCoys blood has been crying out any emantic Fitzgerald Bradford Jr. Blood has been crying at all though. He has been crying out at the hands of police mistreatment of brutality flood at 18 has been crying out in June 26th and 23 has been crying crying crying out at Anthony Lamar Smith blood at 24 has been crying out in

1732 has been crying out and nnnn Pharrell at 24 and his brother Victor white 3rd at 22. His blood has been crying out for the 3rd at 22. His blood is still crying out cuz his blood has been crying out that you don't a pocket at 36 his blood still cries out and and if

Laquan McDonald at 17 and his blood still cries out to spawn a 34 his blood still cries out there and to lead a read his blood a 36 key on I-43. His blood is crying out and Tony Robinson. How do you create a 25 week is blood still Cries Out has Brendon Glenn at 2919. This blood-soaked rise up.

Ali Krieger his blood still cries out at 19th and blood still cries out and Alton Sterling at 37 and his blood still cries out and cilantro Castillo at 32 his blood still cries out in Sterling, 31 his blood still cries out and Terrence Crutcher at 45th and 38th streets, but still Cries Out cries out and Danny Ray Thomas.

Patrick Harmon at 50 silk rise out and telephone still cries out blood yet. Still Cries Out Julius Johnson 23 his blood still cries out and Kim reach Johnson at 22 his blood still cries out and Michael Dean at 28 years blood still Cries Out.

That's so God says I am God and he is faithful to do what he's promised to do my children out.

And I have come down to deliver.

now therefore he said No Moses Yuko. I have come down to deliver we serve a god that is concerned about the mistreatment of his children. He's concerned because when the blood cries out and the blood continues to mount it accumulates and it has now corporate there's no way that I can sit in my throne and Glory Kool-Aid season and Ellen and watch my children suffer in a sentence.

And then he told Moses now because people think that God could do everything the church thinks that God is going to do everything. All the Lord is going to act was going to make the wrong. It's right. You just got to wait until the second coming down to deliver. He said no, no. No, I have come down to deliver. But then you said not Moses you go you go.

And you go and tell Sarah. I am sending you to Faro notice what he says in verse 9 effects of chapter 3 now. Therefore Behold The Cry of the children of Israel is come unto me and I have also seen the impression. We're with the Egyptians oppress them and I will send V on to Faro to my people the children of Israel out of Egypt. God says about the sin of adultery we know about the sin of of of of of of of of of drug abuse send all those kinds of sin, but but but God said that oppression is a sin.

Has been accumulating because the blood has been appalling up. And you said there's something in the word of God about the cup of iniquity the Bible speaks of this and it tells us that there is a cup of iniquity Nation have a cup of iniquity.

In Genesis 15 Verse 6 about 5th and 4th generation. Your descendants will come back here for the sin of the amorites has not yet reached its full measure defeat people think that when they do wrong and they get away with it that everything is fine. No, but the Sims are accumulating of blood is a cumulative before God got that hold on. Hey Google. I'm not taking to the Thomas family in Genesis 15:20 Abraham because the sin of the amorites the cup of the amorites have not yet reached its full measure but later on he said now when it's that will be judgement. When it's full that will be judgement. In fact in Matthew 23 verse 32 through 35. He said to the Pharisees in the skating rebuke. He said fill you up then the measure of your father because fill up the measure of your father's he separates you Generation of Vipers. How can you escape the damnation of Health where for behold I send unto you the prophet the wise men in twice and some of them you shall kill and crucify. He said and some of them you shall Scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city-to-city then upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the Earth from the blood of the righteous able to the flu between the temple and the altar God said to the scribes and Pharisees the blood of April you will be held accountable for the blood of Abel. To the blood of Zacharias when you slew between the porch and the altar he said all those senses that that have been the blood should have been going on for centuries. Are you going to be held responsible for it? Because you even though you were not alive when it was killed. When when when when when when when he lost his life, even though many of the prophets you did not kill personally you have shared in this so you will be held responsible for the sins of all those who have gone before you.

Because you have benefited from this sentence. There is something about corporate Kilts and corporate responsibility to Moses. You go to pharaoh of Oppression so that when the Judgment it was being built on it to refuse to change a fuse to put a spot to a stop to it and so he was going to be held responsible.

of his iniquity

gotcha. Come down to deliver you go to Federal and tell him that my people go. This is the man of God the servant of God for the people of God who are being commanded to go to the powers-that-be.

I think many of us have taken up a cheap cop-out politics.

We don't get involved in politics. Excuse me. Didn't God say in the Ten Commandments?

the following

God says Moses you go. You called him to let my people go with dumbbell.

singled out in Target it

it's not that Delhi. All right center do no wrong. Alright. Enjoy Troy. What's guilty of?

That was wrong. That's wrong. What is the pizza for you to spend 9 minutes for you to be a cat for 9 minutes? xbl down

it's not this so you don't deserve to be mistreated at little league so cute.

3 minutes when you have not been moving to keep his knee and his body weight on your throat. It's not that black men have never done anything wrong, but but but you see it. God is a God of Justice. Send it send if we can treat people that way everybody needs to be treated that way. But I tell you what in this country, unfortunately, I almost kept more respect and treatment.

Michael Vick If you type what I'm saying? God

If something is right, it's right for everybody. If something is wrong, it's wrong for everybody.


it said Let Justice roll down. So God does not come down to deliver No Moses you go and tell them to let my people go knock he told him right off the bat. Pharaoh is not let him go. You see we think about the way he told him to go to Pharaoh. First of all because the problem was not just an individual problem. It was a systemic problem. It was inherit in the government. It was inherent in the social system. It was inherited in the justice system. It was inherit his education system. It was inherit the media Elliott all the systems of the culture. It was even inherent in the system.

Every system of society true that Harry in the economic system is the root of all kinds of evil.

You said you go tell Pharaoh because that's up system evil system.

So God said you go. You tell pharaoh to let my people go.

Hugo Hugo Hugo Hugo it's time for the church to be a beat it to the call of God to go. Don't go with violence. Don't go with hating it in your heart you go with love you go with love true love will value the people who are being mistreated, you know, somebody's account yet. Everyone counts. Everyone matters, except Blackman. Ended by the statement that black lives matter.

Jesus said I have come I've come down to deliver and yes, he did and I want to tell you. To save requires a sacrifice and this is something that black people and white people have got to understand for salvation. We are saved by sacrifice. It's going to cost some sacrificing for there to be any positive good to come out of all these blood that have been shipped when you began to follow God because he has to get right with God and try to kill them on the way because you can't just serve God any old way. We got to be right with you. We got to be right with him and so Moses when he went down is required his time requires his courage. He has a sacrifice he had she at the Ritz cuz you go before Pharaoh, man Federal can take you out in a heartbeat. But God says don't you be afraid I will be with you. I will be with you. I'm going to give you a special assignment pick it up again.

Just now put it back and you put it back and pulled it out and it turned back a new and it was beautiful. He said now go I am with you and I will I will be with you cuz I am the one sending you your response because we need to spend time thinking God Christian need to spend time. To the spirit of God stop and speak to us and through us.

I was going to turn into blocks by the spirit of God. Oppression effectively Pizza gospel to the poor you are oppressed.

Mobile Press needs as a people who don't believe anybody comes down.

Maybe 2 weeks and then we got tired go back to normal life because we don't have the Lord is there is Liberty we need to have the power of the Holy Ghost praise God, hallelujah. We need his power and then we need to follow him. We need him to lead us but here's what you need to do. Tell him. This is tell him I'm going to turn this into frogs Judgment of God on the gods of Egypt.

I'm telling you.

And he said let my people go. I just want to praise God today that it took a while it took stay in power. But but but but but I've trained right now in WW1 understand that God has to work to be done. He's going to attack it and perform his judgment when it's going to be playing when the judgment is up there in a cup of iniquity of this nation is full and we are filling up of a cup of iniquity. And when it's full God, it's going to move it like we've never seen covid-19.

Compared to what God. Ellen White says that she was an abolitionist. When you having us out there that wants to call me political or whatever. Well, so be it Ellen White was an abolitionist along with Harriet Tubman wrote that God is going to judge the judge the United States of America for the scent of slavery. And then she made a woman wrote that the Civil War was God's judgment for the sins of black people.

Not a fan and here's the thing. I got to end this right now, but I'mma tell you what, it's not only going to end when laws of change or people are convicted that are truly guilty. That's not the end. Because I am sleeping it all oppression has affected the way we see ourselves in the way we think.

God brought him out of Egypt, but they will not free yet. Dad is a remind set. But that's another message before today. The cries the blood cries have come up before God and he has come down to deliver. But he needs people to ask to represent him some people to stand up some people to be led by the Spirit by the spirit of God and led by the spirit of God hates people who are so filled with got spirits that they won't be able to do the Wonders. Their prayers the enemy and the powers-that-be will be scared of their prince. That's the power of the early church had. And that's what God is willing and looking to do today as he makes up his numbers if anybody is going to be involved in the ending of God's work it be impossible in the finishing up at work and not be involved in the work of deliverance from oppression. I'm going to say it again in the finishing of God's work must be involved in the work of deliverance from oppression.

Jesus said skip mission is a spirit of the Lord is upon me. We have a prophetic message and that prophetic message to call people to Justice and righteousness also with a happy called Chesterfield.

And he is giving up the Elijah message to call people to righteousness kingpins Powers people that have been given responsibility to rude and to train them to enforce Justice to call them to righteousness. And so today God is making up his numbers. It really is. I prayed today. That you have heard this work. That you've received it. If you would seek God earnestly in prayer so that we can receive his holy spirit. The holy spirit is about the difference and Liberation individually and corporate lease and systemic.

Father in heaven

We are living in the last days and we see the cup of iniquity of this country stealing up. There are systems every system of this Society has been poisoned. It is it is it is it Lord and it is cancerous. With racism every system of government the justice system education system the entertainment system lord of the Media communication systems in this country the systems as well polluted. What the sin of Oppression?

Economic system certainly is our God every system. and so today we come before you.

To ask for mercy and forgiveness.

We may have never shed. Someone's blood with our own hands. But if we have done nothing. Would like the rest of those officers that may not have put their knees. Saint George Floyd's throat they were implicit because they supported the actions that went for. And we are guilty when we do nothing until God. We are praying right now for your mercy. We pray for your mercy on those officers. We pray for your mercy on the looters and the people that have acted in anger and rage. God we are praying for your mercy on so many in our country and we have been guilty.

button action

Yes, but your Mercy North. We also pray. For the spirit of God to convicted of sin righteousness and judgment. We're praying God for the spirit of God to to come and to fill our hearts to purchase a fear to purchase of self-preservation to purchase of greed to purchase God of making an idol of our own Comforts to purge of selfishness and their willingness to sacrifice two people could be saved and delivered us deliver. Go God God. We are praying right now for your spirit to take over we hear you saying that you have heard the cries of your children the blood Cries Out And that you have seen the misery and you have come down to deliver old God. We're asking you to have mercy on us Lord speak to us and speak through us. So that we can be agents in your hands in the last days to call people. Tamal sin to righteousness Olsen not some but all to righteousness so that we would be ready for the second coming of the Lord. The Moments One your word says that people are condemned who not who may not have committed sins, but they took pleasure in the ones that did.

God we ask for your grace and your mercy and for the convicting power of the Holy Spirit today. Don't be also praying that the spirit of God would work to come from.

Every family that has and every person that has been experiencing mistreatment. abuse depression those families that have lost loved ones. People that been locked up unjustly and unfairly. Oh God, we are praying for a move of the Holy Spirit today. Not just for religious liberty, but for all Liberty.

We want to be channels and agents of freedom and deliverance in your hands. Be wonderful still Jesus mission statement as a people of God and the gospel liberates and we thank you for that dick on it. So we worship you going to be honored you right now. in the name of Jesus our lord and I'll save you.

Lord have mercy on a country. Oh God required for mercy. quit crying for Mercy hooker Save us from ourselves. Save us from the Nile. Who got from speed from self-love and self-hate? Buca make us like you

in Jesus name

we pray.

Every life counts every life matters not only here in this life.

but if you so counts God says he's not willing that any should perish. But that all should come to repentance racism is America's weapon of mass destruction.

We need to become Victorville. That is a word now.

We need the grace of God. the love of God

and the help of God

So may God have mercy on us. And make us channels.

a blessing so that we can help people to be saved. that deliver Bye. I sacrifice. We needed Spirit to fill us with love even for people that are hate. We need to love our brothers and sisters anybody that is a human being you need to love Abby Carlos of their color of their skin. As we seek to do God's will. In confronting the system of evil. We need the love of God. to motivate

and you will be going fine.

I want to ask you to not just in this time. I talkin about this message whether you like it or not. I want to invite everybody Wherever You Are.

Capri right now

Racism is a stronghold in America.

It's strongholds will never be broken just by protest that needs to be purchased, but it's going to take more. stronghold exist in the hearts of people

They can only overcome the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 10:13. The weapons of our Warfare are not carnal But Mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds casting down every imagination and every High thing that exalts itself above the Throne of God self-exaltation white superiority is not of God. It is people exalting themselves and their race above God. It is the height of pride.

And it's Robin. It's been robbing generations of people. Black and white film experience in the liberty and the joy of loving the way God called us to love and respecting and valuing each other's lives.

He says casting down every imagination and every High thing that exalts itself above doing this guy is fixing people's minds. He says I'm bringing every thought captive to The Obedience of Christ.

So we understand that we are of equal value because you all made in God's image. equal value strongholds will be broken.

Therefore we need to be treated equally.

I want to ask you right now Wherever You Are. If you drive me. Keep your eyes open or pull off to the side to pray. I want to invite you to join me in praying right now. Do you want to pray your prayer pleading the blood of Jesus is the only way that Got to put an end to the Bloodshed is that he sent his son? Who said he literally came down to deliver us and he shed his blood to put an end to the bloodshed. He shed his blood.

in order and his blood continues to cry out before God In fact when we pray we need to present his blood to God. Thank God because of Jesus blood we need you to in Bloodshed. We need you to end hate. We need you to bring in righteousness. Because of your sacrifice don't want to bite you right now to join me in praying and pleading the blood of Jesus over yourself. What were your family?

Over a cities a nation of government leaders our justice system and the system that oppress and mystery.

And then I want to ask you to pray. for the Holy Spirit We need the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They ain't no Liberty without the Holy Ghost. It would just change forms, and we seen that throughout history.

Slavery was ended the black book or not free cuz it could not function in a free Society. So you need to be Construction Construction, but couldn't vote. You know when we was 3/5 of a person, I mean it just changes form.

The spirit of Oppression is got to be evicted from the heart. And that can only happen by the Holy Spirit. someone invite you right now to pray and plead the blood of Jesus over your stuff on the family and our nation and our country invite you to how do you spell the Holy Spirit starting with yourself?

Cuz I pray for myself and then our families the spirit of violence and hatred and oppression, you know hoes that got to go. That can happen only by the spirit. What good is it if I'm free? In this country, but I'm impressed in my home. I'm not free, but I'm I I'm a prisoner in my own house phone. Let's pray for our family our city. Our city leaders are Judges people that will be serving at times It's Judy's. We need people to respond to the spirit of God, but the Bible when the church gets filled with the spirit of God, the world will be convicted of sin. John 16 verse 7 says and when the spirit has come upon you upon the church, the world would be convicted of sin part of the lack of conscience in the world is because the church has not been filled with the Holy Ghost.

So we need to pray for the Holy Spirit upon the gods people. It also put out country. I'm about to join me in prayer right now. If you got to go you got to go, you know, a service has been over but listen nothing is going to turn around until we start praying and seeking God would happen. If you just continue a little longer to seek your face right now though. This is not about a program is not about a service. We recognize that nothing will change it will change forms, but it will just become find another way to accomplish the same thing father. We are needing your blood to cover us. We want to thank you that God ultimately came down in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus came down.

And in any he literally gave his life, he sacrificed his life to save us from every destructive oppressive evil power of God of evil spirit and we just want to thank you right now Lord, and we acknowledge that we need your blood. We need your blood. We need your blood to speak to our house. We need your blood to speak at the place of judgment where our names come up. We need your blood to speak with thank you that in Hebrew to test the blood of Christ still speaking and it speaks louder than Abel's blood. We thank you that your blood speaks louder than George Floyd blood and and and and Eric Gardner's blood your blood speaks louder because with your blood speaks folks are forgiven when your blood speaks that God's eternal life is is extended. Oh God when your blood speaks. People are absolved of guilt and experience the peace of God speaks to our hearts. We can forgive our family members and we can forgive those that I've heard us and stews evangelist at those things that thicken your blood speaks. We can forgive ourselves for mistreating other people. We need your blood to speak to please cover up but the blood of Jesus just as the blood was put on the doorpost of the homes of the children of Israel was neutral lip Ranch without the blood and we acknowledge right now. We thank you for your blood or God and we plead your blood over ourselves there Lord in the name of Jesus. Oh God coverage with your blood cover us with your righteousness. We can never make the wrong without the blood of Jesus or God and the sacrifice you gave to save us from every destructive. Oppressive 4th and spirit of God. We also want to continue to play it right now. We plead the blood over our children over our sons and our daughters over our wives and her husband got me, please the blood of Jesus Lord over our city and our nation Lord. Give us not what we deserve. We plead the blood of Jesus.

Thank you for sharing your blood and lie down your life. So that we could be transformed. God we want to acknowledge that we need your spirit to take over us. We need to be filled with your spirit your your your your heart filled with the spirit of God. That Spirit of Holiness that Spirit of justice that Spirit of righteousness of God that bring love and joy and peace and gentleness and goodness and meekness and space itself control. We need to Spirit that gives Liberty the spirit of healing to people that have been injured and broken hearted. Oh God have mercy on us Lord we please for the spirit of God right now in our lives Upon Our Family. Children right now who God we need your spirit today. Have your way Lord have your way have your way have your way Holy Spirit? We need you to delivery. Tear Down the song goes destroy every yoke it'll much it all heart. The people that build in the lead and hold the systems together or God of Justice and judgement.

And lead us into all truth cuz you said if we know the truth the truth will set us free. So make a spirit of Truth have his way in our hearts and in our lives that God. We just want to thank you right now Lord lead us. Show us what to do show us who to call who talked to who to confront who to pray for. Who loves who challenged who to correct? Who did discipline? Oh God.

Chicken with a spirit of delighting murderous deceitful Spirit of the enemy and give us your sweet Holy Spirit.

Adidas oh God

It's a patch of righteousness and will be careful to give you all the glory the honor and the praise. in Jesus name


I want to thank you today.

For spending this time with us.

I was going to pre-record this message today because of some technical challenges. We haven't I started to do it this morning. But got interrupted that told me to come down to the church and just just do it live from here. I want to thank him for showing up.

It's not done. It shows up to deliver. That have delivered you personally don't want forgiveness from hate from fear from envy and jealousy.

If you've been blessed by this word today send a text messaging Alex. Can you put the number up on screen for me? Send a text message in today? Share your name. Cher whatever God has done for you how we can pray for you and pray with you. Contact just sent us a text message. and dumb if you want to know more about how you can be filled with the spirit of God, you you send us that finish your email we will We will help you. List the steps of the journey will be filled and led by the holy spirit that Spirit of truth that Spirit of comfort of healing and restoration. We love you and may God bless you and keep you until we meet again. We are planning a Capital City Church to be virtually again next week. In fact, you probably be meeting at least for the next couple weeks or so. More and literature conference is currently have a camp meeting virtually the last weekend of jeans from Wednesday through Sabbath. Okay, you'll be hearing more about that but God is with us. And let us let him lead us. being channels of healing the difference and Liberation in our families. I was City and our nation. by the power of the spirit of God I'm so the God bless you and we can close out today with the song.

Alex if you can


appraise team today God is good. And we thank him and reason for its presence and for all that he has done. And so today may God bless you and keep you. Until we meet again.

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