The Letters to the Seven Churches, (Part 11) Revelation 2-3: the Letter to Philadelphia 3:6-13

The Letters to the Seven Churches, Revelation 2-3 • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 43:24
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The head v. 7
o Holy--Linked to YHWH
o Reality
o Authority
o Sovereign
The opportunity, v. 8
o The fact
o The meaning
o The appropriateness of the figure “open door”
o The place of the open door
o Preparation for an open door
o How do they qualify?
• Personal weakness
• Personal obedience
• Did not deny His name
The future vv. 9-11
o Relative to their present, v. 9
o Relative to the tribulation, v. 10
A promise vv. 12-13
Open door (opportunity)
Does not mean absence of opposition
Not necessarily mean permanent opportunity
Existence of need is not necessarily an open door
The Lord’s imminent return is used two ways in the New Testament
To warn
To comfort