The Orgin of Man- Part 1
Hello and welcome to the Daily Grind. It's a Ministry of Faith Baptist Church here in El Paso, Texas. It is a daily podcast with myself and Andy bits go on a walk with Christ. We are starting a brand new series this week titled the origin of man. It's going to be a multi-part series. So we hope that you enjoy it and give us some feedback on our comments send a email you can email me directly at Steve at KJV media. Online and I'll let us know if you want us to change something or if you appreciate what we're doing or are you just want to say this is horrible wear if your they listen to you so talking on the first topic that we're going to be doing we're going to be discussing. The first man that Adam was created super naturally and directly and we're going to be looking first of all at the first couple verses is Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 through 27, and God said, let us make man in our own image. Our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over the Earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon Earth Converse number 27. It says so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them so baseball God wanted to create man in his own image in his own likeness. So the only account that we have is got itself. Okay, and God himself created man and female now. We want to take another step. Look forward on the Supernatural part of man. I'm a Supernatural part of man creating Supernatural part of God created man directly and we're going to look at the point of where she had talks about how he forms man from the ground and that he breathes into his nausea. If we look in disgust in Genesis chapter number two and verse number 7. It says right here that in the Lord for the man of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and Man became a living soul that a little bit further today again. I'm just giving you an overview and we're going to be discussing the first man Adam and how he has created super naturally and directly now. We also look at and a Matthew 19:4 and I'm just going to read these verses to you right now. It's Remy's is cussing in more depth is that and he answered and said unto them. Have you not read that which made them at the beginning made them male and female so there's a real account during the Old Testament and the New Testament of the creation of man and that it was created. And that it was truthful and Jesus affirms this this account he can he affirms his conviction of the truthfulness of this account when he asked Durrett Pharisees. Okay, like he said in Matthew 19:4 and we just want to show that with this knowledge and with his understanding it is all based from the Bible. Obviously. I'm not going to be giving you any kind of humanistic point of view. I'm just showing you directly from the Bible and the purpose of this is really to give you fuel or to give you a knowledge of these things because I know many of us throughout our day we get in contact with many people and many people asses the weirdest questions, you know, they may well, you know, where's man from and then, you know, you could go and into your Bible and you can look up Is versus which we're going to be discussing in the next couple days and you'll be able to address those things because a lot of times we get pushed into this is our role as being a Christian and it is there's no news. No problem with saying this but you know, we are supposed to present the gospel to others. Okay. We are we're supposed to spread God's word and you know show them that they are sinners and show them that Christ's sacrifice on the cross for that sin and he rose again, and he is preparing A Place For Us in heaven, that is our job, but we also have to be ready to give an answer. And sometimes when we do get these questions, we're not ready to give an answer and I'm not saying that everyone's going to be standing there. We're just know we're going to be bookworms. We're going to be studying and studying and studying and we're just waiting for that answer because I come across and I get asked all the time of questions. I don't have answers to and what it does for me and encourages me to study more. It encourages me to listen to other resources and I just want this to be another resource out there for people to listen and educate and be prepared because in today's world today's specific World here in 2020. People are curious and people drive to find answers either. It's through the internet through Google or through podcast like this or through media platforms. Like YouTube people are looking for an answer and sometimes when they if they're not so suave in in finding that answer on those multi media platforms. They're going to ask you directly or they may ask you indirectly what what do you mean indirectly I'm asking about and I'm explaining sometimes and I and I have many groups on Facebook and Facebook. I have a church group of a private group and I have a other so many groups and sometimes people ask me questions indirectly through faith Facebook and you know, I have to I have to be able to know where I can find the source or know where I can find this answer and so I'm just giving you another tool in your toolbox and everything. I want you to notice that Is overview and with this course, is there going to be a lot longer podcast? We're getting a lot more information and a lot more research has taken place. I know when we originally started the Daily Grind. We wanted to have a podcast Monday through Friday. We're making every attempt to do that to make sure to and to attempt to make sure that we can be listen to Monday through Friday, but sometimes some lessons are a little bit longer than others and we want to do that for you can be readily available and we can put contacts really available to you and we want to put as much research as we possibly can and prepper preparing for itself as you as a listener, which would I ask you to do is please go to wherever you get your podcast from and click follower. Please kick click on Father. What's some magic stuff happens when you click on a follower number one. And all those that hate I have more than one person listening to me number to it allows each podcast as they are being published you and meet Lee get notified. Okay, so like before you would go and look at the podcast on Monday through Friday, and you'll be sitting there and you'll be like, okay today's Monday, so I know he publishes is around this time. You can listen to podcast that might not be the case right now. It may be on one day a week 3 days a week 5 days a week 6 days a week as we research and prepare ourselves to give you information. Just please be a follower if you rarely available from Wendy's podcast get published. And I really want to encourage everyone to be a follower. I really do like and appreciate the listeners that we do have even though it's just one. I really appreciate that guy or girl that's listening to us and you know, please by all means let us know so I kind of gave an overview of what the what the section we're going to be talking about today how we're trained to this platform to what we are going to be utilizing now and where you as the listener fit in. Okay and me and Andy as a host, we're just going to be giving you information. We're going to be discussing about certain things obviously today and he's not with me but another episodes he will be there and he'll be able to give that young perspective. Now. You know, I get a lot of talk. Why does Andy give that young perspective because that's our future generation. That's who's going to I'm replaceable. He's could replace me to replace you. So he needs to be in his generation needs to be a part and part of the conversation no matter what it a lot of people say what what does he know? Well, he might surprise you. I've been around this kid and ever since he surprises me everyday like it can tell and and he's not here with me right now while I'm recording this, but Andy is a very intellectual individual. He's a lot more intellectual than me his father. He can articulate and describe certain topics that I can't and so I leaned on him like I would as any leader would if you have a weakness as a leader you need a fee around good people that can fill in fill that void and Andy fields in that boy. He gets to give that interaction articulate and gets his perspective as a A young adult really in this world today specially with the multimedia and depression social pressures that with hold on his shoulders. So let me go ahead and dive into this in those last enough and I want to bring to your question to your attention that Genesis chapter 1 which deals with Creation in totality and that is primarily associated with the trading with the crate in God and in Genesis 2 on the other hand focuses particularly on the creation of mankind God's image bear. You know, that that's a really an important thing because you know, we have the foundation ain't and got is a so organized, you know, this is so so well set. I mean, he's God but Steve UniFirst he starts with the Falmouth days in the forming of the heavens and the Earth and every creepy thing and every creature. That's a pain. Earth and then he Transitions and goes into creation of the man why because the man is the God's image bear and it's primarily associated with the cover guard screws moral character His Image BearShare. So, you know God created the Heaven and the Earth increases man that has his image on this man and his moral bearing on this man and that's just a beautiful thing with that, you know in Genesis 2, we have a sequence that begins rather than ends with man Trees Animal and women. However, the sequence is orally logically but not chronologically as in Genesis 1 so if we look at Genesis 1 It's it's chronologically. And we have days we have set times we have we have positions that are that are being set in place chronologically as for Genesis to as we look into this. We see that it's rather a sequence, you know, we talked about me and we talked about trees and talk about animals and we talked about man, So there's a difference in writing between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2, when we going to Genesis 3 receive that the the purpose of the purpose purpose of Genesis 3 is to set the stage for a man's fall into sin. Okay. So, you know, we are supplementary details from Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 as for talking about the garden and talking about the trees and talking about the woman and you know the way Women being the accomplice of the man in the prime target of Temptation and you know, when were talking about the garden were talk about what where the fall took place when we're talking about the trees the objects of God's revelation. So those things were going to be discussing a little bit as we go into the lesson now, there's some other things I'm trying to draw to us here as an overview is that you know Genesis 2 is not a second account of the creation story, but rather the beginning of what happens to the Heaven and the Earth after their creation. So like I said the foundation Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 brings us that story brings us that formula brings us fourth of all the objects are in Genesis 1, he now can take me 20 in Genesis chapter 2 and so forth So it's you know, when I first started to look at this, I looked at as in production of you know of a play. You know, you have your people that come in on the road, you know throughout the day with their hammers nails and and power tools and they're creating a set and they're creating all everything you could possibly think about on that set. They're doing the trees are doing that the mountains they're doing the lands are doing the grounds are doing the gazebos are doing the benches are doing the house of every now and then from there from what they made on the stage tells a story or tells the events that takes place now, that's what God's doing here. God is creating in chapter one that heaven and earth and in the man and the woman in the animals in the in the in the trees. And then there were going on into time. So, you know, I just want to address this one thing right here. We're talking about creation. It wasn't over a certain amount of time of us millions of millions of years. It was done at one is in in days and it was gone within days and that was the creation and then 4th. Okay. So let's go into our first point that were trying to discuss here. And I'm going to skip some of these verses here because I already told you verbally is the creation of man was direct and immediate if I draw your attention to Genesis chapter 1. Okay, it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth it immediately suggests that it was a super natural creation. Okay, all the creative acts of God were instantaneous. Meaning that once he spoke it it happened. Okay. Also, it was a supernatural if we going to Genesis chapter 1 verse number 21, it says and God created great whales and every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind in every wing fell after his time and God saw that it was good. Let's go ahead and 2 verse 427 it says so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he All right, it's all God created man. Immediate God and God created great whales immediate and in the beginning God created so that were traded where were talking about. It was a creation that was Supernatural that happen immediately. Now, let's look at it. For instance in Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7. It says here that that in the Lord God formed man of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and Man became a living Soul now the Lord God, okay, he formed okay, man, he formed me in from the ground. Okay, and I hear God does not does the immediate Foreman. There is no process or second causation is implied Also. Let's look at the text and that God of Brie. The wife Breath of Life into Adams nostrils in this verse of Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7. It says down here at the the middle towards the end. It says and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and Man became a living soul. No, I want to show that that's a direct act. Okay, and there is no intermediate in an intermediary object or activity that came between God's breathing and the newly-formed body of man. God formed Man Out of the Dust of the ground and he literally took man him to man and breathe directly into his nostrils and at that moment into taneously instantly Man became a living Soul. Okay, so I wanted to show you that while we're discussing but also man's body was created from previously existing inorganic matter. We talked about this net last first a little bit, but I want to take you into another another portion of this and we want to talk about that dust. That we saw and Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 the dust with which God made and his body was ordinary ground Earth or dirt. Now God and God created Adams body on the sixth day from the dirt that he created or the dust he created on day number one and it brings you back to what I originally said that they won or Genesis 1. Okay, we he created everything there and then I'm not completely everything but it was in those days. He created the Heaven the Earth in that that dirt when he created the Earth. He was going to create man out of that Earth. Which brings me to this one point. that every substance Every particle every little thing about you God created. It doesn't say that God went and grabbed this other substance from another place John went to a substance or went to a went to an inorganic matter existing in organic matter that he already created informed man out of that. So the so if we go and we look at Genesis chapter 3 verse number 19. I'm going to read it to you in the sweat of thy face down shut down to eat bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it. What waist rust Dow taken from dust Thou Art and unto dust shalt doubt return now that dust The term there dust you shall return want to look at my notes here and I have that that doesn't that Earth are interchangeable. Like I discussed a little bit earlier nor does it denote or does it also show that Elementary a representation with which was in town until danabol for us as Reserve readers to presume that unintelligent meaning that as readers. We should we should acknowledge and understand and take no question. No heir of this that that dust. Okay is the ground is his for dust Thou Art and unto dust shalt doubt return. Meaning that when we are when God created us. He took that dirt. Okay, and he took that dirt and he made us but also when we die when we return to that dirt, okay, so I just just want attention. Everything about us everything created everything that we could look at within our body was created by God in every way. Now the creation of man was also Supernatural. So we're going to look at this God use previously existing matter, which we talked about in the active man's creation was no less creative or direct. A direct in Supernatural than those acts that were technically okay, there were technical in fact, if you look at Adam and Eve's creation. I want to take a look at the birds that were being used. Okay. If so, I'm going to take you first of all to Genesis chapter number 7 verse 1 verse 7. It says in God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters with her above the firmament and it was soaked. I want you to look at that verb. What's the verb it's made? Okay. Made that okay. Also, I want you to take another look into Genesis. I believe we have chapter 2 verse number 8 and it says and the Lord God planted a garden Eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed. So if we take into consideration of Genesis chapter 7, I mean Genesis chapter 1 in verse number 7 and I went out to include there that that would make with Genesis chapter 1 verse number 296 which I'll read and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the Earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth that word mate. Okay, and that word create is is the exact same verbs and incense and I'm text that I'm creating the man in making the female in his own image. Okay. So if we we look at their that Genesis chapter 2 speaks of Adam and Eve's being respected. Formed that we saw in Genesis chapter 2 verse number 8 and Dallas that was a built-in in Genesis chapter 2 inverse number 22, which I'll read and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man-made. He a woman and brought her unto man. So we look at that word again made May create a mate or direct in that God did those things? Okay and insured we just want to show Basics In Nomine enemy between the verbs that are being used. Okay again, we're looking at build or like straight or looking at for all those words show that it's less than direct or Supernatural creation. Okay. But also we want to take it to the next point where Adam Spirit was created by a direct in breathing from God review, but the breath of life was much more than air rushing into Adams lungs. Okay. It was actually the creation of his Spirit and the image of God and how it was being infused into him. Okay, and let's go ahead and look at this and I'm going to bring in some other things and involved but we're going to look at Joe chapter number 33 verse number for in the spirit of God has made me and the breath of the almighty have given me light and we're going to look at one of Joseph's conversations part and it does seem to indicate the same idea when he says the spirit of God has made me in this in those Spirit of the almighty gives me life the life here. Is is the life principle of mankind? It's a personal it's a human life in the image of God, which is given and sus a sustained by the Holy Spirit. Now this life was supernaturally and miraculously given by God to the first man and is in his meditate appropriate to each member of the human race. So, you know, the spirit of God, it is something that you know, really we have no choice in the sense that our bodies are filled with the spirit of God that meaning what what do you mean I mean with that means we have an acknowledgement that they're there is a God. I mean, you know, how do you manage bring humanism into evolved into all this and you know tries to squish all of the all everything that that is being that is being introduced or being explain directly from the word of God, but we are have we have the breath of life that was directly from God himself. Now I want to show the next point of where we have atoms individual personhood that's resulted from the union of the body and of the spirit now it was not until the spirit join the body when when Adam received breath from God OK into existence. That we had that the spirit join the body before then. He was nothing. He had no Evolution Durand Cesery prior to his direct creation by God and a number 6. Okay. Adam had no physical life apart from his spiritual life as God's image barrier. That is with God breathing Adam became a living personal being mean. Let's look at this in the scent if that when he was created, he was just the image. Okay, but went when God breathed into him. He became a living human being and if we take a look in Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7 again in the Lord God formed man of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and Breath of Life. Okay, when that Breath of Life came in to Adam, he became a living Soul he became a human being he became a man a fre will okay. So those things we're breathe into us by God then went on to bring with all this. Okay, because I think this is good that we talked about, you know where man started and so forth. Is that we are still that same man today, okay. Well, let me take that back, I want to pull that back. Okay, we're not perfect like Adam is right here. We are the fall of Man. Okay, but I want to bring to the point that God created us. Okay. God formed us from the ground and then they breathed his life into us and that life is something that is important. Life is something that should not be taken away. I think of that life how it gets created in a woman's body is life. There is no time. Okay. All right. It is it is just completely done when two cells reach together and I'm not I'm not no doctor, but I'm just saying that that's wife. Okay wife doesn't start after 9 years 9 months. Okay as we look in here, you know, God directly and Supernatural. He did it. God still today directly crates wife today. And that's something we should not take for sake and something we should not bring damage to which we should abort that life. Some of the other things that I want to talk about. Is that God's every intention when he breathes life into US was to live and worship and serve him. That was every intention he had. And up know as we go into this lesson. We talked about the fall of Man but you know, that was his intention. His intention was always for us to worship and serve him and to be perfect. So I hope you really enjoyed today's lesson. You can always reach us and see us and get more information from us at Faith Baptist. El Paso. Org and you can always go to a bar Bible studies that are on Tuesday nights at 7:30 p.m. Mountain standard time. You can just email me directly and I'll send you a video on how this takes place and how you can enroll at Steve at KJV media. Online. Also, please like I mentioned before click follower and you won't miss an episode share this with everyone remember our ministry can't go as far until you reach it. We're only going to the next set of ears. So please send our ministry as far as we possibly can and also Thank you from Faith Baptist Church here in El Paso, Texas. Good day.