Don't Murder
10 Comandments • Sermon • Submitted
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The making of man.
Immediate Context
Immediate Context
The verb for murder here includes premeditated and malicious killing and killing out of foolish negligence. It is never used to describe the killing of animals.
OT Context
OT Context
Murder is an attack on God: Gen 9:6
Murder contradicts redemption: The Exodus
Murder includes negligent homicide: Ex 21:28-29; Deut 22:8
Murder includes suicide: Judges 9:50-57; 1 Sam 31:1-7; Matt 27:3-10
Murder includes abortion: Ps 139:13; Exod 21:22-24
Murder includes euthanasia: Ps 41:1
Murder doesn’t include self defense: Ex 22:2-3
Murder doesn’t include capitol punishment: Gen 9:6; Rom 13:4
Murder doesn’t include just war: Luk 3:14
NT Context
NT Context
Jesus gives God’s interpretation of the sixth commandment: Matt 5:21-26
It is an attack on God: James 3:9
The sinful root of murder is hatred and such hatred is inconsistent with a Christians profession: 1 John 3:15
Fulfillment in Christ
Fulfillment in Christ
Christ came to fulfill the Law: Matt 5:17
He was innocent of all sin: Heb 4:15; James 2:10
He underwent murder for Us: Acts 2:23
He never expressed hatred or unrighteous anger against anyone. He loved those who hated Him: Rom 5:1-8
He suffered the curse for those who broke the Law: Deut 21:22-23; Gal 3:13
He redeemed us to reflect His image: Col 3:9-10
Do not murder by intentionally taking another life
Do not murder by negligently taking another life
Do not murder by hating someone
Do not murder by protecting others
Do not murder by assisting others
The making of man