Do Not Commit Adultery: Deut 5:18
“If God wants me to be happy, and my spouse makes me sad, then I should find happiness elsewhere, even if it means breaking my vows to be faithful in marriage.”
Adultery is no longer discussed as sin or wickedness but merely as “inappropriate behavior.” How wrong that is! Inappropriate behavior is wearing blue jeans to a black tie dinner; adultery is sin!
Biblical Context
Christ’s Fulfillment
The seventh commandment convicts us that we are guilty of idolatry and abandoning Christ, our faithful husband. It tells us we are guilty of adulterous thoughts, sexual misconduct, and unbiblical divorce. It tells us we fail to love Christ and our spouses as we should. Beloved, when we sense the Law’s condemnation, let us flee to Christ, the faithful one who never looked at a woman with lust, who was never guilty of sexual misconduct, and who has been faithful to His bride, the church, loving her and laying down His life for her. As Paul says, Christ has cleansed, washed, and sanctified us. He has borne the condemnation of the Law on our behalf and freed us from its curse. As Paul tells us, we have been freed from the Law and are married to one another so that we can bear fruit unto God. Let us therefore strive to shine forth the image of Christ, which renews us day by day in our marriage to Christ, our marriage to our spouses, and in our sexual conduct.