He Came as a Baby
He Came as a Baby
December 11, 2002
Valley Christian School Chapel
December 23, 2001
Valley Assembly, Spokane, WA
He came as a baby.
He could have come as the conquering hero. He could have ridden into Jerusalem on a white horse and declared himself the Messiah. Or he could have chosen to arrive in an Italian-made business suit, and simply stride into Times Square in New York City and command our attention.
He did not come as the conquering hero, or the Wall Street tycoon.
He chose to come as a baby.
Jesus did not come as an architect in order to show us how to build bigger and better buildings.
No, Jesus came as the Rock, the foundation upon which we can safely build our lives.
Jesus did not come as a musician in order to teach us to sing.
But Jesus did come as the Song, the Eternal Song, which was first sung by God the Father at creation, and was echoed by the Angels on that first Christmas night.
Jesus did not come as an economist to help us accumulate wealth and riches.
But, He did come as our provider—and all good things come from Him—and He will provide just what we need.
Jesus did not come as a philosopher in order to utter poetic, but empty words.
But Jesus did come as a poor intenerate preacher, and gave us the richest sermons ever preached.
Jesus did not come as a politician to overthrow corrupt governments.
But He did come to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and then to establish a heavenly Kingdom of which we are citizens.
Jesus did not come as a mariner to sail uncharted seas.
But He did come to calm the storm, and walk on the water.
Jesus did not come as a university professor in order to be published, read and acclaimed.
Rather, Jesus came as a teacher and told simple, yet profound, stories of His Heavenly Kingdom.
Jesus did not come as a doctor to discover new medical miracles.
No, Jesus came as the great physician, to bring sight to the blind and to make the lame walk again.
Jesus did not come as a military general to lead us into war and gain victory over our political enemies.
But He did come as the Prince of Peace and will one day, in His time, bring peace to the entire world.
Jesus did not come as a scientist to hypothesize, research and develop better ways of living.
Jesus came as the creator of all life, with science and nature being subject to Him.
Jesus did not come as a psychologist in order to psychoanalyze and theorize human behavior.
But He did come to be our Counselor, to bring us comfort, to give us forgiveness of sin and to be our best friend.
Jesus did not come as a celebrity so that we would publicize, advertise and merchandise his image.
Jesus came as the Savior, so that we would honor Him, esteem Him and worship Him.
But first… Jesus came as a baby
He came as a baby… and Mary and Joseph both needed to make major adjustments in their lives in order to have God living in their house.
He came as a baby… so that the Inn Keeper, along with the rest of the world would be asked to make room for Him.
He came as a baby… so that the angels could bring the most incredible birth announcement ever heard.
He came as a baby… so that the lowly shepherds would be the first to hear the good news.
He came as a baby… so that even wealthy wise men from afar could see His star, and come to worship Him.
He came as a baby… so that even Herod would be required to choose whom he would serve; God or himself.
He came as a baby… whose future was sealed in heaven before the foundations of the world were laid.
God so loved the world… that He gave us a baby.
He gave us a baby who grew to be a man; a man who was and is The Cornerstone, The Eternal Song, our Provider, our King, our Master, our Teacher, the Great Physician, Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, our Savior, our Hope and our Friend.
Like Mary and Joseph will you make the necessary adjustments in your life to allow God to live in your house? Will you, like the shepherds run to Jesus and worship Him? Will you, like the wise men, follow the star of Bethlehem? Will you bow to the King of the Universe?
One thing is for sure. Like Herod, you are given a choice. A choice to serve God… or not.
God so loved the world that… He gave us a baby.
God so loved the world… that He gave us a choice.