Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers

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Good morning. I want to welcome you and your family to Sunday school this morning. This is the first time that we've actually had Sunday School online. I'm going to try and keep this my teaching you about 20 minutes this morning and give you and your family the rest of the 45-minute class time to discuss amongst yourselves. This class is for all ages. So we hope that you parents will take a few minutes and discuss the lesson with your children and answer any questions that they may have we're teaching out of the Gospel Project Director Sunday school books just as if you were in your individual class, but here were teaching it more to family style with words together. If you don't have your literature, it's at the back of the Family Life Center that and we will have it. You can pick it up this morning at worship service or goodbye during the week if you can get in the Family Life Center. Let's take a moment to pray at this time. Lord thank you for the opportunity and the technology to be able to come together as families and as a church family to have Sunday school this morning may this time honor and glorify you made it touch someone this morning the needs to have a come to a better understanding in a better relationship with you Lord. And as we look at the leopards this morning, that would be with us through this Daily Guide and direct us and everything to do we do and say then maybe to your honor your glory put this in your holy name we pray. Amen. So today we're going to start a new quarter over the next three months we're going to be looking at Jesus Jesus Life Through The Eyes of the gospels and Jesus walked this Earth for a little over 30 years and what he did while he was on the earth mattered and it still matters today. And he did what we will never be able to do. He lived a perfect life in perfect obedience to God the Father. It is by his grace that the moment when we trust in him. He not only takes away our sins, but he gives us his righteousness so that we can stand before a holy God.

In 2nd Corinthians 5:21 Paul tells us he made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in him. What is saying here is God made him when it says made him is Jesus Christ. So God made Jesus who was sinless is sinless Sun.

To be send on our behalf, which is what the nasb says dsv says for our sake and then k j v says for us. So is for us for our sake Christ did this on our behalf and God the Father made? Is the one that talked to Jesus Christ Jesus Christ was glorified.

Jesus Takes our sins for everyone who believes in him and the fact that Jesus is taking her sins and given us his righteousness is a gift that we should tell everyone and want to share with everyone and to bring them to a knowledge of Christ The Border points to Jesus Christ as the Messiah. He is the Son of God who came lived died and rose again so that we may have eternal life with God the Father instead of eternal life eternally separated from God.

Play today today's lesson comes from Luke chapter 17 verses 11 through 19 in the title of this lesson is Jesus heals the 10 lepers. And for most of Jesus's Ministry on Earth. He was surrounded by various crowds of people some came to hear his teachings in others came to see his miracles. And saw him at the end of the road at the end of their lives didn't have nothing. They came searching for a new life in Jesus Christ. Just like today can give that new life.

With every fiber of our being we should be thankful to God for everything in our lives through all the bad or all the good and the bad witch is told to us in 1st Thessalonians 5:18. And not merely to say the words but actually fulfill those words and James 1:17 says it says that every good and perfect gift is from him and Romans 8:28 says that he God is Sovereign over everything. Therefore we should have an attitude of gratitude and should cultivate that mine said as Believers through our small groups through Sunday school church and everything that we do through our lives. So bring coming to our first point this morning and firmly leads to desperate cries to Jesus for mercy, and we see that in Luke in the first three verses hear of Luke 17 11 through 13, and those say on the way to Jerusalem. He was passing along between Samaria and Galilee and as he entered the village he was met by 10 lepers who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices saying Jesus Master have mercy on us.

Is we look at Jesus's ministry here today?

We're looking at the map and this map will use throughout this quarter. But we see Galilee Samaria Judea the different parts of Israel here and we're looking in the last map a better map here. And what I wanted to get to hear is the Samaritans as we've talked about previously hated by the Jews. They thought they were done that the Samaritans were the lowest of the low. And and we'll talk a little more about the Samaritans a little bit later. But the point here is that hated them so much that they actually wouldn't go through most of the time do not go through Samaria. The Jews would go around and they would cross over the Jordan River and go down the other side of the Jordan River just so they wouldn't have to walk through Samaria. And that's what we see here by the arrows pointing says that Jesus passed between Samaria and Galilee that's you can see the trail there. He crosses over to Jordan.

So looking at the leftovers here at to be a leper was to be an outcast and we see this in Leviticus chapter 13 through 14 and also in and number 5 verses 2 and 3 that God instructs the law of God's law instructs the community to separate themselves from the the disease, but it was not primarily the communities responsibilities here. It actually was the lepers themselves that they were separated and we know we should kind of feel this today and have a better understanding of this with the cobras versus or Kobe going on and everything and the fact that we've been isolating ourselves.

Are isolation that we've experienced over the last couple months is nothing compared to how the lepers were isolated. And so As if the disease were not bad enough. They had the self-imposed social exile. And I had to do it themselves are responsible for doing that. So the lepers War toward close and let their hair go route, and we're required to cry out unclean unclean as people approached. And they also had to live outside of the camper outside of the city wherever they were.

Samsung a little bit of information about leprosy is since 1995 the World Health Organization has been providing medicine to treat leprosy but just think these thousands of years that leprosy has been going on and there was no cure there was no treatment for leprosy until very recently.

So I mean really there are there only relief. Was sometimes it would clear up but very rare usually it was deaf that ended up. They're only release. So Jesus came walking in their direction of the leopards and they knew who Jesus was said heard about him. They couldn't go towards him, but they could only stand at a distance and Shout to him. and while leprosy separated those with the disease from others send has created a greater Division and that division is between us and God and we should be born in the separation because of what happened in the garden with Adam and Eve.

Therefore because of sin we all experience the Exile on the phone and we're separated from God just like the lepers were separated, but it's a much more eternal separation. They had release at death physical death that separation from God continues heater, and we need to understand that and come to a knowledge of Christ. As you're our only salvation.

Every Christians New Life Begins and continues to same way. We should be calling out to Christ and it is by knowing that you are a sinner. Dad come to that knowledge that you need to savor savior then. Then we should call out to Christ and Jesus did not come to the word that he came but for the worthless. And the lepers knew they were helpless in the situation and they were cut off from everything a meaning in their lines. So they cried out to Jesus for salvation for relief.

So we need to understand here that we are helpless in our sin. And then we need to be living the gospel and understanding mad and calling out to Christ. Then the spirit is is working in us and leading us to cry out to Jesus for mercy. When we cry out in desperation, like the leopards did Jesus will be there to respond. He will turn towards us and fulfill his mercy and Grace. He would save us and redeem us through his work on the cross in through his resurrection. And he will heal our soul. But we have to call out to him.

And we have to understand we have to get to that low point where we accept the mercy of Christ those Edge or boastful or those who think they have it all will never find Christ. Because he's looking for those that have reached a point to know that they need to call out to him. And when when we call out to him Christ will pour out his mercy and his grace on us. But the gospel requires a response from us.

the only Christ Mercy Can make us clean.

Here is in Jesus word for us. Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest in Matthew 11:28. And all Jesus is asking for you to do is come to him in the face. And the leper shows us that when we do Jesus will respond. Just bring scissors to our second pouring here and healing leads to a grateful heart for what Jesus has done. This is in Luke 17 14 through 16 when he saw them he said to them go and show yourselves to the priests and as they went they were cleansed then one of them when he saw that he was healed turn back praise God with a loud voice and he fell on his face at Jesus feet given him things now. He was the Samaritan.

And Liberator scares chapter 13 and 14. We need to talk about leprosy and the role of the priest in the priest was the one who determined whether it was leprosy or others or some other kind of skin condition never certain certain criteria and the priests determine whether the person could have contact with the community or whether he was going to be an outcast with no contact and this was a simple command from Jesus hear that required obedient when he told them to go to the freeze they had to they still have leprosy when he said go they still have they were still lepers. So As they went they win. They actually turned in winning face. The priest to be able to clarify this or to say that they were clean, but what if they hadn't done that what I said nothing what is a had waited in and not going right away? And then they wouldn't have been healed when the leopards left. Jesus to go. They were still on queen as I've already said and if they had gotten to the preaching still have leprosy then their trip would have been a waste of time to the priest because there was no way to be able to fool the priest and he was very well trained or knew what he was looking for as far as leopards gag. So we see on another occasion in Luke chapter 5 verses 12 through 14. Jesus touched the leper and made him clean instantly. So here Jesus is command and requiring them a prolonged trust in him. to make them clean required them to obey him telling them to go. It was a requirement of face on the 10 lepers parts. and do you feel that God is calling you? Just something but you're hesitating to respond and obedience. What wonderful blessings are you missing out on because you refuse to respond to Jesus's call for to do something in your life. And Jesus is called us to go and we don't know what he might do while we're on that path on that on that road that he is a sinner song. But we know this when Jesus command is clear, then we must act quickly. We must respond to Christ whenever he calls us. We can't hesitate we can't wait.

so Here. I have a question to look at and what are some commands in Scripture that require obedience and faith? Well, if we think about it, it's love your enemies or pray for those who persecute did you leave Vengeance to the Lord? In Matthew go and make disciples of all the nations. Lola's love one another as Jesus is loves you give without expecting anything in return.

One that is important for the church and and being a part of the church apart of the congregation not the building, but the family of God is don't forsake the Gathering of Believers. And then of course we have to repent and believe in Jesus for salvation from sin.

So turning and looking at at thankfulness, you know, the ten lepers called out for mercy and they received it but only one of them returned at the Samaritan return to express his gratitude. The chin of them found the healing on the way to the priest, but only one of them turned around to honor and glorify Jesus give the saint for for that.

yeah, we pray to God we ask for help and in many situations we We pray for patience with the children being at home now and being out of school. The Lord is so kind and comes through in so many ways, but how often do we return to him and offer thinks we might say that we are thankful. But do I actions prove? Otherwise, do we take God's gifts for granted too often returning for a follow-up conversation only to file a complaint. Do we do we complain to God that we prayed for something and he didn't answer it the way that we wanted to This brings us to our third point which Faith leads to a greater salvation in Christ.

And we see Justin Luke 17 17 to 19. Then Jesus answered were not 10 cleanse. Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this Foreigner. And he said to him rise and go your way. Your faith has made you well. So the Samaritans account of Touchstone as earlier were outcasts in here the Samaritan Jesus calls him a foreigner because he he wasn't really considered into Jews. That kind of leads us to believe that probably the other is listen writer says that the other nine were Jewish men with a lineage that you know, they worship God or they had they grown up in the Jewish community. So they had first-hand experience with with God. And the dish Samaritan? Leper was living with Judy should lepers. Kind of tells you that. You are a total Outcast because the Jews would not associate whatsoever with the Samaritan if there was they were healthy do they would say this was a little unique situation here.

Because the Samaritans were the descendants of Israelites who had intermarried with the people around them with the different people groups mostly from the northern kingdom this where it is where this happened and which led to a mix in the face that compromise their worship to the one true God and wants Americans claim to worship God. The Jews would not worship alongside them. They were spiritually unclean in Jewish eyes, even without leprosy. They were considered unclean. They were the lowest of the low The Jewish rappers received the gift of healing and went on to the priest to return to normal life and it is only the Samaritan that return back to Jesus to give thanks and he fell at the feet of Jesus where where did usually go to the temple to see the priest? This American returned to the one true Temple Jesus Christ and to give glory to God and praising for his healing in his salvation.

So looking at face. In place Foundation it took a kind of faith for the leper to turn from Jesus and walked towards the priests as if their leprosy were no more and I kind of Touchstone. I talked about that while ago we were talkin earlier versus and the lepers were healed as they made their journey by faith and it changed your outside in and they no longer had that horrible disease, but there was a difference between the face of the nine. Jews and the faith of the Samaritan because the Samaritan turned around and came back to Jesus by faith. So many people make the initial response to Jesus at the height of an experience they call out, but it's more than just one time. We should constantly be going to Christ and say and not just have a a one-time experience with Christ wants to have an ongoing relationship with us a continual relationship. You shouldn't be a one-time interaction. And the faith that says is the faith that wants more than a gift of healing. From Jesus the faith that saves is the faith that wants Jesus himself and is constantly thankful for that relationship with him because he is our way to God.

so the part of the lesson this week is talking about justification by faith. And here we see this is in your in your regular lesson book in the suit of book and it says said and we say in Romans 8 33 through 34 justification refers to the moment when a person is objectively declared righteous before God based on the righteousness of Christ atoning death. And then we see in the fusions 2 8 through 9. This act of Declaration takes place through faith in Christ and not as a result of human works or effort. so as we come to the end of this lesson, I probably went over a little bit, but I'm hoping that y'all take a few minutes and spend it with the if you have children in the house and listen to this lesson. I hope you want to spend a few minutes with them and answer any questions that they may have. And here Richard Subs said and I thought this was appropriate. There is more Mercy in him. There's more Mercy in God then sending us. And it is through mercy and and Grace that we receive eternal life. Through Jesus Christ. I hope you've all enjoyed this lesson. It's still trying to work out the bugs. So we'll we'll see how it does and thank you and have a great night my great day. I hope to see you at church.

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