God Is My Everything

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Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  28:05
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Brother Paul Mills brings a message that God should be everything in our lives. We should trust him for grace, help, and acceptance, and know that His presence is always with us.

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God is good all the time and my boy feels good up here. I feel feel all loose. This morning is 1/3. This is the word of God says, we always think God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ when we pray for you because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and the love you have for all God's people the face and love that sprung from The Hope store. 4in you in heaven above which you have already heard in the true message of the Gospel. It is come to you in the same way. The gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world just as it has been doing among you since that day. You heard it and truly understood God's grace. Let's bow our heads in order for your thank you so much for Is opportunity to be able to share your ward we know dear Lord that our world needs more of you today than ever before the Lord is pray that your glasses today as we study about how important is to make sure that you are the center of our lives in the make sure dear Lord that we realize that you are our everything everything that we need in our life to you. Lord should be centered around you that you give us the strength you give us a desire that we need to be able to go on and all that. I just blessings to your lord as we share your word and your sweet name. We pray amen may be seated.

That's that's been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God's grace God's grace. We definitely can say this morning that God's grace is amazing. Amen. Without God's grace. Where would we be I know that I've left the Lord now many many times in my life and there's been times where I have been stronger in my relationship with God but there's also been other times in my life, or maybe I haven't completely done and did the will of God know the scripture this morning and it's all that I want us to have a pain on my mind this morning is making God are everything. How would that look if we decided that God is going to be the center of our lives and that we and all that we do in every place that we go and everything that goes on in our lives that we are going to allow God to help us make decisions. I promise you one thing and I think I'll get a good. Amen this morning when we get God's advice things go A whole lot better. Amen. When we allow God to do what being control when we allow God to give us the words to say when we allow God to give us the ability to do his will and to allow that Grace write that grace of God to direct how we go and what we do and how we sent and the waves that we live our lives. Now God's grace is there to realize something What are the things we're all going to know and I'll be the first to tell you is that when we do things our self we make a whole lot of mistakes, don't we? Thank God for his grace write for his grace of not giving up on us for his grace of giving us the strength that we need in our lives. But to me God that center of our everything to make God's presence work. It needs to be analyzed. How would that look? I believe you all agree in our lives that our life is ever-changing getting it. Who would have ever thought about four months ago we be where we are today, right? In our churches and then our world in our society, but things have changed in our life throughout the years. I remember when I was in elementary school. All I can think about is gettin what moving on the middle school and then moving offer Middle School to what the high school and then moving on from high school to what to college. Then what happens to you go out and you find someone special in your you're married and you get a job and everybody remember your first house payment or Die Do how scary that was and you got your first car payment and all of those different things that start coming in and not only are you now taking care of yourself, but what else taking care of someone else and maybe a little baby bring it into the world and you have a lot of responsibilities that you have and that I remember those days and then my life has evolved from being a dad to being a papa now, which is Going to tell you is simply amazing. Simply amazing to me that Papa but that take some responsibilities to to teach your grandchildren what the way they should live how they should have their life and how to be respectful and have all of those type of things you and I are getting closer every day that I go to job my job getting a little closer to the next stage in my life. You know what that is to be retired from the state of Kentucky and they're all through our last week. We know that something is very important. Our life is ever-changing, right? But it doesn't matter what stage of life that you are in no matter who you are or where you live if you're seeing this morning or if you're listening to me this morning, your life is ever-changing and it will I promise you something. It will never stop and you are going to learn something everyday people still amaze me the you and all the technology that's going on in the world today. But all that Ever Changing Life that we have God is what my everything that means in everything that you do no matter what age you maybe some of our young kids here this morning no matter whatever age you may be if you allow God Debate your what not just your god of sometimes right? Not just your god of what just when I need him. Not just my god of when I'm in trouble. But when you say to yourself my God is going to be what my everything my God is going to be the one that I Rely Upon. I believe we can say Amen to this. Our world would be a whole lot better. We started relying more on God Amen. I believe our families would be what a whole lot better if we started relying upon God, I believe us a zinj of individuals could be a whole lot better. If we started relying upon God and having God as our everything, but how do we do that? One of the things that I think that we need to do from time to time is take inventory of our lives at our house. We have a tendency and I'm I'm what I can say this and she was back here and I won't look at it when I say this, but we haven't see it our house to hang onto things interested Oliver do that and went away. And the reason that we do that a whole lot is this and I said it And this lady back here said it before 2 we're going to hang on to this because we don't know if we're ever going to watch I need it. Might need it. So we just hang on to it. The problem is that I've kept things at my house thinking that I would need it, but the problem is you're all ready for this and maybe it's just a giant can't remember where I put it. No, I am so very very important but I cannot remain and I'll sometimes we go looking for something else and I'll go what happened looking for that forever. Right wonder where in the world did it go? But let's be honest today most of the stuff that we hang on her house. We don't really need do it. We think we do and we hide it in a very special place my grandma love her to death. And she would hide it because she didn't want are you ready for this Grandpa to get in her purse and find out why she had there and see what I did in all kinds of places. So we started talking about in our family. We would have hide and go seek to find Grandma's purse. That was so much luck. But it's the same in our lives to admit you hang onto stuff at your house. You think you're always going to need it when it becomes personal, okay. Step away from your house and all the stuff that you have. I think there's a whole lot of stuff in our own lives that we hold on to that. We don't need to write. Edit what is it? Does it make it make you happier? Does it make you feel better know all those things this way you down here?

things of the world Becca just weigh you down and not only does it weigh you down. It has a tendency of not only pulling you down, but it does what else full of people that you knew what love down people that you work with down your had anybody come up to you and say do you feel good. Are you okay? I'm always like what I think I am God look that bad. Right but sometimes that stress of the world has written all over our face sitting it. It's with us and it brings us down. Well, there's one thing that we can agree on today is that is definitely where the old devil wants you to be in it. He wants you to be in a state of not knowing what to do and not how to live your life in the devil wants you not to make God my everything but the devil wants you to allow him to become what your everything he wants to be. The one that's in the driver seat. He wants to be the one that's making the decisions for you. He wants to be the one that says God really doesn't care anything about you. Is he ever done this to you? He has to be Have you ever said to you if God really loves you, he wouldn't let that happen. Right. If God really cared for you. Why in the world would he have you going through such a trying time in your life, but when we say to ourselves God Is My Everything? God Is My Everything on the good days praise God he's also on those days where it's a struggle to get up in the morning. It's a struggle to keep on going every day that God Is My Everything song we do that first of all get involved and start living it over in Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 7 through 8. It says but the Lord said to me Do not say I am too young. You must go to everyone I send you too and say whatever I want command you do not be afraid of them for I am with you and will rescue you declares the Lord for I am with you and I will rescue you declares the Lord we have to be willing to say God. I want you to be the center of my everything God. I want you to be what I need in my life to grow God. I want you to show me what I need to be able to go in and do your work the one of the things that Starts to happen when you start Allowing God to be the center of your everything. And you said God I want to do your will and God I want to be the person that you want me to be. One of them that God is going to ask you to do is start doing something. Probably that's one of the biggest problems that we're falling short in churches today, aren't we? There's a whole lot of people and God is calling to do things are just not willing to do and I remember the first Sunday that I preached. I can't remember how many years ago now was think it's 32 years. I remember getting up in front of my church is for that first Sunday at I'd already said but I called of God into the ministry that I was going to do my very best to have God to be the center of what my everything that God was going to be my everything and I was going to preach and I remember and he'll David's had this feeling before when he's preached and you prepare during the week and I was thinking about all of these things and getting prepared to be able to share my first sermon and I talked to my dad and I said Dad. I'm a little nervous. I don't know what I'm going to say or how it's going to be. Me and Dad said Son as long as you allow God to be in control you're going to be okay. That's a powerful words in it. As long as you allow who to be in control. God to me in control scripture that I read to you there said something about how you can make an excuse or two young you make an excuse you don't have this you don't have the education to have all of those things. But I believe that God uses everyone and unique ways doesn't it? And I truly believe that if God calls you to do something that God is going to do what equipped you with what you need when you allow God to be were in control got up had everything prepared him a scripture. Heads had my peppermint in my mouth is everybody knows I've been doing that for 37 years had my peppermint in my mouth. I got to preach and and I grabbed a hold of that pulpit and I had that White Knuckle syndrome going on and I'm like going I'm not going to move and Lord. I'm not going to do anything and I remember looking up from my scripture that I had there. I was reading that day and I looked out and all of a sudden my mind just went completely blank. completely blank and I remember looking out at the audience and knows those type of things and all the sudden. I remembered what my dad told me. Right, then. I was thinking more about doing it. What who's way my way then doing it? What God's way. And as soon as I said God, I'm just turning it over to you God you are about what my everything. As soon as I did in that one the best sermon Sheila's heard some of my first sermons I freeze bless her heart. She was with me for the first few years of my Ministry and it was it was very interesting. I was certain Sundays, but I figured out one thing a long time ago when you let go and let God you're okay, but with Paul Mills wants to rains big trouble. Folks Abilene today the gods caught a lot of people to do a lot of things. I believe that as we slowly but surely come back from what's happened to us in the past few months. I believe that God is going to call special people do special things for who for him. But we have to be willing to say God. I'm willing to take that step. God I'm willing to say I am willing to do what you want me to do and be that person that you want me to be and learn to grow and be like you God and understand more about God's will so first of all he had to get involved and start start living it also realize God's presence in your life. Realize God's presence in your life. What are the things is we're going to look over in Psalms 139 verses 7 & 8 Christians and all of us have to realize this as Christians. God is with you every moment folks. Amen. He's with you when you wanting to me a man and he's with you when you wish you hadn't seen what what you just did. But his presence is there with us all the time. He wants to be that driving force in our lives that driving force in all eyes. No matter what you face. Watch you're going through God wants to be with you to give you that strength that you need Psalms. 139 7 and 8 says we're can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go to the heavens you are there if I make my bed in the depths what you are there, so wherever you are. Whatever you're facing God is with us. I remember I know the guys here at the church that we talked a little bit about how to get in going and how he remember that verse phone calls and me and David had and Nick and Charles and I was talkin to them and they were saying where we don't know why we're having them in turn down the church. We don't have this equipment that we need. We don't have this other thing that we need. I we don't have this other thing that we need and I tell you what, they was a whole bunch of stacking things you guys going to Amen to this a whole bunch of things that we need it, right? And there was a whole bunch of stuff on the other end that we just didn't have + David started talking to me in a different language about all this technology, right and David understood it and I was trying to learn all of those things. But what we all sort of figured out after a while was God was with us before this covid-19. Amen. And God has been with us what during this covid-19 and God is going to be what with us after this covid-19. And as long as God wants us to assemble together. He's going to give us the plan. He's going to give us what we need because he is with us no matter where we are to the ends of the Earth God. He's got to be that leader of everything. I promise you. That if we had said, oh God, we're just we're going to just do it all the way flat on your face before. Wash your hair. And I have learned when I'm flat on my face that the only place I can look his wife look up and to talk to God and ask for God's guidance. But wherever you are and your journey of Life know that God is there with you and God will give you the strength that you need right after she and I were first married. We were we were struggling and I was preaching down at supper wheel United Methodist Church and my dad bless his heart and come down in the church needed priest a few times and he enjoyed it so much to be able to preach at his son's churches and I'll never remember how wonderful he smiled and how thankful. He was well been in and out of the hospital and many many many times and Jill and I were down at Suffer Well in the parsonage there and I got to call the dad was in the hospital down it up in Lexington and my mom was sort of my dad was the preacher but I want to tell you something. My mama was the boss. She was the boss and my mama said something to you you listen to what Mom said and mom called and said son. I need you to come talk to your dad's not doing good. Sheila I got in the car and we drove to Lexington drive there on a wing and a prayer never forget you all got to realize this. Don't try it at home. But if your car will go on empty for just a little while because we coasted into that hospital and I went up to my dad's room and we sat there and my mom she loved my mom went out for a little while and my dad had the best talk we talked about everything in the world and what he had plans and what he was looking forward to and what God is going to do and I I kept saying and save some of this how I want to I want to hear it's later on, you know Dad. This is good and I just feel like I need to tell you just need to tell you need to tell you. So about 9 or 10 that night Sheila and I decided remember we arrived on a wing and a prayer to get to the Lexington. We didn't have enough money to stay in the motel. So Mom gave us ten bucks of gas and we drove back down to Suffer Well that night and about three or four that morning. I get a call. My mom says dad's gone. dad's don't I said Mama. I'll be right up there and I OST. I still don't remember to this day. I promise you driving from Suffern Hill to Lexington. I don't remember but you know what God was what my co-pay And I remember getting it at hospital and she'll not getting out of the car as well. And I remember I'm the only I'm the only time I'm the only child nobody else to do anything else with and I remember walking up to your dad was. And I thought to myself floor. Can I go through that door? Lower, can I even imagine what's on the other side of that door? You're felt God's presence in life real strong. Wire right then. I just felt like somebody just grabbed a hold of my arms. And say come on in son. You're going to be all right, and I walked through that door and I always remember what was there, but I'll never forget that presence of God and knowing God's grace. I want you to know something. I wish that I could just tell you today that everything's going to be alright for the remainder of your life, and I wish I could just tell you today that nothing's ever going to hurt you that nobody's ever going to say anything bad to you that you're not going to experience loss that you're not going to experience heart aches in your family that you're not going to ever experienced any trial. I can't tell you that. Cuz I want you to know as long as you're living, there's going to be some things come in and out of your life as long as you live. But one of the things I want you to know today Beyond any shadow of a doubt and it should put a smile on your face and a mint on your lips. No matter what you face you have God there with you. Amen. When he is your what Your Everything when you rely upon him and you said God this this might seem big. Might seem like a big old Goliath in your life. And you may feel like a little old David God. This is a big old problem. What am I going to do? Will David figured out something he didn't need all the armor and all those type of things. All he needed with them was who was guy and when we do the same and all life and we say to ourselves all I need. Is that have God there with me and I have God give me the strength. The first scripture that read this morning never forget that where it says just as it's been doing among you since the day he heard it and truly. Understand God's what God's grace understand that and know that he is your everything and everything that you do in your life. May God that center now, we've been sharing this every week. We we're so glad today that we've got a few more folks here out on the front porch this morning, Nick and Charles was out there with me and Sheila and we even had a traffic jam didn't we got had a lot of people come in at one time and everybody went by what they were supposed to do it and I believe that if you have a need on your heart and your life today, and you need to pray about it. Guess what folks Need to pray the Ultras open for God's presence. If you like me to pray with you you just raise your hand and we'll pray together. But I also have I been saying for the past few weeks as well and I usually get an amen on this so you all get prepared for this. I believe that God is here. Amen. I believe God is what wherever you are a man. So if you're listening this morning and you have a need upon your heart and your life, I believe that remember the only a shadow of a doubt preacher doesn't save you. Or church doesn't save you only God Saves you and if God is needed to come into your heart and into your life then feel that presents. Also remember this Wherever You Are if you want to make God the center of your everything. That means that you have to what? Get in the things that you want to and what else also the things you try to hide. So today maybe there's some things in your life that You been holding onto for a long time? And it just wearing you down.

Let go and let God in your life and let some of that wakes go away and turn it over to God and feel his presence and know that God will take care of you. I believe we serve a God. That's no matter what you face today. He has the answer and I believe we serve a guy today that truly truly wants to want you to be blessed. So today is we have our closing song. Listen to that word of God and make sure that God is your what he's your everything. And his grace is sufficient to supply irony invite you to stand.

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