2020.06.07a The Wiles of the Devil

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There we go the way of the devil.

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we may think of her don't think of much or don't don't concern ourselves with or might be I am not sure.

It's it's a scripture that you know, a lot of what's been happening in our our society. Over the last week or so and then I guess if we want to dig deeper, it's it's going on for a lot longer than that. So but the Wiles of the enemy amen that, but I want to Sweet think about that this morning when I reach the scriptures that mention this as this term out of Ephesians chapter 6 of once again, you know, what's good scripture that we all probably very well. No, but I want to read this and then share a little bit this morning. Regarding our enemy that is against us.

Doesn't want us to have Victory doesn't want us to succeed doesn't want us to walk in. The light of the word of God doesn't want us to walk in the authority of scripture that so taught us through this morning in Sunday school. And so I just want to say that we need to continue to hear to understand to know to follow through on Sophie's in chapter 6. Going to read verses 10 through 20. Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord. And in the power of His might put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil.

And so I'm going to reread that just a second. I forgot to click something. Ephesians chapter 6 verses 10 through 20 Dallas finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of GOD that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore having your loins Girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all taking the shield of Faith wear with you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching their into with all perseverance and supplication for All Saints. And for me that utterance may be given it to me that I may open my mouth bowling to make known The Mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador and bond that there in I may speak boldly as I ought to speak. What's Again The Wiles of the devil? Let us pray father. We thank you today up for this time that we can come together or we thank you for your order today in or father made it teach us made. It challenges us. May it cleanses? later, reprove us-made guidance and discipline Father we thank you today. Lord that you would just direct our path and direct our hearts Father I ask that you would use this vessel to That Glory into the hunter in the name of Jesus Amen. a man a man that does The Wiles of the devil

we can think about those kinds of things we can wonder what those are in a sense Maybe.

But it once again this week, you know, we're mindful of that scripture and verse 11 that tells us to put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil, you know, there's purpose. But we need to be aware of things that are happening around us. We need to be aware that the enemy of the adversary of our souls is against us and as we have read in this, you know, as we read earlier Paul or reminded us that that we're tube to be mindful that we're not wrestling against flesh and blood that's the struggle so many times that we

You know and counter things around us that we think it's it's about the person we think it's about the people. We think it's about some something or so, it's not it there's a spiritual battle going on in the heavenlies then you know Satan the Devil is is a Wily character if you will, he's he's one that as it is as the word says we look up that word Wow's it means he lies and weight. It's there's a method of of his and all of the same color is madness in the method of his deceit and what he wants to do to cause us to fall away from God. He caused us to fall away from those around us. He calls us to fall away from people that we begin to think that people aren't worth anything. We begin to think that people, you know, we can DM Encourage, we have the attitude, you know in our country today that that pours out of the of the of the things that are inside us and so, you know, we have to be careful and what we do the enemy wants to take n' twist and turn and he uses those things. You don't let word Weiland and that's why I say that you know, there's a there's a word that says while wow, and if you stick that inner says wow, he lies in wait against us, but you know, we need to be mindful that the enemy wants to take any chance or opportunity any method that he could do that. He could come against us. That's what he wants to do the Wiles of the devil.

I didn't cause us to to begin to hate one another become head to dislike one another that's what he deserves to do. We need to be aware of those things that are taking place in our lives in our lives as we think about that word. What are The Wiles of the devil that Paul is addressed in this verse in Ephesians 6 and 10 that wild there's a craftiness. There's a deceit there's cunning device that that that word kind of implies and you know from the meaning of of what it is and it's so it needs that the enemy wants us to believe a lie, you know, the word tells us that that Satan is disguised as an angel of Light. You know, he wants to fool or deceive God's people. That's just Desiring. He's already got the world is deceived by its buy just the definition of it is turned away from God. So it's deceptive. It's followed and that but when God's people fall into this as well, you know, that's the enemy's gets control. He doesn't want us to lock people. He doesn't want us to care about other people. He doesn't want us to care about the goodness to encourage but he wants us to rather to be bitter to be angry too too. You know it right now we're dealing with issues of racism and we've dealt with those same kind of issues of throughout the history of the world. You know, what in Jesus day the Jews didn't like the Samaritans. Didn't like the juice forget the Gentiles and everybody else, you know, whatever is right there. And in the end in Israel that were taking place happened in America. It happened in the United States and that if things continue to get to to be there and I know and I don't know where ever ever going to get rid of them because somebody is going to You Know The Enemy again, the adversary is coming against us. He's coming and gets people's to stir them up tonight. You don't want them to be together. And an inn that you know, there's that struggle that we have. You know, it's something that is I can to the fall if you will as we would begin to think about some of that in the craftiness of the subtlety of the enemy. The adversary of God was in the Garden of Eden in Genesis chapter 3 verse 1. It says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord had made and he said unto the woman ye hath. God said You shall not eat of every tree in the garden. And there he was talking to her about God. talking to her about God I can remember, you know years ago and when my children were some of them were still at home and the question was came up, you know, what about you know, a biracial marriage what about you know, those kinds of things and you know, I have had read God's word and I couldn't find anything in there to said that that was wrong what God says that we don't marry an unbeliever in a whole lot more of that kind of stuff goes on to the church then the biracial but we have these struggles it that what the enemy wants to come the adversary wants to come back and and you know in that Sultan Us in that craftiness said hey, God said God said how about this God send it and he wants us to believe a lot. He wants us to believe that you know, man one manner or one woman or child or somebody's not worth. Doesn't have any words. They're not a value. But God deceived Eve in that he got her to talkin and any Twisted the words it and it's and that's what happens to us. We get we get words Twisted we get words Twisted. We don't we don't study the the shore sells approved in the word of God. We don't listen to God. We don't seek we want to do our own thing in an extension until the enemy has opportunity. You know, you said you can't even touch it. We're not even supposed to touch base. Are you sure it will die, you know, it is good for you. No knowledge and understanding and you and you know, you know, it's God knows and so she no doubt it. Once you got he got her to say it was you touch it here. Okay, no doubt. She touched it. Nothing happened. Well, I'm eating this and so sheets of it. Nothing happens until she gives it to Adam. an atom being deceived as well took a bite. And when he did their eyes were opened the word tells us in and so that exception that subtlety of what the enemy is doing to we got to be careful. We need to be aware that you know, what ya though. That sounds good though. That looks good though that you know, I don't ya. Intermediate, you know again that I have a serious is coming against us. He's crafty be subtle, you know, you know how many of you know that if I don't know our stove or electric range has a a light on. that tells me that the burners are on but also that if the Painterly element is heating up. It's red. And so I can see that so I'm not going to put my hand on it. But if if that element is not heating at the moment. It's it's not it's just black like the rest of the stove and you know what? That's not hot. I just lay my hand on it. I guess what you're going to remove it real fast. But if you if you have a Tennessee to not see it, but deception is still there, but things still hot Do we have to be careful and what we're doing what we're hearing what we're listening to and how we're doing those things. We need God's wisdom. We God's understanding we need God's discernment in our lives to help us to do these things.

But the enemy again the address or he wants to come against us. In Genesis chapter 27 verse 35 in the seat. No, I didn't the word that and he said that brother came subtly and have taken away the blessing as as Isaac was blessing Jacob. And Esau comes in and says and Jacobs as I brother and subtlety will hook, you know there again, the adversary came got them to believe a lie in this family one. Dad Isaac. Love Jacob. Esau and Rebecca Love Jacob I told her it was this this this deceit that was in there in a sense that

We can see that. You know, he saw me and felt or Mom don't love me. Jacob may have felt that don't love me.

And whether that was true or whether was not the implication was there they seen it. They watched it they flowed in it. And so this family went through this time of Deceit. Even Jacob's name meant a deceiver and that sense. And so you know, he got the blessing. He got the birthright and there was this just to see that went on but the enemy comes against the enemy wants to destroy God's people if it was what he did in in Eden he wanted to destroy he did it in in the lineage of the Patriarchs that it was his desire to destroy. We know that you know, if we if we study our Christmas lessons, we we know that the enemy wanted to destroy Jesus the son of God that came in only deceived. Arid that he went in and killed the children. This is the kind of Deceit and so I don't need it that that takes place in the in the realm of the enemy the adversary in there in the realm of the spirit and then you're not part of that was a cunning device and in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 14 and says that that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of Doctrine by the slide of men and cunning craftiness. Whereby they lie in wait to deceive, you know, it's all tied in there, you know, the the adversary comes against us with with lies of people around the same things that are false that aren't true that we don't follow the doctrine of God. We don't seek God's word. We don't see what his word tells us about how we act and react around people. You know the enemy he wants us to hate one another whatever our belief is, whatever our Our life is and I think that's what he wants us to. Do. You know, Paula says we look back we know that Paul said we are not wrestle against flesh and blood we're wrestling against the powers of Darkness worm principalities. We're wrestling is spiritual wickedness in high places. There's not a more spiritual wickedness in anywhere than in that of the devil. You know, it was Lucifer that he fell from heaven and when he fell he took a third of the angels with him being demonic angels with him. We brought them with him because they rebelled against God. And he was brought that and his desire is to deceive everyone of us with him. That's what his desire is. So we are not we need to be careful that we're not carry to and fro by the this cunning craftiness is coming to serve Isis that the enemy has against us and that he's waiting to deceive us as much as desirous to deceive as he waits to catch us in some kind of Wrong or to point it out to us or just say well, you know what that that's not really what God said. That's the god really say that God really expect you to do that. Was that what God really wanted you to do? So The Wiles of the devil The Wiles of those around us or even our own selfishness or surrounds us. What are we to do? What are we going to do? And in these thing in these times when we we know what maybe we know what God's word says in in our heart, you know, we will rise up with anger or bitterness or rage. Are we are we raised up with those things that that we want to Kurt somewhere we want to come against someone in a sense not to to bring them love and to bring them the heart of God.

How do we do these things? What are we to do? I don't we you know hot, sometimes I let you know cuz I just went out.

You may think of those I have encountered a Wiles of others whether beat the devil or you know someone else but you know, I even had him. Once again, we talked about them early on but he was conceived she deceived Adam Adam and we know that story as well that you know, they were Forbidden to stay in the garden after they send they were put out had to suffer the consequences of that scene.

We need to be mindful that that when that happens to us we're going to eat it is going to be a harsh chain.

an opportunity to repent of his pride But the enemy doesn't tell us in the word, but the deception was their God offered him Grace and Kane. Killed his brother Abel. But did you know am I My Brother's Keeper? Ask ourselves? Are we our Brother's Keeper? Are we to watch out or we do the lookout? for those and justice for those that need our protection.

Abram or Abraham No. patriarch of of the Hebrew Nation he is is that the gold standard and yet the enemy deceived him when he became fearful. I know that.

It was just a random said this morning, you know, some of the things up to catch her hardest or fear. That's what happened to Abram fear for his life.

And that deceit that that that fell through their fell right on through I'm too to his family his grandchildren. Once again, you know, Jacob was the deceiver and was later called Israel Prince of God. But there was that time of struggle that he was giving into those ways of Deceit. You know how we can read and then the word you know that you know, he he went to get Rachel went and got married to Leah first because he was deceived is Laban had deceived him fix it while you can just work for us some more and and and you can and you can have raised agreed to that and then it got to the point where you know, there was just so much deception between the two of them about whose phlox was flogged it was theirs and they're just tallest deception. All about greed all about what's in it for me instead of what's in it for others. What's the best for those around but when I came home and God when I wrestled with God that there was that time of healing in a sense and his wife when he began to see Any name was named Prince of God, praise the Lord that he was able to do that Esau and deceived out of hunger. Selfish to give up his Birthright. Being first born. I'm going to dye my Birthright if I'm dead, you know us as we

began to think about those things that

that that we are body wants are our desires, you know are greater than than what God is is going to supply and we want it. Now, you know, it's something in a while. I just get that now and we find out later that there is great great cost involved that sometimes just Financial sometimes just relational that we encounter sometimes as health, but let me counter because we want it now. It's it's mine and I deserve it and I'm going after that away and so we can all these things it and so we have a picture of Esau in that sense of selfishness if it's all about him. Jokes wife and his friends, you know.

Joe's wife and you know obviously watched what he had gone through but she didn't see the faith in job. She didn't see the strength that he had even though he was weakened by what was taking place in his life. What you said just Curse God and die. Turn against him and us. The enemy of the see you tomorrow and I come against her try to get Jobe and Jobe is wise enough to say no, you know what shall we only accept good from God and not evil not not to hurt. The justice and in those things that that we need the disciplines that God brings before us and his friends, you know, they they were continually sing Jobe. You must have send you must have done something wrong, you know, if this is happening to you they're sending your life. How many times maybe if we heard that or maybe how many times we thought it or how many times we have said it because you know, we think those kinds of things about the welfare that's happening to him. It must have done something.

We're not looking into God's word. We're not trying to understand what's taking place. What that need is, Judas Iscariot?

The adversary come against him and he and for whatever reason it wasn't a few out there that they put forth that you know, maybe cuz he wanted to see the Rebellion take place. You wanted it to take place that Jesus would would just bring a rebellion if if the enemy come in, no doubt. Probably seen Jesus get away from those situations and thought he would do it again. I don't know, but he betrayed him. How many saw that Jesus was arrested in what was taking place? Another Deception come on any and killed himself. Adversary comes against us that takes us down roads that are not where God wants us to go and when we need to be mindful of what God wants us to be Peter sometimes Pride.

Is a harsh thing. Peter was very prideful this weekend. Got to understand from from God's word and reading it boastful strong proud me. And yet denied the Lord. You know that.

The deceiver wants us. The stand up at 8 or just tell God, you know, I'm never going to do that. I'm never going to do that that would never happen in my life. So if that have been me that wouldn't have happened. You know. It comes down to asking even me. even me

the things that the deceiver comes to deceive things aren't what we want or things aren't going the way we want them and and the deceiver comes against us The Wiles of the devil. That we that we encounter in and what we do and then the things that happen.

Who asked? as we read those scriptures the living Bible paraphrased reads that verse 11 is put on God's armors so that you will be able to stand safe against all strategies and tricks of states.

We need to again need to realize it that there's that's that's what they have a serious doing. He's trying to trick us who she's working all kinds of strategies that he can to to cause you and I to do something that's ungodly or immoral.

Instead of trusting God instead of asking God instead of doing what God wants us to do. So, what can we do to overcome The Wiles of the devil? What can we do to overcome The Wiles of the devil?

Jesus said in John 8 32 and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, you know, once again, we pilate asked Jesus. What is truth?

Because if we're not asking the right question, we're not asking. God we're not asking so that we want to know what that truth is. Then we're we're just seeking a false witness. But what is true? What is what is the truth in Jesus? What does he want us to be like in this? Addictive, Gaston to overcome The Wiles of the wicked one. We know that you know Paul told us and I were to put on the armor of God, but there's more than just putting on the armor as we read before we need to remember out of the freezer in Chapter 4 verses 14 through 16. It says that that we that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of Doctrine by the slide of me and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. But speaking the truth in love may grow up into him in all things, which is the head even Christ. From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies according to the effectual working in the measure every part make its increase in the body until the edifying of itself in love. So we can't be we just can't be wishy-washy in the Lord. We can't we can't say we love God and we can't love our brothers and sisters in the earth. We can't say that we love God and we don't love me. We can't say that we love God and support and walk and seeing we can't say that we love God and we but there is this. The start out there that you know what? young Jesus said do unto others as you would have them do unto you. But you know, the world says do unto others before they do unto you and so we have to be careful that what we get are some of those things sounds very good in the sounds. What does God what does God say we need to be in God's word we need to be seeking God's truth. We need to be careful that we're just not tossed to and fro, you know, if if I read this or I hear this and you know, they're you know, if I'm wish you were she and what I'm speaking if I'm walking in and in love then I'm going to love every one whether they're black or white or yellow. Whether they're from this nation or whether they're from Mexico or whether they're from China or California or Africa doesn't matter. weather there my neighbor

because Jesus said we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. So, where do we where do we get by hating people? Of of other races of our own race of of Honor on families. That should not be that's the devising. That's the cunningness. That's the craftiness of the enemy.

No. Jesus died for me and he died for you and we've read and we've looked you know, recently that that he died for me while I was yet a sinner.

So where does that tell us that we that we need? We know the enemy comes up and says all you need to give me not to talk with him. We need not to be with them. No, that's not what God's word tells us. Jesus said he came to seek and to save those which were lost. That was me. That was you. He came to save us.

He came to speak the truth.

That all men might be saved that all might be saved. That's his desire. It's God's desire that that all men might be saved that all should come to repentance that none should perish.

It doesn't mean you know, someone of a different culture doesn't mean someone of A different race.

but all Oh. But God wants us not be tossed around us not to be carried away by The Fosters of me know there are you can take scripture and and make it you know, very well. Say what you desire to say? Take it out of context and put it forward then what sounds good here, but we put in contacts to where it's at snug out sing. So we need to be reminded for that. We need to be careful in the things that we do the actions we have in this world today that we are imitating and we're demonstrating worried following Christ in what he has called us to be.

Paul wrote those words to Titus but these words are applied to the believer today as well as to Titus for from Titus Chapter 2 SOC Road Titus Chapter 2. If you have your Bible and you want to follow along tournament turn to the book of Titus Chapter 2. What is very applicable as to what we need to be mindful of today?

The word says speak now the things which become sound Doctrine speak thou the words of things which become sound doctrine that the agent man be sober Graven temper sound in faith and charity and patience the agent women likewise that they be in Behavior as becometh Holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things and they that may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children. To be discreet chaste keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of God be not blasphemed young men likewise exhort to be sober-minded in all things shooting thyself. A pattern of Good Works in Doctrine shoeing uncorrupt has gravity sincerity sound speech that cannot be condemned that he that is of the contrary part may be a shame having no evil thing to say of you. Exhort service to be obedient unto their own masters and to please and well and all things not answer again not for a warning or not stealing but shooing all good Fidelity or faithfulness that they that may Adorn a doctrine of God our Saviour in all things for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all me teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts. We should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world. Looking for that blessed hope and the Glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all and and purifying to himself a peculiar people zealous for good works these things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee so if we think about

What God's word is telling us to do as we begin to be mindful of that, you know. It's kind of weird. We need to be.

follow the Fruit of the Spirit You know that we have walk in love joy peace weakness kindness. That we're to Titus that we need to be sober and Grave and temper. Sound Faith charity and patience. You know it and I think it was Paul's speaking issue. It talks about the the old man. He talks about the women. He talks about the young man, but, you know a nice things that we hits applicable to us. You know that we need to be we need to be careful and what we do and what we say. We need to be mindful of of the pain or the hurt that we inflict on others. We need to be mindful of what we think of others and what we how we look at them and we know we all have opinions we all have thoughts.

But do we live God to to help us to understand? The negativity of our heart if you will, do me a lot of God to help us to know the phosphorus in our hearts. Do we allow God to to search our hearts? The psalmist wrote search me and try me and see if there be any wicked way in me. And cleanse me purify my heart. Are we willing to ask God are we willing to allow God? Are we willing to to be honest before God and in our in our thoughts and our prejudices?

Are we part of the problem or we part of the solution? And are we seeking goodness? Are we seeking Grace? Are we seeking Mercy's? Are we seeking to share those with others around us? Are we willing to give Grace are we willing to show Mercy? Are we willing to two?

Love others nnnn that that we haven't is that which we have been given in Christ. Are we willing to do that? Can we look at? Ephesians in Oak vs. As Paul wrote finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and the power of His might put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil or we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of Darkness of this work against spiritual wickedness in high places word for taken to you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand, you know, there's great challenge that That we face in this day and time. in this nation in our culture

some I understand some I have no idea. I just don't understand partly because of the way I was brought up and that's in a little some of those things. We may need to get a better understanding.

I don't know if the trials on the struggles that some of faced.

And it's not just in race either. It's another issue. So, you know how they were raised and how they were taken care of and the things that they

I was I was blessed. I'm in a lot. To be able to be raised in a good home. Everyone had that opportunity in that. Those things all have influence on our lives. I was to know him not everyone is done that. If we're not careful, we begin to allow those kinds of things that there are a lot of sending things that you know, this is what I know. This is what I have experienced this what you should be the same place. And that's not the case and sort it causes the differences that we encounter causes the you know, I don't think we don't understand the situations that everyone else is in unless we can have dialogue unless we can have a discussion. We don't know those things. But we need to know that if we're not careful we begin. Could forget that we have the Wiles of the devil The Wiles of the devil that coming against us.

We need to know the Wiles of the devil. We need to seek the truth and God's word. We need to to begin to ask God to help us to understand those things that took place. I don't always understand what God does God knows and I need to seek his wisdom and his discernment. Begin to think about as I thought about The Wiles of the enemy You Know The Enemy knows I guess I don't want this may not be the right word, but he knows no bounds. So, you know if I'm If he if he his desire was to take down anybody to take down anyone. Amen. Is desire Worcester? Do you know just to take anybody with him and you know, he tried to do that with with Jesus? And we know that when he when Jesus was sent into the Wilderness through those 40 days. He was tempted of the enemy and Jesus made responses to those Temptations. Because you said he was hungered. That that he was younger. The word says it and say it's at 8. You know what your God you're Jesus if you notice turn these stones into bread in a little problem. but Jesus answered him and said

It is written that man shall not live by bread alone. But by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. He was talking about a scripture that. What's record in Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 3?

The used the word of God that he proceeded that he remembered the word of God Matthew record that for us so that we can remember the word of God when we need to be careful. You know, sometimes we we get a hunger that when will you know for sure things that that are good for us. That we don't need.

And we need to listen to God. We need to seek God and there was a time. Jesus was going to be hungry and God is going to take care of him. But that time was not yet.

In Matthew does not have Matthew in Jesus said it to him it is written that thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God in the Pinnacle and jump off angels will protect you.

Jesus said, you know, we're not the temp God so we're not there to do things out of foolishness or false attitudes or you know, you know. God's going to do this for me and it's just that's way too. So I'm just going to do it. Anyway without seeking without it. We're going to fall flat on her face. We're going to need to come to him with a with a heart of repentance. So Jesus said, you know again the deceiver the adversary come against the Lord Jesus Christ, you know, he wasn't, you know, and he wasn't, you know, if I can get him more. I've got everybody and so we know that that he was Desiring. So he said Desiring to get you and I as well we could turn us against.

Pain in the latter part of that section of scripture. Jesus said unto him get thee. Hence Satan for it is written that thou shalt Worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve. The devil took him out shutting the kingdoms of the world and said if you would you would worship me. I will give you all this.

Oh, praise the Lord. Jesus Jesus remembered what God has said.

book of Deuteronomy that have been put forth in a little while and the remembers

vs13 of chapter 6 that says I shall fear the lord thy God and serve him & Shop square, but his name no other God. No other guy.

as we

come into these times as we are in these days.

We need to know the Wiles of the devil and we need to seek the truth in God's word.

the great challenge before us in this time cuz we says we prayed earlier than we talked about the unrest in this nation. Note that the phosphorus of so much of that. That the people are believing a lie. And we see things that shouldn't be going on and we're more upset about some of that than we are things that actually calls the rights to begin with if you will. We sometimes find ourselves more upset because of the of the destruction then we are of the life that was taken.

When they begin to pray we need to begin to ask ourselves. What's the enemy doing in this our what's the enemy trying to assert in my life, or do we need to seek the truth in God's word?

Me to bring forth Justice in this country.

Then there's Injustice that it's as I said earlier, you know, you can go back from as we could understand, you know, the beginning of time there was

the battle between

people Because they didn't like something because somebody had something I can have.

And it causes antagonism in that sense. The the the adversary the devil says I got a foothold.

In our question for us today. Is this the devil have a foothold in our lives?

That shows 4th the other people. What are we showing?

You know it when we know the truth. And we know we don't compromise the truth. That's that's not but when we bout that to hurt other people instead of sharing and you know, Jesus told the truth the whole time he was here, but he loved people he cared about his desire was for them. We need to see what our motives are. We need to see what our desires is. Is it the to seek the truth of God? Or are we being tossed to and fro are we being caught in the cunning device or to the CU the craftiness of the devil?

We need to ask ourselves today. You know as well as we see what's going on in our country what angers us more.

the material things that surround or life

do we care about?

The life of others more than we care about the buildings. I'm not saying you know that we should destroy things. But we should not destroy life. And that's that's been that's that's the that's the ultimate goal of the devil The Wiles of the devil if we can destroy life if we can take lie if we can destroy families if we can destroy relationships. Then I can then I can.

at least wins

we need to be we need to be careful.

We need to search our hearts. And we need to log on to search our hearts. We need to know we need to begin to to see the falseness of the devil around us. We need to see those those. fake things that he's put before us we need to see those those Twisted stories we need to see The Fosters that he's wanting to drive wedges in are in mankind to destroy us instead of bringing us together.

We need to love like God does we need to Love Like Jesus loved?

And loving in nothing. That way is contrary to most anything. We we No. or have learned or been around


we're selfish people. instead of being caring and loving instead of being willing. To stand up for God instead of being willing to stand up for Jesus. We let those false things. Take advantage.

I think one of the hardest things that we do is just too.

Just trust God and took him to care for people to love people. Once again, the enemy the adversary wants to destroy us.

monster destroys

Are we willing to seek God's truth?

and love our neighbor love our brother.

Lord said if you you can't love your brother. Your neighbor who you have seen, how can you say you love God? And we've never seen. Nazi

we have ought against your brother where to reconcile.

Anno 1404 come come to the offering and offer up to the Lord and and we got all against our brother that says you need to reconcile and then bring your offer.

You Know The Enemy wants to wants us to just

Hideout those things

You have unforgiveness in your heart.

Was that lady the enemy the adversary the devil? Will you have a right to be unforgiving?

Seek the truth in God's word.

Who had more right to be unforgiving than the Lord Jesus Christ?

Yet from the cross. Did Father forgive them? For they know not what they do.

Jesus knew that there was a spiritual battle.

do we Aspray father we come before you today.

And Lord we thank you.

We thank you Lord that you have warned us of The Wiles of the devil.

We thank you Lord that Jesus understood that. Lourdes we reflected upon those times when they Satan came against him attempt of you

father help us

Lord to be

why some Discerning help us o God to put on the armor of God.

Help us our God to love our neighbor. I love you.

Help us. Oh God. glove

Rafael Amaya

Portland we feel the Rage or the hanger or the bitterness the unforgiveness the self-seeking The Pride rise up in ASL God by Pastor recognized That's not a view. But it's The Wiles of the devil.

Dollar as we come. To the altar this morning.

Floor 2

just a bow down before you or God.

for my our hearts Be given over to you.

Or maybe we ask you.

To change it. pretty flower change my attitude.

laundromat love my brother.

That I might. Love you.

And father, I thank you. That we can know love because you have given it to us.

You have given us a lot of. Al pastor to know what? Oh god in the fullness of Your Love

I thought I pray this morning Lord that if we need to come before you with a heart of repentance.

Lord that are that our hearts are honest before you

Lord I pray that if we need to come before you today Lord father seeking

salvation o God for deliverance this Freedom that you give. Through Jesus Christ your son the forgiveness of sin. cleansing restoration reconcile

But I thank you. And I praise you.

Lord help us

help us. Oh God. We ask in Jesus name.

amen Amen, thank you, Jesus. Plus the name of the Lord hallelujah. Thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus.

Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Lord. Will serve an awesome God Amen.

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