When Life can be overwhelming, we must turn to the word of God.
Research Shows Entire Black Communities Suffer Trauma After Police Shootings
over•whelm \ˌō-vər-ˈhwelm, -ˈwelm\ verb transitive
[Middle English, from 1over + whelmen to turn over, cover up] 14th century
2 a: to cover over completely: SUBMERGE
b: to overcome by superior force or numbers
c: to overpower in thought or feeling
Don’t be too upset when you see the poor kicked around, and justice and right violated all over the place. Exploitation filters down from one petty official to another. There’s no end to it, and nothing can be done about it.
a: an opinion held with complete assurance
vow, i.e., a binding promise made to deity, often with conditions and particular results on both parties, implying failure to keep will result in disfavor