The Conductor

Pentecost  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The past week - divisive
God’s Very Good Idea


Why this series?
Conductor pic -
A conductor is the leader of an orchestra or choir. Everyone follows the conductor to know what to do and when. The conductor provides guidance to everyone, and as a result, the various parts come together to form a whole.
We are each instruments and what unites us is the music we make, the song created when under the instruction and guidance of the Holy Spirit we play the song that has been written for us to give glory to God.
Review: The Holy Spirit conducts us in harmony (orchestra)
Acts 2 is God gathering in redemption what he had scattered in rebellion. (Gen 11)
2:42-27 is not advocating a political system
The seed of Jesus’ death had begun to produce a harvest. (John 12)
Which means that to lead us in harmony, he must lead us to something else.
Today: He also conducts us like a train conductor > Harriet Tubman (Moses) - God’s voice guides her, led 70 to freedom
The Holy Spirit guides us to truth (understanding) (Acts 2:12-41; John 14:26, 16:13; 2 Tim 3:16; 1 Cor. 2:12-14) - He knows the way
Truth is a scary word.
There is nothing truer than the will of God
Guides us to understand his will.
Understanding of the Gospel
Understanding of the Scriptures
“Want to hear the Spirit? Open your Bible.” - JD Greear
If we don’t have an appetite for food, if our taste buds aren’t working and food is tasteless there’s something wrong with our bodies.
In the same way, if we don’t want to spend time in the Bible something is wrong with our soul.
If we pursue the truth
If you trust the Holy Spirit to fill you, you can count on him to lead you:
through testing (Matthew 4:1; 1 Pet 4:14)
Led Jesus to identify with the test/suffering of Israel
We are led to identify with Jesus
out of trouble (2 Tim 3:16-17; Hebrews 12:5-6)
convinces us of our wrong
corrects us (stop)
to train us (start)
to triumph (Romans 8:11-13; Gal 5:16; Ephesians 1:17-19)
help us overcome sin
walk in wisdom, experiencing the fullness
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