What Will Your Judgement Be


Are You Looking for Certainty?

Do You Know What Your Judgement Will Be.

Do You Really Know the Gospel.

Here tells not only the false teacher, convert that their works and

Have You Been Teaching God’s Word Rightly.

So, What is the Gospel?

The Depravity of Man.

Our Sin Makes Us Enemies of God.
It creates in us a spiritual death.
It severs our relationship with God.
To reconcile our relationship requires a savior to be our payment for our sin.
Our sin points to the need of a savior.
The promise of the savior and his purpose given.

He Comes and Ministers to the People.

He teaches he is the only way to heaven.
This puts the idea that there is many paths to salvation to rest.
A belief and faith in this fact is essential to salvation and eternal life.
He demonstrates His divinity.
He forgives sin
heals the sick
raises the dead
Tells the People He is God, He and the Father are one.
He demonstrates His Humanity.
He did so in the Garden as He prayed.
He did so sleeping in the boat.

The Savior’s Greatest Act of Love.

He did not object but went willingly.
He was silent.
He was treated as a criminal though he commited none.
He was beaten beyond recognition but stayed the course of the will of God.
And yet He still remained silent.
He picked up His cross and trekked to mount Calvary.
Being our example of taken up our cross and follow Him, He took up His for us. He picked up His cross to finish what God had willed Him to do. Praise God for that.
He had a crown of thorns on His head and then was nailed to the object of torment the cross.
When crucified the way you most of the time is by suffocation.
With the way you’re hung on the cross the only way to get a breath is to push yourself up with the nail through your feet. Rubbing His raw torn flesh against the rough rugged cross. And yet He endured.
He fought until His mission His work was done, taken our penalty, our punishment for our sin.

You are Now Pardoned.

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