Revelation 12
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We saw the 2 witnesses last week, and how they did a mighty work, then were killed, then were resurrected.
Then, we saw the 7th trumpet at the end get blown.
In Revelation 12, 13, and 14 we see the main figures of the Great Tribulation.
The woman, Israel
The dragon, Satan
The man-child, Jesus
The angel Michael, head of the angelic host
Offspring of the woman, Gentiles who come to faith in the Tribulation
The beast out of the sea, Antichrist
The beast out of the earth, False Prophet
We see women often represent religious systems in revelation
Jezebel is associated with promoting false teaching in Chpter 2:20
The Great Harlot is associated with False Religion in 17:2
The Bride is associated with the church in 19:7-8.
This action seems to take place on earth, so when it says heaven, it might mean the sky.
The woman symbolizes Israel
The 12 stars are the 12 Patriarchs
She was pregnant ...
She gave birth to Jesus, we see this in verse 5.
The labor pain, people agree that this points to the time of His birth where Israel was under Roman occupation and oppression.
This isn’t a literal dragon, but a representation of his nature and character.
We know dragons have fierce power and murderous nature, and that’s how satan is.
7 Diadems
The dragon had great power (7 heads and 10 horns) and claimed royal authority (diadems).