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True Faith

True Persecution

I think that we do not understand what persecution is...
What is persecution
personal insults
Laughing or mocking…
mocked Jesus when he told the mourners that the little girl was not dead
when he was on the cross…
intimidation is using power or size in attempt to silence or change behavior
show video of man arrested at abortion clinic
a government can absolutely persecute
I do not think that our government was persecuting Christians with the stay at home orders…
they were general not specific
you speak to some of our local health officials, and you know there heart was to protect people not close down churches
What persecution is not
punishment for disobedience
“We are punished by good people for doing wrong, we are persecuted by evil people for doing right.” Adrian Rogers
“It is not the suffering, but the cause.” Matthew Henry
We cannot claim persecution because we are jerks
Westboro Baptist Church - The Equality House
We cannot claim that we are persecuted when we sit in judgment of others
does this mean we do not judge sin to be wrong
no… we must be solid on what we believe and stand on the truths of scripture
their message is God hates you because of your sin…
our message is God loves you in spite of your sin and sent his son to die for you
that you can be cleansed from all sin if you repent

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