What Freedom Motivates Part 3
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So what does this do to the relationship between husbands and wives? Note first, this isn’t about women to men. This is wives to husbands. Notice also the goal here. It’s unbelieving husbands. And that they “don’t believe the word” but they are won “without a word”. They aren’t going to believe your message but your lifestyle is going to speak volumes. Again, it’s going to cause the questions to be asked.
Respectful and pure conduct causes people to ask questions. It certainly would have in Rome. Some have taken verse 3 as saying you never can dress up, shouldn’t have braided hair, never have jewelry. But that’s not the point of this text. That’s not what it’s doing. What he is saying is don’t let your external beauty be your calling card but let it be your inner beauty.
Adorning. In God’s sight very precious.
There are some great Bible studies on this. And I think you guys doing a great job of walking through this with one another. I’ll let you ladies disciple one another and walk through what these verses mean for your specifically.
This is where Peter’s focus is—with how believing wives relate to their unbelieving husbands. The wives must be beyond reproach, loving, and serving—so much so that their husbands will be won to the faith by their behavior. Christian women ought to be concerned with the kinds of obligations that are perceived by our society and with what is assumed in the marriage contract. For the sake of the gospel, these conventions ought not to be flaunted. Just as a mother who does not take proper care of her children receives deserved criticism in our culture, so also does the woman who shows no respect for her husband.
e have never seen a “submission problem” that did not have a controlling husband at its root. When the wife begins to set clear boundaries, the lack of Christlikeness in a controlling husband becomes evident because the wife is no longer enabling his immature behavior. She is confronting the truth and setting biblical limits on hurtful behavior. Often, when the wife sets boundaries, the husband begins to grow up.3
What these two authors are saying is that focusing on submission is almost surely an indicator that one’s priorities are messed up. Husbands too frequently resort to demanding submission when they are unable to “get their way”; that indicates selfishness, not loving and devoted service to one’s wife (which is the way Christ loved the church). What the husband ought to be saying to himself is, “Why do I have to use force to get this done?” Often he has decided that his own desires and ideas have to be fulfilled and that his wife’s do not matter. Such behavior is not loving. Marriages that are full of love, respect, and honor rarely, I believe, need to resort to the issue of submission.
I preached on this text last night:
Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7
It’s sad that for many our first response to this text is to be chaffed because Peter refers to the woman as the “weaker vessel”. And in some ways I understand that because guys can be jerks and use texts like this one to promote their insecure theology. Yet if we aren’t careful we’ll neuter the beauty of this text because of our 21st century chaffing.
I like what Robert Rayburn says about the meaning of “weaker vessel”:
Remember weaker” is being used in a context. A ming vase is weaker than a five dollar hammer; a Rembrandt canvas is weaker than a razor blade; and Mother Teresa was weaker than Mike Tyson! Peter is not talking about comparative worth, he is speaking of the reason why men have a special responsibility, laid upon them by their Creator, to show a particular regard for women and their wives in particular. It was not so long ago, even in secular Western societies that a man’s manhood was judged according to the way in which he protected and provided for the women in his life. Only a feminist ideologue surveying the wreckage of American society can really believe that the abandonment of this viewpoint has improved the lot of women and children.
Wives are a treasure that are given to husbands to nurture and care for. The Lord loves His daughters so much that He promises if we do not treat them with the care we ought it will hinder our prayer life.
📷I’ve known men (including myself) that have felt a darkness and a separation in our prayer life with the Lord. I have felt my ability to pray (not to mention preach and write) hindered. It’s like there is this big fat rock that stands between me and the Lord.
At times I’ve been so foolish as to think what I really need to do to remove this rock of separation is to get uber-spiritual. Perhaps if I fast. Maybe I just need to read a book on prayer. Possibly a little time alone in the Word will remove this rock. When in reality I just need to stop being a bear to my wife. Maybe what needs to happen is that rather than sit in my office and pray about this separation and mourn the distance I need to go home and repent of my attitude and lack of nurturing of my wife.
What is really interesting is that if we are praying for our wives to change and yet we are not treating them with honor, tenderness, and understanding our prayers will be hindered. And they will be hindered until we actually begin treating them with honor, tenderness, and understanding. What is really crazy about this though is that our repentance before our wives may just be the means that God uses to answer our prayers for her.
It’s not always the case that feelings of distance in our relationship with the Lord is because we have been blowing it as husbands. But this is one of the few things in Scripture that the Lord promises will hinder our prayers. And so if we feel a distance there it would do us well to analyze our level of tenderness towards our wives.
As a side note to our married female readers. Consider how much the Lord loves you that He would cause a hindrance in His relationship with your husband because your hubby is not nurturing you. God cares for you mightily, so much that He rips up the conscience of us men until we begin treating you the way that we ought.
Fall : humanity is about keeping power.
Redemption—Christ is about giving it away