Together In Spirit
Transition To Body- A Church Body Together Physically But Divided & Fractured Spiritually
Quarreling Within The Body, the family (Chapter 1)
The Mind Of Lord & Christ (Chapter 2)
Individual Temples of God
A Spiritual Father’s Correction
Present In Spirit
Temple of the Holy Spirit
Nonconformity Regarding Marriage
Regarding Destroying God’s Temple Part 2
Reaching As Many As Possible By Any Means Necessary
Holiness In Worship (including Communion)
Body- The Church’s Spiritual Reality Is God
Creating Unity In Diversity In Christ Without Conformity
Paul & Barnabas said in the book of Acts (the Acts of the Holy Spirit):
But not only is The Church’s Spiritual Reality found in God
Creating Unity In Diversity In Christ Without Conformity,
But also God Is
Constructing A Sanctified & Extraordinary Church Community
Why use baptised into one body & made to drink of one Spirit?
In response I would argue that baptism of the Spirit is the common experience of all Christians at the time that they receive Christ as Savior (Rom 8:9). First Corinthians 12:13 supports that conclusion by emphasizing that the total body of Christ experiences immersing (baptizing) in and infusion (drinking) of the Holy Spirit.
It is an Extraordinary Experience to
Jews or Greeks, slave or free shows that Paul is emphasizing a unity that is not merely a unity of diversity of gifts but is social and political in nature (cf. Gal 3:28).
So not only is The Church’s Spiritual Reality found in God
Creating Unity In Diversity In Christ Jesus Without Conformity, and God is
Constructing A Sanctified & Extraordinary Church Community
But finally, in the church, God is
Inherently De-emphasing Me & Re-emphasing Us As One
What is the Us?
One Body (living organism) that is:
In Paul’s mind there is some sense in which the divinely constructed union (v. 13) of the many diverse parts—organically interrelated, interdependently, harmoniously and functionally one body—constitutes now through the Holy Spirit the reality of Christ’s visible presence and activity in the world. It is important to note that it is the historical, empirical church of Christ in the world, not some ideal, invisible, heavenly model, that is the real body of Christ (vv. 12, 27).