sunday may 31,2020 Convictions

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1st Peter chapter 3 today


1st Peter chapter 3 bored

eraser Dart 17

For the two for Tuesday blessings. For whoever desires to love life and see good days. Let him keep his seat and turn away from Evil and do good seek peace and pursue it as the Lord on the righteous and ears are open to their prayer for the face of the Lord is against evil or what it's good. If you should suffer righteousness State you will be blessed have no fear of them. No be trouble, but in your heart honor Christ as Lord Is Holy always be prepared to make it if you want to ask you for a Reason for Hope is in you so that when you are slandered baby foot the shame better to suffer for doing good if that should be God's will never doing evil. Let's pray God. Thank you so much for the day. Thanks. Your love for us. Thank you so much for the word of God. Thank you so much for reminding us repeating things to us. So we'll know what a blessed thing it is to live for you and let you live through us. So got me you are just I'm at Gore fight your name by someone see you on a cross dying in their place today putting on an example of what it means to love each other in Jesus name. Amen. Be seated. Thank you today. I'm glad you're here 1st Peter 3:4 scared. We have reason to be the greater. Is he to send me to see this in the world on your side and got to working for you? And God doesn't want to listen to the enemies lies and believe what he has to read through some of the stuff already and I don't know about y'all but as a child growing up, I had to hear things over and over and over again by model Amen on that one. I never really actually did what you told me to do and it brought me a lot of problems and pain and suffering.


Does anybody here say that maybe I need to read it.

Where is that last week? Right? I didn't hit a message. That's what we are your pastor. I'm trying to find my way and Christ. Believe me. I will leave you some try my best to stay focused on this remind me cost of what I need to hear. Tell me again when I hear this week. Probably messed it up.

So did a lot of you. I know something your life we have to have accountability in our life. We have to everybody needs it. There's none of us good enough to lead her own life. That's not what we need to do. Cuz we go without heart how we feel that's the wrong place to turn hard to see from Wicked. I forgot to remind you that I just feel this is right what you need to go back to you cuz God's words. I told you last week is no way. Is that true and I lie it is way more to go and God wants to remind you of party system and stuff. You know, you didn't love your brother. And I also read through this. I'm always saying. What's in here? What's coming out of here? What are your convictions?

What convictions are?

What's in my heart? What I believe what I believe is right one of these roll. I want to see this lady just go with your heart is going to draw you to the wrong place. It's going to lead you in the wrong direction cuz convictions are different than beliefs. I can fix it. So what I believe we says on here, he says we'd have a good conscience. Anybody want to have a good conscience. Anybody love when you feel good about what you're doing when you don't feel the Stars inside and you have peace with what you're doing. I want to tell you something you can have peace and peace tea come from the wrong place or enemy. Give a fade. Play destroy today, and I have to really look at that. I do a mother remind me that said enemy he can give you peace.

This is so important.

so important that's why we discussed children. If you're not God's children, you're miserable. You're living laughing trying to figure out that has a direction for you as true as children. They want them to be reminded of it. Let me tell you this here with somebody preaching the gospel old man that again. Google just tell her where do we really are. I don't know about y'all will not go understood the desire to hear tell me again how I am Timmy Again.

It just reminds me daily. God has my best.

And I have done this last few weeks. I'm looking guys worried about really.

I got the fries about husband and wife. That was last week some of y'all hear y'all came back. I did y'all submit this week.

Hey, let me just say this.

I need to tell you how to get married husband.

The God has a way for us to do things. Listen to I believe I recognize the truth Jesus if it don't get inside of your heart, and it's not a conviction.

I want you to understand that because what's happened in these verses as we flew to God's word and what are your convictions? I won't know what your conviction what you think about this today.

Go to widgets know what you believe. God wants to know what action doing on your life and you can visit you take.

That's what Peter saying here. Okay, let's look at verse 8 through 12. Finally all of you have Unity of my brother loves you not repay evil for evil on the country for today. She recalled you may have time blessing for whoever desires to love life and see you today. Let him keep his tongue from evil his lips from speaking to see let him turn away from Evil and do good seek peace and pursue it with the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer for the face of the Lord is get supposed to do evil for Rita's vs T. Want to go back to conscious.

Consumer you let one of her do you say that and you keep saying that and we went to the brother-in-law?


agape love, let me do some cheer you one thing.

The pastor you might hear it, too.

Where's God I don't see God in history somebody gets upset and hurt my somebody and they won't know where really not happy with God. Never gave your look. Never gave God's love.

Control what people do in your life?

Do we have brotherly love for one another? Miss you my family.

Can you give us an example?

There's no excuses. Not a brother love.

Looking fine like you said.

No, thank God Palestine the world sometimes that I just want to.

After you tell him how to live how you living.

I want you to feel the conviction of God Understanding God's truth is conviction and you would you okay? And a reason explaining get it real and apostles. They sold me they saw his last they saw how he lives and they wouldn't even

they say they believe in Jesus. I believe in my heart that Jesus did everything. He said he did for me, I believe and I believe it and I will die for it.

That's what God wants in this world.

You put a swig. No that's wrong. It's like sometimes Street for me to live like that.

The freezer for me to do what I think I need to do to season. I love my brother based on what they done to me. And if I'm real about it. I'll do that to be careful or somebody else.

There's a lot of difference. What did you last say? What the Bible say? What is your last name? What did you just tell me? What are your conditions in your life?

That's where I'm at. I will be unified and you don't want to talk to me Hendon what's going on because of me? Will feel that way.

I think you're crazy sometimes. You feel about me.

That's a verb. That's something I have to work yet and work yet and work at

what's your prediction? Let me hear the word have sympathy on one another. anybody have sympathy you don't we like to say

Make a Deal

guess we had on.

Who knows how you feel, or she really knows that it is still up.

emission emission

even the world around you better do all this you better have brother. Love you better. embarrassed shoes

this is what God begin to teach me and I'm telling you I'm please beginning Pete me cuz sometimes

and I'm still only goes with every single second.

But I do what God tells me to do is and I don't know when somebody does something to me. This is why I try to do this how to do on my wife and she is whatever. What you stop for a minute in? There's probably something deeper going on now. What we see the color of reason. Probably reason is 70 stand for in the den. Cuz I don't really know where they're at. And where I'm at. I'm trying to.

That's being a cheaper here. But when I look at a license to listen God I'm praying for you. They hurt me. Yes.

But I don't I don't have to have their approval reason. You will hurt my place, but I'm good. So we have specifically for one another because my father had simply on us and we don't know if he was going through. We want to know Christ. I can fix me a tender heart, mind.

Before he's breastfeeding. Don't be humble.

And anytime we get to the point we sell I can I mine.

I sure got out. I mean I know what I'm saying because look at me now. I'm better than so and so there I was raised in church and I was raised by his family.

Give me let me go and pay one time.

That's why everything we do is smell it in the Gospels.

Everything in your life is a Christian now. if you give your life what you're going through and what persecutions won't there has to be.

Are you busy? You're not a big your victim crisis already won. The price is already done everything needed in Christ to fight the battle. We can love our brother we can be in unity with someone.

Because Christ is already done in crisis wants to live.

Let me ask you this. Emerald City

What's your conviction today? Because

will they still have me in this whole thing is?

He says the word Lord. in there

No ask you this. Jesus Lord of your life

this what God wants for us. Which is what we believe and we're acting on. the V the word of God

nothing else Can you read it you believe it you do?

And let God work it all out.

That's what you do. That's what Peter staying here. All through these verses be holy.

What do you say? I love your neighbor? Listen, don't repay evil with evil. the easiest thing to do

I don't belong here, but I want her to matter.

It's not natural.

Based on what? They still wobbly. When I left you guys were what is God's worship? repay evil with good

What are you trying to do? Evil just what it did.

It's about him. What are we done.

And the closer I get the guy that's why.

once you get him the more you desire

a conviction level is it we're going to do what God still. because that

4 minutes

You got you got the Romans 5 68. What are motivation?

For while we were still weak at the right time Christ died for the what was scarcely die for a righteous person.

But God shows his love for us while we were still sinners Christ died for the ungodly. It is so easy to do good.

But the die for someone who's hurt.

Who does wrong with you? That is hard, but the motivation is Christ. The talk about constant for just a minute.

First 13 I want to read that and we'll talk about it.

What's 13 proof? Who is there to harm you if your zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness 8, you will be blessed have no fear. But in your heart honor Christ the Lord Is Holy always be prepared to make a defense or anyone else for reason for the hope. That is seen you yet. Do it with gymnast respect having a good concert so that when you were splintered those who revile your kids Haven Christ may be good if that should be God's will therefore doing

See if I have a constant.

What page is trying to tell us dear? It don't feel right. I don't feel normal to feel strange on my husband. Don't split the government and the Bible says we're supposed to and it will give us.

fearing the Lord

We don't have enough of this fear of the Lord. I want somebody kind of food with shake and trim back. We love him. We desire to please him.

How bad is it when your contacts bothers me?

How bad is that? You know what the Bible says in 1st Timothy it says that our conscience can be seared.

You can be a Christian accept Christ as Savior. You can have a seared conscience that does not leave his not even aware of God's word because when we're not reading. Let me encourage. You date me how you live your life that you live.

Whenever Jesus Christ anytime you see in the Bible where you had compassion on people anytime peace of Christ had compassion on someone I got compassion for them. I feel it. It's in me. Guess what Jesus did and he did something about it? every time you know what Peter had Peter Walk With Jesus Christ, can you imagine walking with Jesus Christ? Whatever he want with Jesus Christ gets what he got to see him again to see God demonstration displayed in your mother seeing your actions. Directions to God Will Smith. He wants you every time somebody sees your actions. I always told you this and that's where it's coming from that first. It's somebody look at your life and you're convicted of everyday call your Spiritual armor, you know, it's, it's in the Bible opposition against you your Ambassador for Christ.

He's an idiot.

There's something in our lives.

Dentists in the Bible that don't have the smile finally get on Tina what's wrong with you? Why you say something you don't buy?

And y'all know I mean? been around long enough to me Just Dance

Jesus Jesus Jesus

He Did It for Me by conviction is and I don't listen to the windows and the windows clean God's word clears a concert with us too and that's why it says we have a good conscience

So what happened in my life?

The closest thing I want to tell you.

Is it weird to have a conviction for God's word.

You'll be

anybody will be black people all God bless.

God bless you, make sure I don't mess with them get rid of them.

You know what? God bless you with.

I thought that was about to join you lie about not letting me look up you so don't worry. If you did something wrong with riding making sure you didn't do it right and he's sitting there with it and we got something we know we know what God told us to do. Y'all been there already told me he'll if we don't have

God's word because of God's word tells us not do if we're doing that. We don't have the right kind of. I couldn't say that again.


family art piece of whole home, Follow Jesus Christ. I like it's all based on my decision how I leave?

Okay, I will send a b c d.

And I repeat it. That's her that's got to forgive me.

That's why on my life and I'm just speaking for me cuz this is

stay away from

No, we can do what we want to do. We have free will. There's a lot of things not lying but we're doing.

Now you're making other people look at your life and your witness and it affects how people see you.

It's very important very very important that we live our lives, please it's children and, look at how we live our lives. They see Christ in US. Navigate to wake up and pay attention. And most of all analyzes We Love Our Lives that God will bless us.

God's will but we need to leave for the spray today. I was so grateful today. thousand close enough

Miss asking a question that everybody please listen to God today.

What is your conviction? God tells you to do. other things that God said to stay away from other things that would destroy your fellowship between you and God. Other things that will make people stumble and fall.

can give

What do we turn the things outside of God? money

what is going to be my security? Security we don't need that. I need money. We don't need security. We haven't got a ruse and the dead he is our security.

What color is the Christ everything in Christ on Guion already has a buyer already inherited it. Thank you Lord for that I can fix today is I don't need that I've gone and I have to be reminded at Daily cuz my flesh desires.

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