Back to Basics

COVID19  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:10
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The year was 2006. The Indianapolis Colts were playing the New England Patriots in the AFC Championship game. They were coached by a man who was admired by his peers and players not only for his ability to understand the game, but more so for his character, integrity, and being a man of faith. Tony Dungy is his name. This had been a hard game… They trailed the Patriots 21-6 going into the half, and only that good because of a hard drive at the end of the half for a field goal.
“I remember going in at halftime and we’re down 15 points,” Dungy said. “I remember looking up and the TV broadcast had a stat that nobody had ever come back from more than 10 points down in a (conference title) game and I remember thinking that we had a chance to make some history, and to do something that nobody else had done. That was pretty special.”
This was a team that knew the basic fundamentals of football, yet they had had a difficult first half… in the locker room their coach speaks with them and reminds them of things, challenged them, and they came out and played a different second half… they would close the game with a win 38-34. On e of the greatest come backs in championship history!
The writer of Hebrews 5:12 chastises some who need to learn the basics over again...
Hebrews 5:12 NLT
You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food.
NOW… Whether you have come today needing to be reminded of basics or learn them all over again is for you to determine as the Spirit works in your heart. Regardless, this letter should minister to all of us where we are at…
This letter has ministered to us as a church from the beginning of what some have classified as the most difficult season they have ever lived through. While I will state things have been difficult these last three months, they are far from being the most difficult.
This has been a letter of comfort, commending a church for their work of ministry
Paul in a compassionate way has offered his prayers, reminding them of their future, and challenging them in their continued walk
Throughout this letter Paul has shown them and us that … “If we are to live right today, We need to think right about tomorrow!”
NOW… Going forward Paul knows they need a charge… a shot in the arm as they get back on the field and minister to a lost world, as they live with one another as the family of God… his closeing words are like a half time rally charge to the church!!!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-28 (Let’s Stand on our feet ready for action! as Paul gives this charge!)
1 Thessalonians 5:16–28 NASB95
Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil. Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass. Brethren, pray for us. Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss. I adjure you by the Lord to have this letter read to all the brethren. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

What We Need to Do!

We know GOD’S WILL! (VERSE 18)If we are in Christ we can and should know His will!!!!
We may not fully understand His plan, BUT we can know His will
God cares us far too much to reveal His whole plan… (Charles Swindoll “The Mystery of God’s Will” introduction)
Paul shares some of God’s Will for us in these closing verses…
These are basic things… NOT difficult to understand, maybe harder to implement because of our selfishness...

Rejoice Always

Philippians 3:1;4:4 (Well pastor maybe this was just for the Thessalonian church… Look at the Philippian church!)
Philippians 3:1 NASB95
Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you.
Philippians 4:4 NASB95
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!
A.J. Mason states this about the christian rejoicing… This is a command. A Christian’s joy does not spring from his circumstances, but from the blessings that are his because he is in Christ. “The Christian who remains in sadness and depression really breaks a commandment: in some direction or other he mistrusts God—His power, providence, forgiveness”
We of all people have the greatest reason to rejoice!
We can grieve (and should, sin should grieve our soul)
We can have sorrow
We can have trials
But through all those things we can and should rejoice (keep a right perspective about tomorrow so we can rejoice today)

Pray Continuously

A constant awareness of His presence
Communicating with Him
He becomes a part of ALL you do, and awareness of His working
BOTH rejoicing and prayer are dealing with our correct perspective (we cannot rejoice if we are not in prayer)

Be Thankful

Not grateful for all things but in all things (VERSE 18)
Regardless the circumstance, be thankful for the blessings God has bestowed on us!
In our circumstances we have a new perspective… ETERNITY!!!!
What is your perspective?

Know Scriptures

Verse 21
Examine what is taught (give careful thought Romans 12 from your homework)
Know the scriptures! This is all of our responsibility

Hold on!

(VERSE 21b)God’s Word is good, His message is good
His direction for our life is good
Don’t let it go!
Football wrap up don’t let them go!
A Christian who can grasp God’s Word is dangerous to the enemy!

What Won't help...

If we want to advance for the cause of Christ, there are things we have to do and things we should not do…

Don’t Hinder God Working

(VERSE 19) The Spirit is like a FIRE! Don’t throw water on it!
Powerful it can consume!
Can grow powerful (if not quenched) it moves the church!
Melts hearts and softens are own will to His
Smoldering embers lack the same force… why many believers are weak in this world

Don’t Ignoring Teaching

(VERSE 20) God’s Word and it’s teaching will contradict the worlds philosophy and ideas
There are teachings in His Word that are uncomfortable for us to live by in this life
Allow the scriptures to impact your life
Toughen up church!!!

Don’t Pursue Evil

Evil can be fun to pursue for a time
You go opposite of His will
Pay attention! Going towards the wrong goal!!!!
Jim Marshall- ran 66 yards to the wrong end-zone resulting in a safety
Alert one another we may be helping the wrong team!!! (know God’s Word and the Good)

Now Remember this!

As you take the field DON’T FORGET these things!!!
Paul wraps up this letter reminding them of things they know but it is so worth remembering… The final charge here (VERSES 23-24)

Remember Who God is

In troubled times
In an uncertain year ahead
He will do what He says
He won’t leave us

Remember What He has done

Called you!!!!
Saved you, died for you and conquered death
Sanctified you…

Remember What He will do

Complete your sanctification!
Return for you!
Serving God will always be desirous when we remember WHO God is and WHAT He has done

And then...PRAY & Show Love

Each one of us, as your leaders PRAY!!!
NOW... Live a Victorious life!
Holy hugs and handshakes!
Give outward expressions of love
Use God’s Word to encourage ALL people in His Family
This is His love letter and will for you and I
Don’t forget the Grace of Jesus Christ Himself is with you!!!
The second half begins today church… we take the mission field of the world before us! The world may be saying the church has lost it’s momentum but we have the opportunity for the church to do some amazing things in ways that have never been done before! Church… let’s take on this mission field like never before!
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