The Makings of A Mighty Man of Valor
Intro: Sometime ago there was a movie that chronicled the early developments of the space program as we know it today. This film showed the strenuous training and planning it took to put a man on the moon, for man to orbit the earth, and to attempt the first space walk. In the midst of this program there were several astronauts competing for a place and opportunity to make history. As they trained, they were challenged to prove who had, “The Right Stuff.” Who had the right stuff to represent the country in it’s expedition, it’s mission to accomplish this duty? I submit to you tonight that in order for us believers to accomplish the duty and mission, God has placed before us; in order for us to be effective in His service, we must possess the right stuff.
In perusing, examining and inspecting this passage I could not help but notice through the example of Gideon a few things God looks for in us to do His will.
There are some people who think they know everything, I mean they believe they know who should be where and who is or isn’t worthy to be. I submit to you this morning that God can use whom ever he pleases. It’s not your decision it’s the Lords will. It upsets me people fail to acknowledge others because of their past and look at their present and deem them as being unworthy to be partakers of the will of God. I submit to you today that if that were the case none of us would be able to work for the Lord! Look God can use anybody!
a. The Bible is filled with murderers, robbers, liars who wrote books in the bible and represented God.
b. Moses-Murderer
c. Peter-Liar
d. David-Adulterer, and murderer
e. Paul-Murdered
f. Noah-drank
g. Abraham-lied
h. God viewed Gideon’s Potential, not his past nor his present
i. Gideon the idol worshipper
j. His daddy was the high Priest of Baal
k. Baal was in his daddy’s backyard
l. God was able to use the son of an idol worshipper
a. He was humble Vv. 15
b. He was prayerful
a. Moved at Gods command
b. Jesus was a man of action