Walk in the light (LHCOC)
Walk in the light
1 John 1:5-10
2. Our lesson today comes from the 1st epistle of John (toward the back of your bible).
a. This short epistle proclaims very loudly that “God is light; God is love; and God is life.”
b. The author John is joyfully delighted with his fellowship with God, and he wants his readers to be as well.
a. In v.3, John says, “that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.”
b. Then John, in verse 5, goes on to say, “let me remind of what we have heard…”
A. God is light.
B. There is no darkness in Him at all.
A. There is a choice between two paths.
1. In darkness.
2. In the light.
B. One path is much more attractive, and it is heavily traveled (Mt.7:13-14).
A. Sin is inevitable. At some point in life, everyone will find themselves walking in darkness (Rom.3:23).
B. When we consider the topic of sin, we must admit two important things.
1. We will sin (v.8a).
a. Sin is personally deceptive (v.8b; cf. Jas.1:14).
b. Sin separates us from God (Isa.59:2).
c. As Christians, we will sin (1 Jn.2:1).
i. God knew this, and He made it possible for us to come to Him (i.e. through an advocate – 1 Jn.2:1b).
ii. This advocate is Jesus Christ the righteous (1 Jn.2:1c).
2. Sin can only be remitted by the blood of Christ (1 Jn.2:2).
a. Jesus is the ONLY way to have access to the Father (1 Jn.2:2; cf. Jn.14:6).
b. Jesus is the propitiation for our sins (1 Jn.2:2b).
C. The topic of salvation from sin is very important and very confused in the denominational world today.
1. As a result, I feel it would be appropriate to take a little sidetrack here in order to discuss how one gets into Christ in order to have salvation from sin.
2. Salvation from sin is a process (i.e. no one thing can save us). [CHART]
a. Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess…UNTO SALVATION.
b. Baptized INTO CHRIST.
c. Take away baptism and you take away the entrance INTO CHRIST where all the blessings are found.
A. By walking in the light, blessings come to us.
1. We have fellowship with other Christians (v.7b – one another).
2. The blood of Christ cleanses us (v.7c).
3. God will forgive us (v.9).
B. These are blessings only those walking in the light can enjoy.
A. The word IF, and the word SIN are mentioned a total of 10 times in the 1st chapter of this epistle.
1. IF, a conditional conjunction mentioned 21 times in this epistle.
2. Different forms of the word SIN are mentioned some 27 times in this short epistle.
3. So we can conclude that both are important.
B. The word if, as used in our text, explicitly states that IF we follow through with the requirements of God, then we will receive the blessings He bestows.
1. It is implied that IF WE DO NOT follow God’s requirements, then we will not receive His blessings.
2. Consider, “But if we [DO NOT] walk in the light as He is in the light…”
C. Fellowship is another key word in this book, it is used 4 times in this context.
1. Fellowship involves COMPANIONSHIP and PARTNERSHIP.
2. It is the idea of TEAMING UP with another.
D. The consequences of not following God’s commandments will result in a loss of fellowship with…
1. Fellow Christians (v.7b).
2. Christ and His soul saving blood (v.7c).
3. God (v.9).
A. If I am not a Christian and my sins are separating me from having a relationship with God, then why become a Christian if I will continue to sin?
1. The Bible doesn’t teach that every time we sin, we remove ourselves from the light and are lost.
a. On the contrary, the Bible teaches that when you walk in the light you still commit sin.
b. 1 John 1:7, 9 both forbid a Christian to say he is sinless or without sin.
2. The answer, in short, is that the Christian has the blood of Christ applied to his/her life and those outside of Christ do not.
a. Christians will sin, and sin IF not repented of, will cause a Christian to lose the relationship he has with God through Jesus (cf. Heb.6:4-6).
b. However, Christians will sin and IF repented of, then confession must be made, and when this takes place, sins are CLEANSED BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.
B. I am a Christian, I do not deny that I have sinned, and do sin, but when, how often, where, and who should I confess my sins to?
1. When – As soon as we know we have sinned (Eph.4:26).
a. Is it the case that if we fail to confess specifically every particular instance of sin that we will be unforgiven? If so, then certainly none of us would get to heaven.
b. With that being said, surely we ought to confess every specific sin of which we’re aware, as soon as possible after we become aware of it.
2. How Often – Everyday (not just closing your prayers with, forgive me of my sins in Jesus name amen, but honestly and humbly).
a. In context, the words WALK, CLEANSE, and CONFESS are all in the present tense in the Greek. The force of the present tense in the Greek is continuous action.
b. Thus the language means, “If we keep on walking in the light, keep on confessing our sins, then the blood of Christ keeps on cleansing us from our sin.
3. Where – If public; in public – if private; in private (public is also applicable, and appreciated).
a. Public sins – those of a public nature. Sin of a public nature should be confessed to those who are aware of it. Confession need only be as public as the sin.
b. Private sins – those of a private nature, i.e. between you and God (Ps.32:5). Common – impure thoughts, show partiality, anger towards someone, etc.
c. Both Public and Private – those done in public, but not known to the church. Hanging out with the wrong crowd, being charged with a crime, drinking, fornication, etc.
4. Who –faithful Christians (1 Jn.1:7; Jas.5:16).
1. As I mentioned at the beginning of the lesson, all I can do is get you to consider what the Word of God says, I cannot, no matter how much I want to, make you obey it.
2. Are you in the light? If so, are you walking in it?