Head & Heart - A Fresh Walk
Head & Heart - Loving God With Our Mind and Emotions • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 40:55
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Beginning (Ephesians 4:20-24)
Beginning (Ephesians 4:20-24)
There is one thing that all Christians, Christ followers, or believers have in common - we all had a beginning to our faith;
But the question is where have you stayed - at the beginning, stalled somewhere in your faith, turned away from your faith or continued to move;
Here Paul is telling the church at Ephesus that there more to their walk with Christ than just believing in Him;
There is a changing from the inside that begins to reflex to the outside;
They, and you and I, desire sins less and less as we grow closer and closer to Him.
We cannot depart from the world because we have a responsibility to witness to it; but we must walk in purity and not allow the world to defile us.
Growing (Philippians 1:9-11)
Growing (Philippians 1:9-11)
Paul is telling the church of Philippi how he is praying for them, so that they may join him with similar prayers for themselves;
I thing we could all benefit in praying these thoughts for others and ourselves;
Loving - Paul desires that they will grow in their love for Christ which will then grow their love for others;
Knowledgeable - Paul desires that their knowledge of Christ will expand to such a size that their old ways will not have remove in the lives anymore;
Discerning - Paul desires that will discern (understand) sinful actions and a pulling away from Christ.
Righteousness - Paul desires that they will be filled with the righteousness of Christ and show the benefits of following Him.
The truths and laws of Christ are excellent things; and it is necessary that we every one approve them, and esteem them such. We only need to try them, to approve of them; and they will easily recommend themselves to any searching and discerning mind.
Transforming (Romans 12:2)
Transforming (Romans 12:2)
There is only one way for you to have a transforming life - that is through Jesus Christ;
First you claim Jesus and act like the Devil - you have to choose a side (Matthew 6:24);
When Jesus takes up residence Satan gets an eviction notice - he may not leave quickly or quietly but he has to go period;
The more you think about, learn about and speak to Jesus the more transformed your life becomes;
The more transformed your life becomes the more you reflect Jesus to the world.
The Christian who fails in life is the one who has first failed at the altar, refusing to surrender completely to Christ.