6-14-20 Sunday AM
Want to see you again to all of our guest and really all everybody. Thank you so much for being here with us today. If you're a first-time guests are honored guests and we appreciate you being here. I'm going to preach a little bit different message today. Probably one of if not the most difficult things that I've ever had to preach a fool or not have to but one of the most difficult things that I think the lord has laid on my heart. So I want you to pray with me about it and and pray for me and pray the Lord will just give wisdom and and I asked you if you don't do anything else. Just hang in there with me till we're done. All right, and I hope that at least our church knows enough about me to know that I'm going to preach the Bible and everything. I say I'm going to give you a lot of scripture here today and preaching what I believe the word of God teaches that said, I do want everything. I say to be measured and balanced and clear most of all I want everything to be biblical. Caprice what God has placed on my heart in a good a right and a Christ honoring spirit and I've seen many preachers they say the right thing but they say it with a bad spirit and I think that's just as damaging just saying the wrong thing to begin with and so I want to be biblical and I want my word to be measured because I don't want him to be unclear or misconstrued or misrepresented or anything like that are the past four months has thrown our country into a total tailspin coming off of this virus in the past 3 weeks, of course things have not just gotten a little bit worse. It seems to me that got exponentially worse. I want to see what the next 15 and I'll give you the title here in just a moment loop with me inverse. Number one. The Bible says certain men which came down from Judea. Call the Brethren and say it except he be circumcised after the manner of Moses. He cannot be saved when they're for Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension disputation with them. They determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain other of the ocean to go up to Jerusalem on to the apostles and Elders about this question being brought on their way by the church. They passed through pheniciens Samaria declaring the conversion of the Gentiles and they caused Great Joy unto all the Brethren when they were come to Jerusalem. They were received at the church of the Apostles in the elders. They've declared all things that God had done with them. Look at verse 5, but they're rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believe so these are Christians saying that it was needful to circumcise the only to command them to keep with all of Moses want to pause for just a moment. I'll read verse 19 here in just a minute. What's happening at verses 1 through 5 if you've got A certain group of Jews men from Judea who have come to the church that is both Jew and Gentile and the Jews are actually telling the Gentiles. You cannot be saved. You cannot fit in with us unless you conform to extra biblical requirements unless you conform to our standard an hour. I guess our requirements. You cannot be a part of us and I want you to notice that you've got you and you've got Gentile and they were not exactly nouturios for liking each other. In fact, the Jews despised the Gentiles so much. So they're the Gentiles were to give a piece of pottery a vessel or something to the Jews. The Jews would actually take it set it aside ceremonially cleanse that piece that vessel before they were Actually use it. Then you've got inverse number 5 that it says there was a certain sector the Pharisees with believe. So these people were former Pharisees. They have come to faith in Christ. So they're Christians and notice what they say that is needful for the Gentiles to be circumcised. What you've got happening in this early church is essentially racism. You've got the juice and Gentiles. You cannot be a part of our group you don't fit in racially and ethnically with us. I want you to know this Paul and Barnabas the Bible said they have no small distinction. So they get to this church and they say guys this is not right. This should not happen and they actually sent Paul and Barnabas back to the church in Jerusalem where James was the senior pastor they come together. They have a council with all the apostles if you remember I preached through this pass. Did you know our Sunday night series church, that is steadfast and I have titled the sermon then get out of our church. Cuz that's kind of what the Jews were saying Gentiles get out of our church. Now, of course, that's not what we have said or what we ever will say, but they go back to church in Jerusalem and they get the Apostle together and Peter speaks and pause basement notice what James says in verse number 19 James, of course being the senior pastor of the Church of Jerusalem says wear for my sentence is that we trouble not them with from among the Gentiles are turn to God James says this leave them alone. This is my sentence. This is what I'm declaring. This is what I'm saying Jews leave the Gentiles alone. They have turn from their idolatry. They have turn to Christ. They have been saved by Same dog that saves you Gentiles. He's later on going to go on and say that they are into well by the same. Holy spirit that the Jews are in dwell by and so James said leave them alone. My sentences stop troubling them. So I want to we've been in a series answers and I want to ask and answer this question this morning the best I'm able to read from the Bible. How does God view different races of people? How does God view of reality is it doesn't matter what I say or what I view the reality is what dog views we know just a few weeks ago the horrible unjust warrantless Death of George Floyd has now been a catalyst that has prompted changes seemingly overnight in our country and I'm not here today to affirm or deny whether the chi Changes are good or bad. That's not my intention. I will say this. I don't think there's any reason for me to have to say this, but I will just to go on the record that the death of George Floyd was wrong. It was war Atlas it was sinful and it was and is a gross Injustice. And I don't think I've seen a person that has denied that that I am privy to the America that exist today is totally different than what it was. Just three weeks ago again. I'm not here to debate a firm with an Iowa. Those changes are for the better or for the worse it unless those changes or either a firmware tonight in scripture because my job today is to preach the word of God. That's what I've been tasked with. One thing that I think I can denounce unequivocally today is the amount of hatred that we are seeing in our country the amount of dissension and Division and problems. Hatred over the past few weeks that has seemed to emanate from the heart of Americans to me is astounding and I think what is even more astounding to me is the amount of division that has existed among Christians and Believers and the charge as a result of what has happened. I'll be honest with you over the past few weeks. My heart has been both angered. It's been broken. I've been frustrated. I've been confused cuz this voice is saying that and that one saying that this person saying this and this organization saying that and this political leaders this saying is that my heart's been Disturbed. I've been indignant and in some cases I've even been fearful not knowing where is this thing going to go? And where is it going to end course? We know that most notably racial issues have been at the Forefront of every American in the past few weeks. It's been suggested by some that we as preachers and as churches should disconnect issues that are happening from the pulpit and I want to say the name of the only thing we should disconnect from the preaching of the from the pulpit is what has been disconnected from the word of God. And I think the Bible is very clear on this subject though. It is and unpopular subject or at least has been until about the past three weeks or so. I think the only thing that's going to fix our country is for pastors and preachers to begin to deal with the tough issues that are plaguing our society. I think the only thing that's going to fix it is if some pastors and preachers have got enough God and guts to stand up and say the Bible says this is right. The Bible says this is wrong and we must conform to the word of God and not to anybody or anything else. In the interest of transparency and openness and honesty today, there are several things that I want to say that I want you to understand that I recognized right is easy for me to get up and just preach the word of God, but I want to kind of preface it if you will and give you some preliminary things that I want you and those who are may be watching online to know that I know and I recognize I recognize today that America has a checkered past with the way that it has treated people with different races. Most notably black people are recognized. I'm not preaching today in ignorance. In fact Checker seems to be some somewhat dismissive. So I'm going to take it a step further America doesn't just have a checkered past. We've got a sinful past and it stained with sin and with wrong and with embarrassment though. I wish I could I cannot do I can change or raise a tone for otherwise excuse those people in our country who made a Freewheel decision and choice to treat other human beings as though they were not human beings as a church today. We vehement Lee and adamantly opposed any type of racism to any degree to any person something else. I recognize today that in many churches that even the churches have been guilty of treating different races of people which are not of the majority of their congregation as inferior angle churches that would treat a eat a race or a different colored person. That's not over the overwhelming majority of their congregation as being inferior folks. It's one thing for our country to have a sinful past in quite another thing for us to have to acknowledge and affirm that even Churches are guilty of such sinfulness and ungodliness. In fact, it's been well stated that Sunday is the most segregated day of the week is shame on churches for allowing Sunday to be such a segregated day. I also recognize today that not everybody's going to fully agree with what I have to say. Even though I'm going to offer as much scriptural support as I possibly can but in the end my job is to preach the word of God in the best spirit. I can as pulsating Ephesians 4:2 speak the truth in love. I made a decision many many years ago. Called me to preach and I was 14 years old and I told the lord of the end if it's in that book, I'll preach it and I'll preach it in the best fear that I can possibly preach it now delivery in the best way that I possibly can but I'm never ever ever ever ever going to shy away from tough issues because they're tough issues if the word of God deals with them. And addresses them. I recognize also that I passed through a diverse Multicultural church and all God's people said amen and I am glad and I consider it a privilege to Pastor a church. This guy white people black people. We've got Latinos, we've got we've got those who are really white. We got those who are not so white and we've got everybody does in between and I unashamedly and unapologetically say that I am privileged to Pastor Richard. That is Multicultural. I also say that if you're looking for a church that caters to it to accept only a certain race or that caters to only a certain race then Trinity Baptist Church is just not the church. Were you perhaps the number one compliment we receive from people who visit our church preachers and visitors are like it so come in and they'll say there's one thing I appreciate that. You're not a church full of just a bunch of white people that you are a diverse Congregation of people and I make no apology for that. I also recognize today though. It may come as a surprise to some people that I'm white.
And some some people would say that by virtue of just my color that I should not deal with these subjects, but I'm not preaching today based upon the color of my skin or you listening based upon the color of your skin. It has nothing to do with the color of my skin has to do I think with the content of the scriptures are recognized also that racism hurts. It hurts deep it hurts for a long time. It cuts it cuts like a very sharp knife and some people that are listing it are here today or online or maybe it's some point in the future you have experienced such hurtful Blair's or comments or remarks or mistreatment and it is never ever ever write without Christ racism can breed bitterness unforgiveness hatred and even resentment. I also recognized that His word and law enforcement some of those entrusted to enforce the law have abused the power to which they have been entrusted again. I'm not preaching from ignorance today. There are over 800,000 enforcement officers in America. You you would be hard-pressed to find 800,000 people whether they have a badge or not. They're going to do the right thing all of the time. It's all recognized today that there have been so who are guilty of abusing the power to which they have been entrusted of those eight hundred a thousand eight hundred thousand plus the few that have abused that power. I think should be dealt with swiftly and they should be dealt with just lie, and remember this and I I will give credit where credit is due. I stole this from another Pastor that I heard freak this past week. He said the goal in any profession is not eradication. It is purification. The going any profession is not to do away with the profession it is to do away with those who would do Injustice or Injustice rather to that profession. I recognize also that everyone has and is entitled to an opinion and it's okay to different opinions. You know, I too have opinions on many different subjects on a variety of different subjects. But again God has not called me to preach opinion. He's called me to preach his word. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion. I would say though today if we're going to have an opinion and form an opinion. It would be both wise and prudent to ensure that such a pinions are based upon facts for Proverbs. 18:13 says that he danced with a matter before he heareth it it is folly and shame unto him before you form an opinion know the facts of that subject on which you're going to form an opinion know the matter at hand inside and out. It is foolishness today for anybody to form an opinion on any side of this equation without knowing the foundational facts on which you have formed that opinion. It is also wise and prudent to ensure that your opinions do not eclipse the gospel in the message of the Cross. Paul said it first PS 117 Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words, like the Cross of Christ should be made of none effect as Believers. We are not called to get caught up with trying to sway everybody's opinion to our Viewpoint into what we think we are not tall to get caught up in the debate. We are called to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion based on fact, there's nothing wrong. I don't even think we'd even posting that opinion on social media, but we must understand that we cannot allow ourselves to get roped into debates and divisions and allow our Viewpoint in our opinion to eclipse in to hide the message of the Gospel in the cross of Jesus Christ. I would also say that it be both wise and prudent to ensure our opinions. Do not allow division. Within the church Boston the 1st Corinthians 1:10. I beseech you Brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ itchy. All speak the same thing and then there be no divisions among the youth but that should be perfectly joined together in the same mine. And in the same judgment hear me and hear me. Well, the only thing that causes Division and God's house is carnality opinions do not cause division opinion should never cause division in between the people of God because we do not unite around opinions will unite around the gospel opinions to cause division in dog's house. I also recognize today that if the church if God's people cannot provide an adequate answer in a solution to the problem that is plaguing our country and if different races of people cannot come together in the church and unite together then this World is hopeless. If a chart can't even get on the same page together. Then we can all expect they lost world who does not have Christ to come together. This world does not stand a chance if the church can't unite together. Finally. I recognize that I may not fully see or understand what another person feels is going through or what they have gone through and nobody out here today or fully understands knows or can comprehend the same thing about me. What I do know, is this Paul Gleason 6 where the bear one another's burdens. So whether we think it's a burden or not. We're to try to find a Biblical way to help this person and push them to cry that with all that said the question before us is not how do I do a country in organization politicians political parties or even the church review different races of people the question is, how does dog Different races of people because for believers are opinion, I think should be founded upon the word of God. This is the Bible is our sole Authority in the final Authority on all matters of faith in practice and is of Paramount importance hear me. We do not get what we believe from Facebook. We do not get what we believe from the media. We do not get what we believe from Fox News or CNN Ray BC or MSNBC or whatever all the other news stations. Are we get what we believe or should get what we believe from the word of God and let me just off for a little bit of caution out to us today the voices that exist on this issue are many and varied. They're everywhere. There's a thousand different opinions on this issue and they're not just many and varied. They're also very very loud. They are screaming in our ears. You've got to believe they're so you got to believe this where you got you in here to this do not be guilty today as Christians of jumping on the bandwagon up a movement or a party in the sun knowingly subscribing to a progressive liberal movement and unbiblical view in this crisis in our nation there have unfortunately been some subversive organizations that have deceptively hijacked this time in our country and they're using this time to push an agenda that has an odd but it's self-serving and Betty is divisive these organizations. Generally you say how do you know they're anti-god because they're anti-family there anti traditional marriage they support gay marriage. That folks is anti God's they are anti-government because they're calling for the abolishment of law enforcement that God has ordained. They are also not just and type of government there anti-god there also and teicher. So be very careful who you subscribed to stay away from every organization that is going to threaten the church the family or the government that goes against Dodge word. Be sure today that his birth by principalities powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world. And by the way, if you want to see total chaos disruption of Anarchy, then remove the law enforcement the God has ordained Get rid of all enforcement and you're going to see total chaos and Anarchy and A disruption that our country has never ever seen at Trinity Baptist Church. We will unashamedly vocally support every good first responder and every law enforcement officer and we will also pull out and expose those individuals Christian and Hughes the authority of the wall to do so and in so doing we bring a bike to the hundreds of thousands of other officers are First Responders trying to do what God has called them or what God has gifted them to do you say Pastor wife in such a society when it seems like everybody is anti-police. Why would we stand with law enforcement will stand with those who are doing right? And we're going to stand against those who are doing wrong. Why do we do that? Because that's what the word of God tells us to do and we Play the Bible now all that sand. Thankfully this question. How does dog do different races of people going straight to five things would never be done by 12. So if you have to leave then I'm sorry, but five things I want to show you some of my go through quickly number one. There is only one race. and if the human race is only one race and it's the human race in Acts chapter 17 verse number 24 and 26. The Apostle Paul was preaching and he says God that made the world and noticed this all things there in has made of one blood all nations of me and 4 could well on all the face of the earth is a pastor. What does that mean? That means that it doesn't matter whether you're red yellow black or white we all came from Adam. And so there's only one race now we'd like to take people and we like to divide them up into a race of store to to some degree and we'll touch on that. Hopefully if we have time here in just a few moments, but the reality is there is no color to the soul of a person and it doesn't matter what color of skin you have. Whenever you're cut you're going to bleed the same read that I'm going to believe we can to divide a Humanity into different races that we didn't know by skin color, but the word race is actually a little bit of a Nomar Because having more or less melanin in your skin that's making you a lighter or darker or darker color does not mean that you are a different race. That means you're different color know some people say that well, I'm color-blind. I understand what they mean by saying that but I don't believe that God is colorblind. I just believed God doesn't have a problem with that in today at our church. We see color. We just don't have a problem with it. We just don't care what color a person's skin is racism today is not a sin against the color of a person or a group of people if there's only one human race as outlined by Paul in Acts 17, then the racism today is a sin against humanity. It's not just a sin against a group of people. It's a sin against the entire human race and I'll take it a step further. It is also a sin against a sovereign God Who created every person that exists understand today and affirm that people are different colors and that's okay. And we as. People we as humans all belonged to the human race the race of people made by God according to God there is no loving someone more because of what color they are north of loving someone less because of what color they are. God loved us all the same not because we're white or black or some other cover. God loves us all the same because we're human because we're people because we are humanity and so God loves us. All in fact, the Bible says in John 3:16 for God so loved the world the Bible. Does it say that God love this person anymore or any less? Like what Tony Evans said and though I may not agree with everything. Tony Evans says theologically he was right on this. He said racism isn't a bad habit. It isn't a mistake. It is sin. The answer is not sociology. It is theology. Number one. This is only one race the human race. Secondly, every person is made in the image of God. In Genesis chapter 1 verse number 27 after. Has spoken everything we see into existence. The Bible says that he wants to make man. Here's what he says in verse number 27. So God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and see every person is created in the image of a Thrice. Holy God when God went to create mankind. He said I want to make someone who is a mirror image and who is a reflection of me. And by the way parent you should tell your children and teach them that they are created in the image of a holy God. Don't let your children grow up and wonder who am I supposed to be this way, even though it's something I can't help it. Is this a fault is this a failure know they've been created in the image of a holy gone. Every human life has the same value $2 because every human was created in the image of God, every human life has inestimable value to God. Not a human that gives value to life. It is dog that gives value to life. You see I only recognize the value of that life of the humans only recognize the value creation does not give value to Creation. The Creature does not give value to the creature. The Creator God himself is who gives value to the creation never apologize for who God made you to be David said that I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous. Are your works and that my soul knows right? Well David and looks at himself and says there may be some things about myself and I don't like but there's a God in heaven who made me fearfully and wonderfully and I want to stay today and I know it may come some people me made me think that is controversial. But this is the Bible don't you ever apologize because of the color of your skin, don't you apologize for being black don't you apologize for being why don't you apologize for being Hispanic don't you apologize for being Asian don't you apologize for being Oriental? God Made You In His Image and God Made You fearfully and wonderfully in the image of God in Acts. 10:34. Peter is preaching and he says of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons. Respect one person above another this means. Value is all human life of Ike there is not one life that in God's perspective has more value than another life as flawed humans. We tend to Value people. We love more than people. We don't look right you value your spouse more than say you value your third cousin. right absolutely by third cousin is You value people you love more than people that you do not love. Because we're flawed and weird, but God loves us all the same. So don, put the same value on every single person. God loves all of humanity equally and US values all of humanity equally it let me also say that this is not to say that there is an absence of judgement for those who would rebelled against God and for those who would shake their fists and their hands in the face of God. What it is to say is that God does not love a person any less because they rebelled against God but there is of course consequences for sin. Every person create an image of God that means today that that child that is born with Down Syndrome is created in the image of God and God created them and God made them and God structure them that way that means the 876 thousand babies that were murdered in 2017 in abortion clinics are valuable to God. And by the way, they were of all Races they were red yellow black and white
that mean is the nearest 62 million babies who have been aborted since 1973 in America alone are valuable to God. This means the rich are valuable to God and so are the poor it means that the short and the tall are both valuable to God adults and children alike are valuable to God hear me. The criminal is valuable to God and the police is valuable to God, even if the police had become the criminal the black person is valuable to God the white person is valuable to God and every single person in between. God does not assign value based on color. He assigns value based on humans being created in His image. We're all created in the image of God. The faint baseball player Jackie Robinson said I'm not concerned with you liking or disliking me. All I ask is that you respect me as a human being. I want to say that they don't anybody is going to like you. You don't know like everybody but you can't get respect and give respect number 3 is only one race the human race. Every person is made in the image of God number 3 a Biblical Church welcomes all people. A Biblical Church welcomes all people that one x 15 James deals with this when we read it already where he said trouble them not if they've turned to God then leave them alone, right? It will not talk about issues of dog trainers in we're not talk about the issues of Publix and we're we're talkin about issues of literally what race are they from and Jane says trouble will not leave them alone. By the way, the Apostle Paul put in the features 214 where he says for he talkin about Christ Jesus he is our peace who have made both want to talk about Jew and Gentile. He said he's made both of them one and a half broken down the middle wall of partition between us another words. You got Jew over here over here. Neither of them can stand each other. They both don't like each other a whole lot and yet Paul right to the Church of Ephesus. We covered this also on Wednesday night in our Bible study when we went through the book. Of Ephesians and we looked at our identity in Christ. How many of you remember that would you say a man? We went through this and we said that there's no place for a a a different state division of right inside the church. Our church has always been and always will be vocal against any type of races and we've always welcome people to our church regardless of what their background for their pedigree for their nationality or their ethnicity or their socioeconomic status or how much money they had or what they look like and what they dress like or what a family they came from or what their skin color was. We've always been vocal on this now. I'm just reaching an entire message on it. The Paul says that Jesus broke down the wall of partition that separate a Jew and Gentile if we're going to break down the wall of partition that separates different and I use the term race cuz that's what we attached to it. Even though there's only one human race if we're going to break down the barrier that exist between colors. It's only going to be Jesus Christ that doesn't because Jesus was the one that broke it says again equation 328 He said there's neither Jew nor Greek. Neither Bond nor free. There is neither male nor female for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. I said earlier that as Christians, we don't unite surround our opinions. We don't unite around our views. We are united around the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And Paul says in Galatians 3 that whether you like it or not, if you know Christ as your savior, you're all one in Christ Jesus. I just want to say that shame on churches in Believers that would allow and it would cause division over something where the word of God says that we are united in Christ Jesus Christ Jesus Son of God is our heavenly father whether you like it here or not. You are siblings with someone who does not look like you Because it's the cross that makes us Brothers and Sisters in Christ. It is across that makes us siblings one with another the ground we like to say is oh level at the foot of the cross. We are heirs and Joint heirs with Christ according to Romans chapter 8, there is not one joint air that is better than or Superior to another joint. Are we are all joint heirs with Christ. We're all Brothers with Christ. We are all the children of God samplings Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Reminded that Jesus. Should be our example today and it was this same Jesus who went to the woman at the well in Samaria, the Jews and Samaritans hated each other. Jesus said she needs me and I'm going to take the dog out whether she hates me or not. I'm still going to take the gospel to her. Jesus minister to the syrophoenician woman a woman who was not the same as Jesus was I like to say today that Jesus was either Republican. No Democrat. He wasn't libertarian. He was an independent. Jesus was King. You don't vote again, and you don't vote him out. He's just the king. Nights at 4:13. I want you to see this verse when we going to our fourth point with commission quickly and spend a little bit of time with our fifth one. This is the Church of Antioch in Acts 13 Verse 1 will see the early church was diverse. National Church notice the Bible says they were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers as Barnabas and Simeon. It was called Niger Lucius of Cyrene him an alien which been brought up with Herod the tetrarch install Barnabas was from Cyprus Cyprus was an island in the Mediterranean not far from Israel Simeon in a Lucius were both from North Africa Lucius being from modern-day Libya and was from Palestine and saw all we know was a Jew the early church was a diverse Multicultural church. And guess what they all got along with each other they loved each other and they realize that God has made us and created us different but we're all created in the image of God our goal together as a church is to reach the young church with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And so it was a diverse Church shame on Church. That cannot coexist with other people. Who are they different skin pigment number for I'll meet you this quickly. We are to love our neighbor. Jesus told describe this religious man and Matthew or rather Mark 12:31 Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Jesus didn't say love your neighbor when he's good to you. Just love. Your neighbor is a pastor that seems pretty simple to just love people. All right, let's get at it then. Let's start loving people. Let's stop with all the division with all the distinction In Contention with all the hatred a simple concept indeed. It is to love other people, but it said we need to practice number 5. I believe today the answer to racial division is the gospel. if there were any point that I could Really capitalize on his stress today. It would be this what I know. It's 12. I'm going to be honest with you today. I'm just taking my time. You got to leave. I understand the kids are in children sure if they're all right. The answer to racial division is the gospel commander-in-chief, which is Jesus gave us a command to take the gospel to Every Creature go. Ye into all the world and preach the gospel to Every Creature. He said in March 16th 15th, and I'mma tell you what's going to change the Outlook and what we're seeing today is when people have their hearts radically change your radically transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is impossible to day make no mistake about it. It is impossible today to be an obedient Christian and to be a racist simultaneously it cannot happen. It's impossible to do it is impossible. This is going to cut a little bit deeper. It's impossible to be an obedient Christian and not be a witness for Jesus Christ at the same time. It acts chapter 1 verse 8 Jesus gave his disciples a commission of sorts. He said the Holy Ghost going to come upon you and you're going to be witnesses to me both in Jerusalem, Judea Samaria or the most parts of the earth. He's hold them and by default told us to go to every single creature every single human. I'm glad today and I'm happy to be able to say that our church supports missionaries that are of all different races and ethnicities. Our church has never ever dropped a missionary because of the winter wear their ministering or the color of their skin or anything else. They're really doesn't amount to a hill of beans. It doesn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things. What do you think today about the gospel? And the hatred that we're seeing this come from our world today are America. Instantly I think of sin conflict is always the result of sin when you have a marital conflict somewhere. They're seeing when you have a conflict with your employer your employee somewhere. Somebody is send whatever you have a conflict with the pastor somewhere. Somebody has send either me or the other person in some cases. It's both. In conflict in our country is the result of sin and I learned a long time ago that there's only one thing that fix his sin. That's the gospel The Cure today is is not another political party The Cure today is not riots in a Lueders and burning businesses to the ground. The killer today is not the abolishing of police departments in government that God has ordained The Cure today is not a heavy hand from law enforcement that commits crimes and hide behind the bed. The Cure today is that we as Christians get busy and give him the gospel to other people and see them come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ that's going to be the cure to our Dilemma on to our problem. Mankind can never properly be reconciled to mankind until they are properly reconciled to God. You know, I fix is your marriage when you fix yourself with God, you know, what fixes problems inside the church when we fix herself with. You know, it's going to fix the racial tensions in our country today when people decide they're going to get right with God and trust in Jesus as their Savior and be obedient to the word of God. Think about it. Only seeing can take the unique way in which God made us the unique way being in the amount of pigment in melanin in our skin, which is something that none of us had anything to do with it all only seeing can take that and make us somehow think that we are superior to inferior to someone else who has it if we could always send that would be like me saying that I think I should be superior to somebody who's shorter than me. I have nothing at all to do with that whatsoever. But seeing can come in and create crazy dilemmas like that. And only the gospel is going to cure that only sin can take something so minor is so small and create Division and hatred an inferiority and superiority in only the Gospel of Jesus. Christ is going to fix it. What America needs today is a change of heart? That's what America needs. The only thing that's going to change Hearts is Jesus in the word of God. The only thing that's going to give them Jesus in the word of God are those of us who already know Jesus in the word of God. I don't think today as Christians. We we should not guilt or force or angrily convince others to change the way they think it's been well stated that a man convinced against his will was of the same opinion still. You see we don't need I don't think to guilt or shame people to change the way they think they just need Jesus and his people will get Jesus and if they'll get saved and if they will read and believe the word of God, I believe today that God will change their heart. I appreciate today that we live in a country where we can stand up and expressed vocally. That would we disagree with and all true American said, hey, man, I'm glad we're leaving the country where people can stand up and say that I disagree with this and this I'm glad I live in a country. I can stand here and preach the Bible. You don't have to worry about police coming in yet and arresting me. Heather may come a day with us going to happen. I'm glad to leave in that country. But can I ask a questions or question today? Where are Christians Marching for the cross?
What are we being Witnesses today, which is more important today making some type of statement by virtue signaling or hiking some Facebook post or post a picture of some article by somebody else. Is that more important that we make a statement today is Christians, or is it more important that we start making a difference by getting the gospel to people they passed are really concerned. I believe that every life has value. I submit to you today. That's perhaps you should start knocking on some doors with us. Whenever we go back out into our community. If you really think that every life has value I submit today, but maybe the mission field is wide open by booty from Chris. Is it on stand up and say life is valuable in the eyes of God Gospel gospel start running out of Vans and buses against their will have people lined up that's willing to say neighborhood in that neighborhood. I'll go to this apartment complex and I'll get some kids together. They'll be no shortage of people who will light up and say how to teach children the gospel. How many willing to give them the gospel and change their life. It is not as important today that we make a statement as much as it is true that we make a difference with the gospel. It doesn't matter how many Facebook posts you give. is a high probability they probably not going to make a difference and if they do praise the Lord, I'm glad they do but they're not going to make the same difference at the dock pool makes I think we Christians need to get busy. But the gospel.
You know everybody here today, it had somebody mistreat them. Some people you've been mistreated because the color of your skin. Have you been mistreated because somebody say something about you maybe somebody had a phone to idea who you were or whatever it is. Let me tell you the devil wants to take that and he wants to leverage that but that wasn't leveraging it in our country right now. He's taking and he's in leveraging things in his creating Division and contention and people are hurting their angry. They're hateful their vengeful their wrath. I mean just the devil isn't leveraging in his crate and division right in our country. Everybody has had someone mistreating them don't allow the devil to leverage those moment so that you do not have compassion on someone else.
Don't allow the devil to take those moments. And strip you of having love or compassion for somebody else. For six years. I hope it's okay. I'll tell the story. I told you I'm going to be open and transparent when I was growing up for 6 years. I lived in public housing. And at that time they were probably a hundred apartment complexes it in that that public housing. and of those hundred I would say there might have been 5% that were white. I remember but I had some great friends. I got some guys and I were friends with that then that we still communicate today. And by the way, they're not the same color. I am that's okay, but I can't tell you the number of times that I remember myself and my siblings being chased home being called some some things that I dare wouldn't repeat from the pulpit being jumped on it being beat up. I mean, you're 12 13 14 years old and he's a pastor. Why it why are you telling us this? I'm telling you this because that has not even one little itty bit calls me to see someone else in a less compassionate way. But if you want to allow how people have mistreated you I know people that have gone to churches in the past was mistreated them and they allow that to spill over into their their whole life or the or their Church life rather to wear now, they won't trust a pastor at all. You've been hurt by somebody in church and man, that's all all those Christians that way so I'm not going to go to church don't allow it again. If if if the devil has his way he's going to let someone who mistreat us over here unjustly made it was an injustice it was wrong. It was sinful and he's going to let somebody take that thing and and what are View and to where we don't even have compassion on people because we take them and we put them all together into one category. By the way, that's in. Don't allow the devil to leverage those moments to where you do not have compassion. One of the people I'm going to finish with this. I believe today that God Specializes in bringing Triumph. our tragedy
Is a pastor what are we do you get the gospel and share Jesus with people may get involved to some Ministry somewhere. We can share the gospel with somebody make a difference instead of making statements. Give the gospel of people, but God is Sovereign and God's in control and they just think they're in control right now in Seattle. With a six box, you know. They think the politicians just think they're in control and political parties. Just the reality is God's in control and none of this has called a sovereign God by surprise. God did not wake up three weeks ago and said I had no idea this was going to happen and this is going to send the country into a perm or no dog knows exactly what's going to happen and God Specializes in bringing Triumph. A tragedy that would encourage us today as Christians. Hope thou in God or his about her eyes are closed today. I know I preached longer than I normally do. But today I'm not apologizing cuz I meant to
Janice is making a way to the piano.