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When Race became the Issue  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:16:28
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yeah, go ahead.

Hey man, praise the Lord this morning. It is time to get into the word. It's time to look up. the Bible says lift up your heads O, ye people stand in the gates and watch The Lure dinner, but it's time to come before his presence with Thanksgiving with singing Praise the Lord for a new day. And no more in a new week. We look at the Book of Genesis. We look at things that God has put in front of us some things I got to do our hearts. The Lord is preparing for the days ahead. And it's all right in front of his right hand scripture if word is the same yesterday today and forever if word indoors as word lass is what is the creator of all things and we have two privilege of being and knowing God's word this morning. So I pray that you text somebody tell somebody to check it out soon in and can get on this Facebook page and let's watch the word of God just begin to melt our hearts and build us a man. That is a good morning will be the Book of Genesis Genesis at the beginning the origins of Life the origins of everything are in the Book of Genesis. So I encouraged I took a look at us today and look at the tip of the day. Open your Bible getting your nose get whatever you going to ride on so later we could do a holy habit. You can share with one another share with those in your household goes around and let's be a blessing because this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Let's pray and let's get into this time in the word because God is great. By the way. Thank you Lord Jesus this morning as we open our word open a hard to open our eyes of God, give us ears to hear it or God. We pray Lord God above all things or Jesus speak to us drawers to yourself and make us like you Lord instead of making you like us we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. All right. I want you to let us know what's going on in your mind chimed in with the name man with the with all the things that the Lord put in your heart identified with what God is saying to you the Book of Genesis. We are hovering around some themes that are so much as you see on the screen the theme in the title of our time to gay today. When race became the issue when race became the issue, this is timely but it's right there in the scripture. It's keeping up with a better fact we can see what God is saying right where we are and the scripture chapter 10 chapter 11, the Lord begins to open up some things that we can look at the day. They can tell us what's going on and where we're going and where we're headed. That's why it's important to look at the word of God because God gives us clues in his word as to what's going on. So I can courage you just be kind of look at this to understand something. We said for weeks. Now this picture the background I call it a prophetic anticipation of this prophetic anticipation in the Book of Luke. Jesus says, this is Luke 17 2627 as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of a son of man that ate they drank then married wives he says and they were giving in marriage until the day Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and all and destroyed them. All this gives us a parameter. I thought process we're still in the days of Noah last week. We dealt with Noah coming out of the boat. And we saw the ramifications of of the fermentation in the process of decay in the world and how it affected him. And then the curse of ham his grandson and we talked about that. If you didn't see that I want you to talk to look on our page and look at that because it is an important message of our day. But today we're looking at even further and we're going to look at some things that are right there in front of us and they're right there in the news as a matter of fact and they have always been but we're going to look at them in a current way today. in Chapter 11 first 4 verses of chapter 11 This is the statement. It's made now the whole earth had one language and one speech. The whole earth had one language in one speech and it came to pass when they Journey from the East. But they found the planes in the land of shinar and they dwelt there. And then they said to one another come let us make brick. And big them thoroughly. and they had breakfast owned and they had asphalt for Mortar and they said come let us build ourselves a city at our who's top is into the heavens and let us make a name for ourselves unless we've noticed the scattered abroad over the face of the Earth. This is the beginning of what we are now understand many of us the Tower of Babel but it's the beginning of the one language one people at this time. I think it's incredible to think about the people that are on the earth at this time probably into the millions at this point. We're not talking about days after we're not we're talking about maybe years multiples of years after between chapter 10 in Chapter 11. As soon as a lot of people on Earth and remember we have the four Sons. The three sons are the three sons of Noah Shem ham and japheth. These three sons are the beginning of the population of the year. If they remember the things that God told Noah coming off the boat or the things that God told Adam when he created him be fruitful and multiply and demand and fill the Earth. It was a command. It was a man to command to propagate. It's a command to to Really to have children and families in multitude. He was a command to grow and grow and so this is the context of these three sons would now feel the Earth with the lineage of these three sons. Now we can only imagine that that we have to put ourselves in some type of mindset to understand that out of these three sons. There was one language that was spoken. Many believe that that language was probably Hebrew. But the one language that they spoke all in unison together was Hebrew and so that y'all ain't even though they had different make ups and different family groups and so on they all spoke the same language speaking the same language gives them a similar culture similar Expressions, you know, when somebody speaks your language, you know, when they say a certain word exactly what they mean when your don't speak that language, you're not sure the inflections, you're not sure the dialect. You're not sure speaking two languages. That isn't important term. In that passes, we just read there's a million times as let us let us let us there's a lot of us when you speak the same language. Did not mean them there's us. We're living in a world today. What is a lot of them? And you people and those people. But at this time on the earth, there was the s factor because we spoke the same language. Even though this is a yet becomes a wicked generation. They are saying us we That's the language of the church, really? that's the language of the body of Christ should be us and we our challenge today is to begin to ask ourselves. Do we say us and we enough do we say it enough when we're talking about different groups of people are we saying us and we are we still saying you and they that's a determiner and actually kind of barometer of where we are. How close are we to the Lord? But how we use these words? Did they find other people? Is it us? The reason why we have some of the evil in the world because there's always a day and then and they're so little us. And even in this context here, even though we don't understand their real Essence, but they said we want to do this so that we're not scattered abroad. They automatically know it's intrinsically known that if we're not speaking the same language. I'm going to separate and to be scattered all over the Earth. Somehow we don't understand that in our day. That what separates and scatters us is different languages. And language is more than simple words and dialect. By far because you can have a language without saying words. certainly This is why we have to understand the scripture. So clear that these three sons spoke the same language and that language was again more than words. But that language was learned from their father that language was learned as a father. Listen to the Lord build an ark it was that language and help them communicate over those years a hundred and twenty years of building. It was that long one. It's not the language that allow them to be safe with all the water fill came down and came in and came over. It was that one language. It was that one word that Oneness That saved them and it's not going to be anything different today cuz as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be? We have the capacity for Oneness. In the body of Christ not speak this morning not to the general of the public. As a preacher call my God. My main objective is to talk to the body of Christ. My main call is the minister and preached to and teaching the body of Christ. And so I speak to the church more than I am just a general topic or Jimbo spoke spoken word this morning, but we who believe and call on the name of the Lord. There is a higher expectation and high response in Duty that we have in times like these. That we have a higher depth of understanding an Adept the need for the perception that we're looking at. And this is the reason why because the world is blind the world has lost the world is grappling in the darkness searching for the door, but the Bible says that we have and we are and we follow and we know the door. I am the way Jesus said follow me. They were really following the Christ. We're really walking with Christ as we say. Then we can tell those that are blind and those that are out there struggling. Follow me as I follow Christ as Paul witsec imitate me as I imitate Christ and Paul would say we should be able to do that would have others imitate you what will they be saying? What language are they speaking? That's an indictment on us being careful about what we say one of most dangerous things in our culture today is the idea of social media because we begin to say things. Admit things that are not helpful or holding their not good or a blessing. We understand. That's why I'm so important. That we see and understand what we are saying. And be responsible Believers on social media not just blabber out some things to get a rise out of people. But the God says he will hold us responsible for Every Idle Word. So we got to be careful how we communicate what we communicate and are we saying us and them or them and they And what are we saying? These are important things to understanding the scripture today. These are important things to understand about our times today is what are we say and who we talkin to and who we talkin about. Are we one are we saying what Christ would say the old wwjd what would Christ do? What would Christ do what would Jesus do we have to ask ourselves that more often and of in the atmosphere of the world the day? What would Jesus do? If the death of is George Floyd, what would Jesus do? And we would find ourselves in scripture. Stop looking at something altogether different in the presence of all this going on. We have to ask ourselves. What would Jesus do? What would Jesus say we have to ask those questions as Believers. I don't expect and neither does a lord expect the world to ask that question. But the Lord expects us to ask that question. What will the Lord do in this case? And the reason why the world is the church is responding and some ways that way they are is because we're not deep into the word of God to find out what would the Lord say, what did the Lord say the woman caught in adultery go and sin no more. I'm not here to accuse you. Why is it that we have accusation in our lips in our communication when it comes to them and they because when I fall in the Lord what happened to the woman who called at the well who had five husbands and the man she was living with another husband and Jesus gently talk to her and told her things about worship and threw her in and she became a Believer and really the first event listed woman in the Bible.

Because of she was a Samaritan. And there was a deep divide between the Jews in the Samaritans. There was a racial divide between the Jews and Samaritans and the Samaritans thought the Jews were disgusting and the Jews. The Samaritans were disgusting and it didn't even want to go in there land didn't want to cross their territory. We had to go around it. That same sentiment is in the world today, but Jesus shows us being the way the truth and the life goes straight into Samaria. And talk to even a woman that the Samaritans did not like even a woman the Samaritans did not agree with even the woman that they didn't want to see in the cool of the morning, but she had to wait till the late in the afternoon In the Heat of the day to get her water because she was going where all the women that were earlier. She didn't want to be there. Jesus says give me a drink. You see these are the things that Jesus would do. Are we responding as a Church of Jesus Christ the way Christ would respond in these times. See, that's why we begin to follow the world. When I look at social media when I read the things that I read and see the things that I've seen from sometimes believe he's Believers that are claiming Christ. I read some of the things that they're saying that's and that's not Christ. That's not the Lord at all. Tumblr responses have nothing to do with the with the Lord at all their speaking from their flesh. They're speaking from their culture. They're speaking from their racial group, and that is not Christ. That is not Christ at all. I want to see some of that today. At this time when these sons are on the earth and they're really feeling the Earth remind ourselves. What's going on around the world? In our studies so far. We saw that the Earth was really at this moment beginning to break up. During the flood the one continent begin to move around the Earth. The one continent begin to literally move in by the time we're probably looking at with the sons of Noah, we're beginning to see the Continental Divide drifting probably very slowly but drift. All the continents fit together you can look at any geological understanding and see that reality. What the Lord says in that passage in Genesis and God said let the Waters of the heavens and then they don't have said be gathered together in one place. So it should all the water is gathered in one place and then down below. He talks about God and God call the dry land Earth and the Gathering Together of the waters and called them see and he says so all the waters in one place. All the land is in one place and is a giant you might say island or continent.

And when they began to talk about working to be scattered, then that just talking about scattering of them people, but they're coming the scattering and how the Earth begins to move because everything on the earth changed After the flood. So now we're going to go see a continental divide in a shift in the earth. Now there is volcanoes that there hadn't been before. Now because of the flood there volcanoes there's a veteran and and Rain there's heat in this snow on this mountain peaks and everything is changed and and because of change in the atmosphere alone. Everything is just now the sun is beating down on the Earth as it had not before. Now there are dark places. There are cold places. They're cold places like a like Alaska work. You have so many times how many hours of daylight? There a place in the earth where it's dark. 617 hours because of the shift the world has changed and in that change the people on the Earth are changing as well over time through time. And then we have but yet we're still speaking one language. We follow this pattern in the scripture. We know that these stuff these Sons begin to migrate lay take on the characteristics of all the Earth. And I know how well you can see this but let's just run it down. Jacobs had seven sons ham has four Sons sham has five Sons. Out of the sun's you get predominantly a breakdown of where they went in the world and from that time also the Earth changing and the typology of the Earth moving and each group beginning to move in different areas around the world. No doubt. So after the one boat is built certain, there are a lot of boats that are built. And people groups are beginning to spread around the world from these three sides. Be three sons LPN seven sons that form Europe and Asia. Japheth. Japheth, Europe and Asia come from his lineage. Then you have ham the Southwest Asia Canaan and Africa all the African Southwest Asian come from Finally you have a sham which is the Middle East in the she might stuff noticed when you get to that part of the Middle East or the Arabia. And You Begin that the breakdown of racially of all the people on the Earth. And as the Earth begins to move as he literally is the earth begin the land begins to move in the people begin to migrate and because their language had been changed and we're going to do with that specifically next week along with some other important issues, but as their language has been changed they now have very little in common. I want to start to stand something that they none of them looked alike. even at this stage They didn't all look alike, but they still had one language. Is there one language? This is important understanding about how the world was made and how God intended. These things is having that one language. When you look at the look at how they broke down in the Europe and Asia and you have Arabia and Africa and the Three Sons of ham filling the Earth. It's amazing to see. Because also as we said before the atmosphere is different. The sun is beating there's cold is heat. the different climates the clothes in one, different than another. Got the food in one climate different and another ass before and then before the flood all the food and all that all the nature and all the atmosphere being similar of the same. But now it's vastly different from territory to territory. And we begin to respond differently in certain parts of the world. It was more of fish content in certain parts of the world and became a beef content in certain parts of the world. It became a mass production of a lot of different so you see people whose begin to change Before the Flood there was no meat eaters. Now after the flood man began to eat me his digestion change his life changed the mere fact that we begin to eat meat changes his in his intestinal decisions and how his body is made. This is all need to be thought of it because they're all different now and then on top of all that now they speak a whole different dialect. You see this is the day. The further you get away from people the different dialects you discover and we know this language will tell us that even in the one country there different dialects within that country. Even one country two different dialects window unit America. That's true. If you listen to Somebody talk from the south Bill talk and say the same sentence as someone from the East would talk and it would be a totally different idea and understanding the inflections the word decadence. Same country different regions different dialects sometimes different meanings for the same things right into one country, but the distance of them creates that separateness. That's why we say the us and we say them and and and and you people and we use those words because it's them over there.

But what makes us one what draws that's in. What is the language? We used to have innocence and what language did God want us to have? Got the key. This is why we understand these things the way we do and we're look at them because the world is broke down by these three sons, they feel the Earth and they take on different dialects and take on different meanings of an expression and different cultural groups. And they have different languages. And because of that there becomes that sense of competition. Have you know me and if you know me and through the years I've talked much about competition and that competition is not godly. Queen America Feast on it love it, but it is not godly nor did it start in a Godly place. He was never something that God intended competition. I want to hear me clear this morning because there's something a Biblical thing that we need to understand about that term. Pick up the first competition with Satan saying I'm going to compete with God. I'm going to be like God I will rise up like that. I will compete with God. And the driving force behind competition is pride. Pride the reason why we have the unrest in the world today and not just today by the way, we all know this is an unrest that's been in our country since its birth, but it's been in the earth quite some time. So we talked to ask a question when did race become the issue? after the language changed That's when it became an issue. It was the language that changed that made the fact that we looked different became the issue when the language changed. It's still true today that it's our language differences in our cultural differences and the idea that I'm competing with you that makes me out of my own Pride. I'm competing with you. That's why we have racial issues this very day on any stripe on any level. It starts with Satan one of the things we forgot at the church not the world. The world doesn't know anything. But the Church of Jesus Christ. Remember the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal. Your spiritual the enemy is not you or me, or they or them the enemy is Satan himself. And sometimes we see other people as the enemy and that's exactly what Satan would love to happen. If those black folks. It's never the Real Enemy. My call today is less focus on the enemy. This focus on the real issue. And that takes us speaking the same language. And the world does not know this language. We have to separate ourselves from the world what happened to the social media and we all join into this one pot. And we all start sounding like the world. When will we begin to sound like Christ? We've got to begin to get back into the word sale or what what you say. What would you say?

The language was all one Genesis chapter 11 verse where it says that one language to all the people Millions on the earth at that time, and they all spoke the same language. Very similar when you look in the book of Acts. The birth of the church Acts chapter 2 verse 1 and when the day of Pentecost had fully was fully come they were all in accord in one place one Accord in one place one.

And then it goes on to say in chapter 5 verse 5 and they were noticed swelling in Jerusalem Jews development from notice out of every nation under heaven. Every Nation this is no small gathering. The suggestion is that this is high time. They could have been three to eight million people in Jerusalem at that moment from all every continent on the earth that meant that there were whites. They were blacks. There was FedEx there were occasions. They were mixed multitude of people from all over the world. Literally and when you go down further it list the continents that are there. And tells us at the birth of the church every racial group every dialect every person was represented at the birth of the church. Not one everyone. He says that the men under Heaven just now when this was noise a bra the most to came together and it isn't a word confounded notice this the most you came together cuz now there's three to eight million people from all over the world in one place for one reason on one Accord and they all spoke and it's a known as what was the confusion we were confounded because every man heard them speak in his own language.

It take us all the way back to Genesis chapter 11. Genesis chapter 11 was in the flesh now walking in the spirit of God.

And people gathered from all over the world. The church is born Acts chapter 2 and it's born speaking one language.

The reason why I hate this brother that brother the reason why I can't stand this race of that race. The reason why I have these problems the reason why they exist is because we speaking different languages and I'm not talking about the world. I'm talking about weed the Church of Jesus Christ.

We're not speaking the same language because we're not really following Christ. We're following our culture. We're falling our car. We're following our Creed. We're falling some religious ideas, and we're not really following Christ. Cuz when the church is born it speaks one language. When you are born again, authentically you no longer speak. Just wipe just black just as Bennett. Just Asian you no longer speak from your coach a group of your dialect there from when you're on the country you no longer speak from your political persuasion you no longer speak from all these other issues. Your number one objective is to say What the Lord Has said, That's real Christianity. That's real Christianity. That were talking about it and that's why the work that's why the evil in the world persist as it does because it's not just the world marching. It's the church marching with it. It's not that the world on Facebook comment in in in in in crude and mean and cold. It's not just the world its first Christians with it. That's why it is as evil as it is is because you have people who are claiming claiming Christ who are still involved in their flesh. still involved in their carnality still involved in naming

and proclaiming their cultural group over. Christ himself That is why we see what we see. but in the same book of Acts chapter 17 Paul the standing before all the wise people on the Acropolis He said before all the doctors in the lawyers and the and all the philosophers. Paul begins to break down. What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? And these are learning educated Shake movers and shakers of society. Call begin to stand in front of him and Paul says these words at that moment 24 and God who made all the world and everything in it. And he declines he says it's because every one of them were worshipping different guys. Suppose that I want you all to understand that this The God Who made everything not the guy that just over crops or the guy that's over the land of the guy that he's a mister God over everything. Paul separate his God from all the false gods and he wants to understand I'm not talking about what you're talking about. This is how we should talk. If you want to get on Facebook. You want to get on Instagram if you want to get on social media top this talk. If you want to talk about the racial things that are going on talk this talk. He said The God Who made the world and everything in it, since he is the Lord of Heaven. He says an earth and does not notice dwell in temples made with hands nor is he worship with men's hands and he says as though he needed anything.

Sometimes you watch preachers on the on the airwaves and they talk about God as if he's a needy God. God need your support. God need your help. God doesn't need anything.

If you hearing someone talk about the Lord in the manor in the fashion that makes him sound like we got to throw got a nine more nickel. We got to help God out. He's not the god of Heaven. He said that's all he needed anything. He says since he gives notice to all life breath and all things notice first 26. And he has made from one blood every nation of men that dwell on the earth. He says and one notice every nation of men to dwell on the earth and one blood one of every nation immense while the Earth and all the of all the all the face of the Earth. This is what he saying. He said instead of saying you and them and they Is Us. In the body in the church. It's us.

There is a bae, but it's those who don't know the Lord, but then the Lord said whosoever. Another word that God will use me Lord the Lord who so ever.

Put seaweed used to point the finger and say they you people those people. Paul says we all have the same blood. Who you talkin to the doctors? The lawyers are philosophers. the movers and the Shakers the lowriders

and he says no what? Lord has made us all of One blood every nation of men to dwell. You noticed on all the face of the Earth and has determined pre appointed times and boundaries and their dwelling. God knows where you live. He knows where you come from. He knows who your mother grandmother. He knows your lineage. He knows your ancestry he knows But it all the differences you may have you still have one blood. And the Bible teaches that the life is in the blood. So what is important about what Paula saying is that we have one blood we have one life. That what makes us us. is the blood the black but I want to focus on something that's really important to the passage because it's important we see this. And it's simply that word that he uses there for Nations. He says there. But he has made one blood. out of every nation of men Every Nation the word there that Paul uses in the Greek text is ethnos. We get the word ethnicity from it or ethnic. Ethnic in our modern day is usually used to describe someone other than white. That's not how it was originally expressed ethnic or ethnicity was an expression of different dialects in different people. And it's important. We understand a Biblical understanding that just so we were told we're getting way too much information from just opinions. We need to get back to the Living Word of God the word that Paul uses his nose what it means. A race of the same habit expressing the same habit a tribe, especially a for non-jewish. Usually by the implication of pagan or Gentile and healing a nation people.

He says that God made one blood out of the ethnic groups that were there one blood. How is it that we got to where we are? Not just a day. but for a long time on this Earth because you see in the chapter 11 of Genesis. They were all one Speaking one language is getting along to the point where they use the word us us us us. We and we were concerned about being separated. Well now we're not concerned about being separated as matter fact during the 50s and 60s. There was a big crowd that don't separate us. desegregation

this is the part of the problem C. We want to stay away from you all we want to stay from from you all and it worked on both sides, but that was never God's intention. God's intentions always one It was always one. That's why when you look at the scripture just confuse clear. I know people say what they want and they always will but what does God's word say one? One out of many one.

That's in the body of Christ. That's why racism should not exist in the body of Christ, but it does because we are still in our flesh. And that's how I identify myself. That's how identifying you and when I begin to identify you from a racial group or me from a racial group that becomes the division that separates us. What I only did find you as a language that is a problem as well. When I do mean your language and say speak English.

destiny that's the meaning. And then those wants to go to other countries and we take our little books out and can't speak the language to someone shout at you speak English speak speak French or speak Spanish generally not. But in America you might hear that in certain places and sadly enough, you might also hear it from somebody who claims to know Christ. See that's where we had the problem. There is no problem or challenge in the world the world's going to do with it does. But we were born again to be like Christ. We ought to function and act and respond and imitate Christ. And I think that some of the things we see today or Nah responses from people who are not imitating Christ and we have got to do that. That's the Wii. We have got to stand up in the middle of all the things are going on safe Jesus Christ with this and Jesus Christ with that and it's right here in the scripture. This is why we look at this the way we do the F not he has made one blood of every ethnic of every ethnicity. one blood that's not what James Madison wrote. When he said that, you know, black men in black people were only 3/5 human. That's not lining up. What scripture says every really believe her at the time. This ain't no no James. What's wrong? because of what he says in the book of Acts But where were the Believers at the time James Madison himself was claimed to be a believer. See, that's how we squeeze the things into the culture is because Believers at the time in American culture at least had dual ideas instead of just holding straight to the body. We've got in that James Madison was a great man, but a lot of Rights the father that said the Constitution a great document from which with our country is built and still stands to some degree and yet it was flawed and that it was not fully fully truly understood and was not for all people. We got past that time and moved in a time of slavery moving the time of total decoration. And pampered and and it really approved by many of the churchgoing Bible toting people at the time. Who would worship God on a Sunday and what go home to enslave a people? prior that even as a nation we would ravish the American Native American and that history is undebatable as well. These are things are going on in our country of which they're still playing out. Those things should have never happened within the context of Christ. And the reason why we have some of the social unrest we have the day is because the Church of Jesus Christ not the world. The Church of Jesus Christ has not ever said that was evil that was wrong. We've kind of swell your that was history.

It was wrong history. We got to say that because the scripture says that We need to own that so we can grow. This is why this is important for us to see from the scripture contest not just another opinion out there. One blood out of all the ethnicities. I'll be all the different nations one blood. Again, this is important information for us to learn. The early church and Frank valova write this in Darryl Grant write this is a kind of interesting. I sure that many times before and I thought it's incredible thoughts incredible thinking. He's at the end of racism will never be achieved politically or nor through violence or Force neither. Will it be resolved by issuing a denunciation against it? Unfortunately many Christians today put their hope in political process to solve such problems. The reason why we struggle is because the church puts its hope in a political movement. That's why not the world. They have to that's all they got the world has the elect somebody too big. That's all they got. They got to throw rocks. But who knows the Lord Jesus Christ have so much more.

Give me going to Sam's s they debate it on issues at the same level as the world does. You hear that? The reason why we had what we have as far as the Church of Jesus Christ as we're doing the same thing the world does are you riding on Facebook or social media the same thing somebody that does not know Christ is writing. Are your thoughts lined up with someone that does not know the Lord Jesus Christ? Are they similar? Do you find yourself saying us to people who don't know the Lord about such topics?

Check who you're following. Check who you're following. the common word in social medias follow me Jesus said follow me first. Who you're following? Who are you identifying with? That will tell you sometimes walk with the wise and you'll be wise walk with the fool and you will be a fool. Who are you following? What group are you following you identify yourself as a political person then who you following? You see these are open port and things about has a lot to say the early church was birth born Multicultural multi-race show and multi-generational.

8000 a million three to eight million people gathered in one place on one Accord for one reason to receive the blessing of God who spoke one language and they hurt in their own dialect. Speaking in their hearts Multicultural multi-race a multi-generational yet today. That's not true of the Church of Jesus Christ in the in the general context. We're still divided by race and culture and Creed and denominations and all that kind of stuff that got never invented never intended. Because man drowns in his own religious perspectives instead of sticking right with what God has all these declared. I will tell you unequivocally that denominations have been a real problem with the unity of the church. Denominations have heard the cause of Christ to a large degree and yet I will say that I will say this at the same time denominations have done a lot of good things in this world. But what denominations cannot do is it provide a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ?

So you make your denomination bigger than God, we're in trouble. And yet that puts happen. Because I do not Malaysian said we're going to vote this way are denominations that we're going to agree with this is ever going to boycott this and do that. But why say who are we following? denominational leaders or the Lord Jesus Christ see that's one of the issues at church has a gravel with because easy to get our eyes off the Lord and start looking at a movement start looking at a decisions are looking at a persuasion. It's easy to be confused and diffused. Keep your eyes on the Lord.

Not on the movement. Not on the feeling. What is the Lord Jesus Christ say? But if you're not in your word, I I would imagine that was the only thing you got left his feelings and emotions and the flesh. That's why I'm begging you to get into the word of God and steps thinking about things from the flesh the context. We were going to stay in the same article was amazing.

When you walk into the early church who writes this when you walk