Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
\\ *The Purpose Driven Life – Part 2*
Rick Warren
Today, we’re going to look at the first of God’s five purposes for your life.
Number one, let’s read Revelation 4:12 out of the Bible.
Would you read it with me? 
*“/You/ (God)/ created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created/.”
The Bible says you were created for God’s enjoyment.
Not as a plaything but a creation in His likeness designed for relationship.
In the book of Genesis we see that it was God’s daily habit to walk with Adam in the garden.
*"/Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”/"
(Genesis 3:8-9, NIV) *[1]* *
God made you just to enjoy you.
God planned you for His purpose.
And the only reason that you’re alive is God wanted you alive and He gets enjoyment out of watching you.
\\ \\  This week we’re looking at the flip side, the first purpose of your life, which is God wants you to love Him back.
He wants you to bring enjoyment back to Him.
As much as He has created you, He wants you to love Him back.
One day Jesus was asked, “Lord, what’s the most important command in the entire Bible?” Jesus summarizes the essence of the whole Bible in His response.
Let’s read it together there in Matthew 22.  It’s there in your outline.
He said,
*/“Love the Lord your God.
This is the first and greatest commandment.”
Circle “/first” /and “/greatest/.”
God says if you don’t get anything else, here’s what you’re supposed to do in life: you’re supposed to learn to love Me back, because I made you to love you and I know you.
And I want you to know and love me back.
Now, there’s a word for this.
It’s a word we misunderstand so a lot of people don’t use it.
It is the word */“worship.”
Worship is knowing and loving God back.
Now, the problem is, that worship is misunderstood today.
And when I say the word “worship,” what do you think of?
Well, you may think of prayer.
You may think of singing.
You may think of ritual or communion or going to church, something you do in church.
*/But worship is far, far more than all those things./*
*/My first purpose in life is to worship God/**/./*
It’s your primary objective.
It’s your highest priority.
It is your number one purpose in life.
We’re going to talk about what that means today because, unfortunately, as I said, worship is misunderstood.
What does a person look like when they worship?
Have you ever thought about that?
What do they look like?
If you read the newspaper, they always have the exact same picture of somebody worshipping.
It is this.
Now, that may be one legitimate form in millions of different ways.
But worship is far more than this . . .
There’s a lot of ways to worship God.
We’re going to look at them today.
We’re going to look at what does it really mean to worship.
Now, probably the best verse that defines worship, your very first purpose is this-Romans 12, verse 1.  Let’s read it aloud together.
*/“Because of God’s great mercy to us… offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to His service and pleasing to Him.” /*
/ /
/ /There’s the pleasure part.
“/This is the true worship that you should offer/.”
Now, I want you to circle three words in this verse -- the word “/because,”/ the word “/offer/,” and the word “/pleasing/.”
Because this is what worship is all about.
\\ \\ For today I want to highlight just a couple of things relative to this verse;
·         */First, worship is my response to God’s love/**/./*
Worship is just the way I react, I respond, to God when He loves me.
That’s what worship is.
Notice it says “/because,” “/ /because of God’s great/ /mercy/,” His love to us, then we worship Him back.
You see in this case, God takes the initiative.
God always makes the first move.
God doesn’t ever ask you to make the first move.
He always makes the first move.
And He creates us.
He saves us.
He forgives us.
He blesses us.
He protects us.
All these things and then because of all these things, we worship.
And notice what we do - we “/offer/.”
That word describes worship.
·         */Second thing is giving back to God./*  Worship is giving back to God.
He gives to us, and we give back to Him.
And whenever you give back to God, whenever you offer anything to God, that’s called worship.
And that brings pleasure to God.
It brings enjoyment to God.
When your kids are grateful to you, as a parent, that brings pleasure to you.
When we’re grateful to our Heavenly Father, that brings pleasure to Him.
Now, the question is, when it says, “/offer/” – offer?
What am I supposed to offer?
I mean, what do you give a God who has everything?
I mean, you think finding Christmas gifts is hard for some people?
You say, what am I going to buy?
What do you give a God who’s got everything?
I mean, He made the world.
He made you.
He made the universe.
What do you give Him?  I’ll tell you what you give Him…you give Him your love.
You give Him your love.
And He’s very specific about how to give it.
And we’re going to look at this today.
In Mark chapter 12, would you read this verse with me? 
*/“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.”
God wants me to love Him three ways: 
ð     */First, God wants me to love Him thoughtfully./*
It says,  “love Him with your mind.”
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