Obedient Children Imitate - Sunday June 14
I don't know why but it just seemed like as I was studying this week and looking and look up on me. There's only five chapters in 1st Peter. I guess I was kind of got used to going through Romans and then John and looked at some pretty lengthy books, but we're in the actually 16th message of 1st Peter and and 1st Peter. Of course, we began out where the way he was reminded by Peter writing to the those in Asia Minor the Christians that were all scattered there that was under great persecution. He reminded them that guess what we are pilgrims in this land and its did a course Pico an expository preaching and looking trying to learn more and try to be a better expository better preacher with my little bit more for your time than I normally have and in that process with several of us to talk in that that preached through verse by verse and expository. Like that that it is amazing because so many times Young. What do you know what the preacher window preaching and I tell them that Paul told Timothy to preach the word of God. You've got six books in there. You've got stuff that you just need to. but sometimes don't really got us into one direct thing but by going through books, it is amazing and through almost 30 years of and doing tired When you pick a book or you pick up a passage of scripture to go through and you plan these things ahead of time how well they work with God and how will God seems to God and they actually do fit in because all scripture is given by inspiration of God is profitable a man.
I'm with the covid-19 with the protest the riots and everything else that's happening right now. If it don't jump out and talk to you from 1st Peter than something is wrong because 1st Peter said that we are pilgrims. We are going to suffer persecution. We are going to not everybody is going to like us not everybody's going to say good things about us. And so it's going to happen and then we looked in Chapter 2 and chapter 3 and this is really the the whole Crux of the entire book is that Peter commanded us to submit ourselves to government, you know, it is easy to submit to a good government a man man when the economy is good and everybody's doing what you want and the way that you were it is easy, but you know Peter sick not only submit to good government, but he also said submit to an evil government a matter of fact, they were under Nero who was very Ebola didn't say let's go out and protest but you'll owe Peter said to submit then he turned to the home life and he said are already starting to the master in the servant and he said you servants, even if you have an evil Master you were still to submit to that mastered. It's all about a fart. It's all about relationships and then the home and he said you saved wives that are here that you you have unsaved husbands that will bring you persecution and that will not treat you the way that you need to be treated. But guess what you would submit to them also and coming up with the fur. World do we submit but evil government? How do we submit to an evil master? And how do we submit to an evil husband and the question and what Peter is pointing to is that it has nothing to do with them being good and bad it has everything to do with who we are in Christ and we saw that last week as we wrapped up chapter 3 we saw that Christ was Victorious Christ. He was reviled. What did he do? He reviled at again when Christ was persecuted. He didn't lash out when Christ was the government Came Upon him. He didn't lash out at the government as a matter of fact, when he wrote the Jerusalem Too Faced palette. He didn't come in riding on a white stallion saying I'm the king of this town and you're going to bow to me know what did he do and got on the donkey any Road in quietly submissively because he had a greater purpose and he had a greater design it. So I want to tell you guys and I want you to understand And I wish that I could tell you life in America is going to get better. But if not, there's a Bible tells us it is going to get worse and persecution is going to get stronger. It's going to get greater. And so how to set up against an evil government. How do we stand up against evil employers that how do we stand up against evil family members and stuff. You can only do it would Jesus Christ. That's the only way that we can do. It cry said nevertheless not my will but what Vine be done Christ had a greater purpose Christ had a greater goal in mind. It was not about him and his right but he had to do it and do everything that he did in order that you and I might have eternal life and that's why I did it for the sake of the Gospel so that you and I and when he died on the cross and he cried it is finished. Walker said he did away with it. He proves that you can live in a human flesh the body and since when he died and he would waste in the grave he proved that you can conquer death, which is the penalty in the wages of sin is death. But guess what if you can live without seeing that you could conquer death and so what we do we're not living according to our flesh. We're leaving in Christ. And we're taking everything that Christ has done for us. And so therefore it helps us to be able to submit obedient children imitate is what I've title the message this morning because when we find here in scripture in chapter 4, we find that we are two are more self with a mind of Christ and that arm is a a a weapon. If it's just the same exact thing in Ephesians chapter 6 where he says to put on the whole armor of God. We are in a battle. We are in a fight and there is nothing greater. It is amazing. I love with the statistics come out in De Pere the governor say that all of these new cases and everything that's happening. Not any of them less than a half of a percent have even attended or been linked to a church in any way that none of this is happening. Why because Christians are doing what we're supposed to do. We're trying to help out our community. We're trying to help out Arbor.
Parties that are there we don't have to do anything. I went back and read if you have some of you may know we start tomorrow going into phase 2 and I've been trying all week. I haven't got any updated stuff than what I shared Wednesday, but haven't put it there or they just didn't add nothing or what but I hadn't found it yet, but more this afternoon and more tomorrow is to what that entailed but as we are going into this new phase and everything and moving and progressing and rest now go to 2/3 capacity and we're getting back to life. Listen, we can trust each other we're going to submit to the authorities into the guidelines because why it's for the gospel's sake what is it going to do if we take off the government and make everybody mad. You were none of us. Can I can't even preached how many people go to be safe with can you send out the message of the it's on Sundays we have to do in order to protect what we're doing it, so
Of Christ, we need to get out of this selfishness and this up our tree that we're living in today. And we need to focus on Christ. We need to put the things that Christ had that are important as a matter of what he's talkin about here in chapter 4 and he's going to lay out for us this morning is looking at the difference before we were saved and after we're safe, there should be a difference. There should be something that is there is a matter of fact Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 10 says for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus what unto good works which God has before work Dane that we could walk in them when we are saved we're supposed to be different. We have a different purpose. We have a different desire and a different goal that is going there. We also fine and I don't know why am I getting a leg there in the deal, but it's Titus Chapter 2 and verse 14 says who gave himself for us that he might Dimas from all iniquity all sin and purifying to himself a peculiar people zealous of Good Works Christ did everything he did for the good of other people everywhere that he went everyone that he ran into contact. It was for the other person Philippians chapter 2 and verse 12 says we're for my beloved as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling work out your own salvation work. That sounds hard. Don't it? Sounds tough. Don't it? Sounds laborious. Doesn't it will guess what? Does it Christian life is not easy. It doesn't just happen. It doesn't just take place notice what he says in verse 13 for it is God. Which worketh in you both to Will and to do of his good pleasure. Who makes this good who makes us worth anything. It's God God is the one that doesn't it. So we have to rely on God he goes on there in Philippians chapter 3 that we looked at a couple of weeks ago and he says not as though I had already attained eat or are that we're looking at on Wednesday nights. Not as though I'd already attained either already perfect, but I'll follow after if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus Brethren. Don't be confused. He says I count not myself to have apprehended. I haven't got there. I'm not perfect. I'm not with seeing I haven't got there yet. But this one thing I do forgetting those things in the fridge or behind and reaching for things before. I press toward the primarch of the pride of the High Calling of God in Christ. Jesus noticed that preposition in Christ. Jesus Christ is in me. I am in hell. You cannot be separated. It cannot be divided. If you are a child of God Christ is in you and you need to be in Christ. And so therefore we are to on our sales with the mind of Christ and so notice here Christ in veins are life. And when he so some radical changes begin to take place that no Christian. It's never perfect in this life, but we all to begin to show evidence of the spiritual life by producing good words. We all be getting more and more looking like Christ looking like the devil in the sad thing is the reality of it is as guess. The sad thing is that we have a lot of Christians that are no different today and living no different today than what they were before. They came to Jesus Christ guys were sending messed up message. We are preaching a false gospel. We are preaching a gospel that is nowhere found in the word of God when Christ saved. We become a new creation old things are passed away behold All Things become new and so with all of that in mind bringing us through the first three chapters of 1st Peter. We come now to chapter Ford and Peters summarizing and now he has reached the comics of this letter and I was reminded over and over this week and that apologetic expository class that I took over and over that when they wrote these letters. They read them in the entire sitting at church time. How many of you would like to down as I read the whole Gospel of John are are all the 1st Peter and so we kind of break it apart and that's why we spend some time with much time review and you keep in the context but this is a better this is something that they wrote from their heart for the people to understand and so he comes to verse chapter 4 verse 1 and he says for at as much as much then as Christ have supper. The Flash arm yourself likewise with the same mind for he that has suffered In the Flesh has ceased from sin that he no longer. She live the rest of his time in the flesh to the list of Mia, but for the will of God
I already did already took my three and four way for the time past of our life may suffice us to have brought the wheel of the Gentiles when we walked in lasciviousness lust excessive wine revellings banquet themes and abominable idolatries wherein they think it's strange that you run not with them to the same excess of Riot speaking evil of you who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead we are in for this call was the Gospel preached also to them are the dead that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit notice as we go here. He begins this with 4 as much for as much then as Christ has suffered for your man. Last week was a great message last week as a message. I enjoy There is nothing greater. But looking at the victory of Jesus to know that has one that Christ has defeated to know that one of these days right now in chapter 3 it ended with him seated at the right hand of the father. All authority has now been given to him and guess what the government system to him that evil employer is subjected to Jesus Christ that evil husband gets. What is subject to Jesus Christ Christ going to take care of the evil ones in our life. It's not my job and my responsibility to take care of it is my job to Jesus Christ because all authority has been given to him one that became Victorious. He's the one that has gained the Victory and so that for so much is really the same as they are for and what it does. It drives us back to 1st Peter chapter 3 and verse 18 where it says for Christ also had one Suffered for send the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit. And so that's that key. That's for that for so much goes back to and so what he's doing is is he's tying us now that we are born of God now that we are pilgrims in this world. We are attached to Christ. We are in Christ. It's so Christ has been put to death in the flesh. But guess what? He was made alive in the spirit you and I buy meet you at over and over when we went through the gospel of Romans. Like what was the Roman's talk about dead man walking? It's no longer me that lives. But Christ that lives in me. My spirit is been quick and I am alive in Jesus Christ. And so that's where he's going back to these remind, you know stick just paid the penalty and so in light of that now that we are in Christ and off Art in Heaven and Hell and all on party on Earth has been placed under the feet of Jesus Christ. Then you and I have an obligation. What is that obligation? We got to find our purpose. We going to find our purpose and notice what he's there. He says here's how you find your purpose. You arm yourself likewise with the same mind the mind of who that cries that Christ the just for the unjust don't deserve it. But guess what I'm going to do it anyway why for the gospel site because Jesus Christ as he prays there in the garden father if there be any play let this cup pass from me, but what did he say? Never never the lamps. Mario. But thine be done all that we've got to play in Father. We got a purpose I didn't come into this world to rule in the rain. I didn't come into this world to have everybody bow down to my feet and worship me. I came into this world to Die the just for the unjust that what the unjust might live that they might be quick and that they may defeat death hell and the grave so we need to find our purpose. What is how do we find our purpose will notice what he says here and in the next 40 says arm yourself likewise with the same man for he that has suffered In the Flesh has ceased from sin. He's referring to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came and lived on this Earth. Remember he was 100% man and he was 100% guide. And not one single time in the flesh. Did he ever send? Do you realize right now? If you are a child of God, do you realize that you are a 100% flesh? I am walking flesh and Bone. I am still 100% a sinner Saved By The Grace of Jesus Christ, but guess what through Jesus is dead. I have been spiritually made righteous. And so I am 100% righteous and holy as God is Holy spiritually, that's why Paul said guess what? There's a There is a war that is taking place in my body. What is happening? My flesh wants to jump up and Rule right when I see you in just this when I see bad things I want to pitch a fit at and we want to get out at 4 to get to everybody and tell everybody how wrong and how evil and wicked everybody is right. That's what the government is doing right now. That's what the world is society is doing we're putting the blame everybody else for a red and bright and some might be just the fact of it maybe not but what does any of it have to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? What does any of it have to do with the salvation of souls? When is the last time we got mad and took to the streets and preach Jesus Christ and him crucified see that's what we need to be protested. That's what we need to be putting out there because people are dying in their sins and they're going to hell but we need the message of Jesus Christ. And so the only way that we can find our purpose is you have to suppress the flesh. You have to get rid of these fleshly Tendencies notice what Christ did he Suffered In the Flesh has ceased from sin. Even though Jesus Christ had a fleshly body. He's still did not send nevertheless not my will but thine be done and never the last man. We need some creatures that will say never the last yes, I am his grade. Yes, seeing his wonderful Four Season, but guess what? We need people that said God will stand up and say guess what? No to the flesh that I'm not going to do that that I'm not going to involve myself. I'm not going to look like the world Romans chapter 12. What did he say be not conformed to this world but be transformed how by the renewing of your mind see it starts in your mind. You got to make up your mind. You got to arm yourself with the same mind as Christ when they slap Jesus Christ. What did he do you fight back? No. You turn the other cheek when they plucked his beard out he stood there and he took it when they took the crown of four and play head and blood began to pour down his face. Did he wipe his blood did he say anything? Did he curse them? Absolutely not when he was hanging on the cross and the thief beside him said if your I did call the angel come and take them off of it's not my time to rule and reign. My time to die. So he suffered even the death of the Cross but we got to suppress the flesh. Look at what he says. They're in the first two that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lust of men but to the will of God we have to suppress the Flesh and then we have to submit to the father a lot of us have a problem with you a lot of us want to submit to God, but we don't want to suppress the flesh a man. We want to come to church and we want to pray to God and we want to read her Bible and want to do the things and we want to try to get close to God, but we still want to do everything that we want to do over here in the flesh. Jesus Christ said guess what? You can't love two masters. You got to love the one and hate the other when it comes down to an ultimate Choice. You're going to choose which one you're going to make you're going to choose the decision. Am I going to follow Christ? Am I going to follow my wheel and my passion toe notice here. We submit to the father. What is this? What is this submission look like it says for that. He has suffered In the Flesh and seized from seeing that he should no longer live the rest of his time in the flash. It is very difficult to get the exact meaning of this verse but we know that it refers to Christians but but different translations and stuff that they translated that you no longer should live the rest of the time in the flesh and I believe this kind of perhaps captures the idea of this phrase even more so than than what it is and what it says. Is that because we are in Christ because Christ has defeated seeing because Christ has defeated the grave and we are in Christ and Christ is in US you don't The rest of your days in the flesh you can be dip you can be different. You can live a different life. You can make a difference in people. As a matter of fact, that's what we're called to do in 1st 1st Peter chapter 1 fear pilgrims, man. We put too much Roots down here. We put too much into this world in Jesus Christ his seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things of the world won't take care of their self and soul man. We need to suppress the Flesh and we need to submit to the father but notice the second thing if you were going to arm yourself with the mind of Christ, if you were going to find your purpose in this life, then you are going to have to flee from your past you're going to have to understand that at the point of Sylveon is a pivot and what happens. Have any of you have ever played on a seesaw? What is a seesaw do? It goes up and down doesn't it? So you a lot of times what when we look at life, how do we look at it? If you go out to the cemetery and you look at the headstones, how do we view life with you life from the day that we were born and on the day that we die right in our whole life is summed up in a dash. The Christians is different. It's not about when I was born the first time it was about when I was born the second time. I see My Life Begin Again when I was 8 years old at Central Missionary Baptist Church in Bastrop, Louisiana where I knelt at the altar and I gave my heart and I gave my life to Jesus Christ female. And there was a donkey that happened prior to that point and there's a Donnie that is after that point and SWAT. which side we lead to most as which side is going to get the momentum and drop arise It's all we got a separate and that's what he's talkin about. Here. It is this life that we have fleas or past notice what he says with the sentiment of the Flesh and he comes in here and we remember back in 1st Peter chapter 3 and verse 21 what saves us he said baptism and remember that I explained that is not water baptism. We are not saved through the water baptism. What are you talkin about? Immersion in the Holy Spirit? That's what saves us people that didn't save me because I prayed a prayer that day when I was 9 years old, I wouldn't say because the very next week I was baptized in that church. That wasn't what save me what save me is it 9 years old when I called upon the name of the Lord the holy spirit in 12 me and field me and washed me completely clean and took over my spirit. That's what saved me was the enjoying of the Holy Spirit and so we have to understand the sentiment. The Flash and Paul said in Galatians Chapter 2 and verse 20. He said I am crucified with Christ nevertheless not I'd let nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh. I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me so I can Corinthians 5 17 Again says therefore If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature old things are passed away behold All Things become new and so notice what he says, they're in first three about fleas or pass from the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the wheel of the Gentiles prior to Salvation here. Is this contrast here is what he's explaining verse 1 and 2. Why should we arm ourselves with the Before birth called crop before Christ died on the cross and after Christ died on the cross is two different things. Free up until that point in and there's a lot of theology in a lot of different things that go into this but I want you to understand until Christ cried. It is finished. The job was not salvation everybody up into that point looked forward to the Cross seeing that Christ was going to die and when Christ tried it is finished. And died without a single sin in his life. The payment was then made we saw in Peter last week. What did he do? He went to hell he went to them in the flood and he told them what I'm Victorious all authority. We should have listened to me. You should have paid attention. And so what is he doing now? How did God prove that by resurrecting him death didn't beat him because there was no sin in his life and so he is alive and so there was
also this turning point in us and so we don't need to hang on to the flesh. And that's why I use the phrase the sentiment of the flesh. She says our past life may suffice us to have wrought the wheel of the Gentiles the desire of the Gentiles. What was the score of the Gentiles? The desire of the Jen top was to be carnal. They were to be Flex Lee they were to be self-indulgent dolgin a life of sin. But since they were in Christ, this was all change. This was all made different and Peter divides the individual Christian's life just as history is divided into these two errors before Christ and after Christ and something happens which changes the entire life see when Christ comes in the past becomes the past and all of a sudden there is a new quality of life. Which begins at that point. Remember why John wrote his gospel in order that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ and if On Believing you may want have life before they Went out for then. We were in the flesh before then. We are rebellious before things then we live after what we want and our desire but then Christ. And that's where life begins that's where things begin to change. That's where life begins to get good. Remember what this life that was passing time. Is it fleeting and we have to do what we can right now to please Christ in to further his kingdom. We're not having any more opportunity. The days are quickly coming to an end. And so it is our responsibility right now to make sure that we leave our past the sentiment of the Flesh and notice he gives us a list of some things notice. He gives us some words that says this is describing what it was like to live for self. See if this sounds very familiar to our world in our society today. And the sad thing is is the statistic for point out that these things exist just as much in the church as they the world and that's what Peter said. Yeah, you're a pilgrim. Remember if you're going to suffer suffer for good buffer. For serving God not for doing evil things because that's just going to happen is so notice the phrases that he use. He says when we walked in was Chevy asness what is lasciviousness? It is a that simply means the passions of the flesh needs to be pointed out that five things are listed here and every one of them our sins of indulgences our sins of the excess of the flesh. Every one of them is something that we just desire or we want to exceed in Lasciviousness sensuality sexual acts that shocked and discuss public decency, you know before you start throwing out slogans and different phrase. Behind one group or another I want to encourage you without getting political this morning before you start using some phrases that are being used right now and everything you need to go and look at their website. You need to go look at these organization and see what they support and what they practice because listen black lives matter is not just about black lives. It is about abortion. It is about destroying the structure of the house and homosexuality right now going there very first page go read everything that they want to do and what they want to accomplish and that's why I keep saying all lives matter Christ died for all Jew and Gentile reaching for it. So well because we've got to be careful when we get on these bandwagon without doing What we're promoting and what we're saying, but look around the world today at all. I mean the things that don't even shocked us anymore. The things that that Paul would not even Peter would even right about here. He just called them lasciviousness.
In the context and in the use this exact word in the Greek language, it could even be dealing with perversions and sex before marriage premarital sex. We don't even worry about that anymore we have for people with relationships and Christians that living with an individual's and doing these things. So she obviously knows where that lascivious come from. What is love lust refers to that passed evil desire and in the context is probably talking about sexual lust such as prostitution and adultery Butler lasciviousness does with premarital stuff. This word lowest has to do with extra marital things. And then he uses the phrase excessive wine. The word actually means to overflow or to Bubble over. With wine it may even refer to it has some kind of Tatian to getting high because the word does not mean to be totally saturated with alcohol. The ideas to is an immoderate use of wine drinkers who are proud of it who brag about it who talked about how much liquor they can hold that's what he's talkin about here. It is not, you know, you can have all kinds of different reasons and we're not going to get into the drinking deal. But when you're bragging about how much you can consume and all of that then guess what you've gone into the exit, you're not using it for anything other than to feel your own desires the notice the next word to use reveley this refers to drinking party. See when it happens when you get escalated in your drinking then guess what you get others escalated notice the progression this going on here. He talks about the Revel and drinking party. So I'ma translated this if you go look at some of the more modern translations they use that they use nightclub. In here on this idea of merrymaking after supper when the when the gas of a sudden the Banquets over and now the party livens up in the Party begins to happen it and the guests are staggering into the streets and they went through the city with torture torches boisterously singing love songs and honor of Bacchus. Who is the god of wine. That's what he's referring to that was pouring out in the streets there in Rome in Asia Minor. Banqueting Romans chapter 13 verse 13 says let us walk honestly talkin about Christians as in the day not in rioting not in drunkenness not in chambering and wantonness not in strife and Envy in but put you on the Lord Jesus Christ and may not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof. We need to remember we are in Christ and Christ is in US make no room for the flesh that are fact. Paul said to flee all appearances of evil don't even tempt me a close. Look at the last one that he uses an abominable idolatries. I dial a. Idol worship of the Gentiles was often and most of the time accompanied by these other four things lewdness drunkenness gluttony all sorts of brutality and cruelty and above all was sexual wanting us some of the mystery Cults in the Roman culture were so vile. But even Rome outlawed them, can you imagine being so vile that the evil Wicked government Outlaws it? Peter's Point here is this it's opposite kind of the Christian Life. If you're looking more like the world that guess what you're not in Christ and therefore we need to arm ourselves with the mind of Christ. We need to think like a prized. It needs to be noted that before we were safe. There were many Christians that had a very sordid past a very evil and wicked past in the early church was made up of this Motley group in the hourly chart. Can you imagine all of those when Paul went into Ephesus and Rome and Corey at 3 coriant? I mean by all means read some of the things that was going on in the church there and everything all of these people that was valid these Wicked Lifestyles and everything else and they were saved in Jesus Christ and they come into the church. How are they to be treated? They're changed. You're going to have scars. You're going to have things of your past. But listen y'all to be able to look at that individual and know that now they're serving Christ. Now. They're living for Christ conversion turns things around conversion makes things different matter fact Paul wrote to Koreans in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9. He says, no you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived. Neither fornicators idolaters adulterers estimate nor abusers of themselves with mankind or thieves nor competition or drunkards nor revilers or extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God and such were some of you but you are washed, but you are Sanctified set apart, but you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And by the spirit of God, how do we accept people who are guilty of the most vile sins before version, especially if they were not completely broken with the past and some of their dress and mannerisms and their lifestyle kind of against to pour over. We we tend to think of people in the New Testament Church is the extra ordinary Mortals. Don't way we think of them as three of these these homeless people but how many times did did Paul tell Timothy about the women that was dressing up was looking more like prostitutes than Christians and we find it all through the Bible that they were bringing this sordid past in but listen, but had the same kind of problems, but they wanted to remind them the past is the past. Buried in the deepest sea our sins are put away as far as the East is from the West never to be remembered anymore. If God is not going to bring up our sins Ben foakes is not our responsibility to keep bringing up people's past. We've got to let the past be in the past and we've got to press for God. We got to suppress the Flesh and submit ourselves to God. This verse shows us the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to save a person who is interested in seeing. The only thing that is going to change our world in our society for people to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as their lord and their savior God could save those first century Christians could have been dick these groceries by using viruses. Then listen he can save our loved ones in our friend who are captive and seeing also let us remember that the vilest of men Can be reclaimed by the power of Jesus Christ. It's amazing at how many Christians will talk about the power of Christ. But yet we deny matter fact. I was reading that this weekend Timothy having a form of godliness. But what denying the power thereof how many of us believe God can do it how many of us believe that God can change this world how many believe that God can change this nation a man we do with how many of us really believe it how many of us are really trying to allow God to do that. And so then we come to the last thing notice what he says there is at the shock of the fool. Look at what he say is he says they they are going to come to the point where it comes. I don't even know my notes are all goofed up so weird and I'm just preaching anyway. So look at what he says here in verse 5
Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead? Who's that referring to those in the past that were lasciviousness those that were banqueting those of this look at what he says in verse for weary and they think it's strange that you run not with them to the excess of Riot speaking evil of you. Why are not Christians getting involved? Why are Christians not getting all caught up in these protests and everything else in the world is saying you need to be involved. You need to step up know we don't We stand for Christ and him crucified we don't need to be involved in the politics in the world is going to think it's strange that we don't want to get involved. Listen that is not my fight. My fight is Jesus Christ and him crucified called called me to be a gospel minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He gave me the ministry of reconciliation not division not divide and I am to go to everyone and everybody. So no matter what they think but look at what he says as he raps this up. Is our portion look at what he says in verse 5, he says who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead who's going to give account those that are living their life. Those are out there rides. And those that are out there tearing up streets. Those are tearing up stores those that are lashing out against the government and everything else. They will pay why who is Jesus Christ who is now seated at the right hand of the father and all authority has been placed under him and evil husband that evil master that evil government. They are going to answer to God and God's going to be a whole lot better with them than what I would be. He's going to be a lot more just because he's without seeing I'm selfish. I know what I want and how I want it amen and may I die, you know, it's easy for me some time to say that. Yeah, they deserve this what they deserve that and we talked about that in Peter, but guess what?
Christ died the just for the unjust there's no notice here as we look at this facing our portion. But those that lived in the flesh. Guess what they're going to be judge, but Arbor 6-4 for this cause was the Gospel preached also to them that are dead that they might be judged according to men in the flesh but live according to God in the spirit and there are so many different ideas of what in the world this versus talkin about some go back to the last chapter where he went into the dead and in a peach that this first here is God goes into hell and gives people a second chance. There's no way once they go to hell there is no second chance. We be translation here in the word of God is the only thing that makes sense and I submit to you this morning that what he is talking about here because he said that the fit for this cause was the Gospel preached also to them that are dead that what they might be George. According to men in the flesh. But live according to God in the spirit. What is he talking about? You got to go back to First 5 verse 5 says who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead the living and the dead who's doing the judging for the last phrase speaking evil of you those Gentiles those fools in reason that I use the word fool is because the Bible said the fool has said in his heart that there is no God is so the fool act the fool they live their life as if there is no God is not anywhere in control. But listen Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the father and all authority has been given to him go read Revelation go read Revelation when everybody's looking for that Authority in that power and all of a sudden Jesus Christ stands up, And everybody immediately bowels start saying holy holy holy is the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world and he filled it in this world. Wow. Look at what he says. So what is he saying here in verse 6 he is telling us that that for this cause was the Gospel preached unto them that were dead that they might be judged according to men in the flesh but live according to God in the spirit if I am submitted to God if I am doing what I am supposed to be doing in living for God and suppressing My Flesh. It does not matter what everybody else says about me. It doesn't matter. The only one that matters what they think about me is Jesus Christ. And so what is Peter telling us arm yourself with the mind of Christ people are going to persecute you you are going to suffer this world is not going to get any better but Blondie is not dead and he will judge. How do we summarize all of the other several things that that we could use to can you go to that last slide there? I don't put all of my notes that there's three thing for things. I think I came up with as far as I
And it's not blown in there. Me look right quick cuz I don't want to miss these up for Ford Waze. We're going to close.
Okay. Mark chapter 2 verse 17 Jesus when he heard it. He saith unto them that they that are whole have no need of the position but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous but Sinners to repentance here's four things that I want to give you right quick and how we can summarize this for life. You need to prepare yourself. You need to prepare yourself for persecution and for suffering right now even more so it's not going to get any better persecution is going to get stronger persecution is going to get harder. I've even mention five years ago here in Kentucky Missionary Baptist Church that I believe it before the end. They're going to take away our bibles are going to take away our rights of Jesus Christ continues to Terry his coming. It's going to get a lot worse Oprah pay or don't be caught off-guard don't need it. No need to live in fear Don't Be Afraid don't be scared because I read the end of the book my God. He's in the thought that he's going to do it, but we got to be prepared. We can't be caught off-guard. We can't be called surprise. We need to live differently. Right now more than any other time. When did it start arming ourselves with the mind of Christ when he live like Christ we need to show people that the spirit makes a difference that we can live for Christ that we can say. No to seeing the number three except the persecution except the persecution. I mention this a couple of times talking to Brother Brian the other day and I said you'd rather Donnie you can't change it. You can't do anything about it, right? We just got to go with it. And so except the persecution Jesus Christ what suffered the death of the Cross as a lamb that was led to the slaughter yet. He opened not his mouth.
I told her the Eric me and him had a long talk the other day down in front of old fridge there in Haskell at and talking about how do you balance the obedience to God and obedience to man in the government words that line as long as they will allow me to continue to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That's the line. It doesn't matter make us go to one service to no service. It doesn't matter as long as I get to preach through Facebook or whatever as long as I can continue with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but the minute that they say you can't breach the minute you say you can't share Jesus Christ. That's when Peter and them stood up so you can beat me you can lock me up in jail. You can do whatever you want to do. But as for me, It's better to obey God than it is me and it's all guys we've got to accept persecution. If we know that we are in the will of God and doing the will of God that we shouldn't worry about what everybody else is thinking just accept the persecution. And then the last thing is remember you are representing Jesus Christ who representing Christ This is not I'll represent Donnie Haines my father all growing up and my grandfather if they said it one time, they said it a million times Donnie. All you have is your name right? Keep it clean. Keep it clean. We've kept our name clean man, we go into a bank and get a live watch Grandpa walk into a bank and thousands of dollars and never sign a piece of paper and walk out just don't his name. But you know what after salvation Revelation says that God gave us a new name. And that name now is the tide to Jesus Christ and folks we got to live differently. We got to stand up. We got to start serving God and so be there remember that Christ is one it's going to get worse, but you can do it because greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world one of these days even Satan is going to buy out and confess that Jesus Christ is more as we see