A Study of Romans
Some, in order to hold on to an absolute meaning, have said that the meaning of praying without ceasing means to be always in an attitude of prayer where praying would be the natural thing to do when the occasion calls for it.
The word for “gift” (Greek charisma) is modified by the word “spiritual.”
New Testament usage of the word fruit makes it evident that Paul meant that which would strengthen them as Christians through his labor among them as well as his hope to gain new converts. A study of the use of the word fruit in the N.T. makes it obvious that its scope is comprehensive rather than restricted to soul winning.
“Greek” is probably used here in the broad sense to include Greek and Roman culture, rather than the limited sense of those who spoke Greek. “Barbarians” would refer to those who were outside Greek and Roman culture. By Greeks and Barbarians, Paul meant to embrace all Gentiles.