Engaging Reality in a Virtual World.
Social Faith • Sermon • Submitted
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· 17 viewsTheme: We need in-person community for encouragement. Purpose: Be intentional not prioritizing online relationships for in-person relationships. Gospel: To be human is to have committed relationships Mission: Discipleship is a community effort.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Introduction: So how has it been worshipping from home for the last three months almost to the day. Many of you are still at home. When we began this journey, I remember saying talking about in Seminary where we debated the validity of online worship. The challenge would be that it would become a virtual church in a real world, and would promote individualism vs. community.
One thing that can not be mistaken is...
9-The Internet has expanded our community.
9-The Internet has expanded our community.
- Talk about the gap years from High School Friends and previous church friends.
- Naomi doubling her friends when she came to MI.
• Audience of Hebrews - Early Jewish Christians who were considering leaving Christ, the Church, and drift back to their purely Jewish Faith.
• They brought in a religious custom that was in vogue during the day. I can go, listen to some great teaching and then leave. I will come back whenever I feel like it.
• They were being persecuted for being Christians both within their Jewish circles and probably within Roman circles as well. Their was a lot of pressure within their families, friends to not become a Christian.
- online content is making church obsolete? - People can listen to their favorite preachers anytime, anywhere, and people can listen and download their favorite content anytime and anywhere.
- The good - Paul in Philippians 1:18 it does not matter where and how people grow in their faith - even if the teachers have ill intent, Paul is happy that the Gospel is spreading.
- The bad - This can contribute to a sense of individualism, all that matters is my spiritual growth. We miss out on the real relationships that help us excercise our faith, and the reflection of the Kingdom of God in community.
American individualism has emphasized a personal relationship with God to the point that many people who call themselves Christians think church is optional. But intentional Christian community is a nonnegotiable part of being a healthy and effective believer. “Christianity is not a religion for solitude and solitary. The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion.”–John Wesley (1700’s, during revolutionary war period)
Why is Christianity not a solitary religion?
10-We need in-person community....
10-We need in-person community....
- The New Testament Word for Church - “Ekklesia” Which means A Gathering or An Assembly.
- Learning how to make friends vital for growth and it involves risk-taking (Faith).
- Friendship conducted only online and through texts, people are stripped of many of the most personal—and sometimes intimidating—aspects of communication.
- It’s easier to keep your guard up
- Limited hearing or seeing the effect that your words are having on the other person.
- kids say calling someone on the phone is “too intense”—it requires more direct communication, and if you aren’t used to that it may well feel scary” (Rachel Ehmke, “How Using Social Media affects Teenagers,” Child Mind Institute, accessed July 10, 2019, (https://childmind.org/article/how-using-social-media-affects-teenagers/).
“In order to truly be known, we need relationships in real time and real space. The only way we can pursue relationships that are truly authentic is by taking the risk of letting people see the unfiltered versions of who we really are. How? We welcome local believers into our real lives and let them see, expose, and challenge our more authentic, unfiltered, and messy lives. Local believers also restore us with love that manifests itself in tears, hugs, words of encouragement, and follow up. If someone rebukes me online I can become passive aggressive, provide a polished response that doesn’t reveal my heart and protects my online image, or cut them off completely with little-to-no consequences. When the going gets tough with online friendships, it is very easy to simply walk with just a click” (Phillip Holmes, “Online Friendships Are Not Enough,” Desiring God, June 22, 2016, https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/online-friendships-are-not-enough).
We need Real community in a virtual world perhaps not because it is so comfortable, but because it is uncomfortable. Real Community grows us and strengthens us to live in a real world that is messed up, and a real world that needs the Hope of Christ.
But ultimately Hebrews says that Community is....
11-....For encouragement.
11-....For encouragement.
To encourage one another (v. 25). Sometimes, verbal encouragement isn’t enough.
-When we’re nervous about a dance recital, athletic event, or a job interview, or a difficult meeting, we feel better after a hug or a fist pump or a pat on the back
-When something goes wrong for us or we are suffering a tremendous loss we may want someone to sit with us, listen to us, or just be with us.
- When we distance ourselves from community, it can take a toll on our spiritual lives.
- Proverbs 18:1 says that people who isolate themselves seek their own desires and quarrel against all sound wisdom.
- When it comes to social media, our online relationships are great and necessary, but they can never replace the importance of a physical community of believers.
- Gathering is for the purpose of spurring each other on to love and good deeds - Real relationships.
- As a church, I feel like we can easily mistake going to a worship as real community. It is part of it, as we worship God together, but it is also more than that.
-Do we spur each other on to love and good deeds? Do you watch online, or come to worship simply to “Be Fed.” That is not real community.
-real community involves interdependent relationships of encouragement.
-Missional Communities, Life Groups, Serving one another.
Here on our first day back with many of us assembled we are reminded that....
Jesus said, we true worshippers worship in Spirit and Truth - so online is great,
Where two or three are gathered, there I am - In-Person is the ideal.
Reference the Reformed Confessions: The Reformed Confessions are statements of faith written to clarify the Gospel at times when the Church was in crisis. Heidelberg Chatechism: Q&A 32, 52-55 Belgic Confession: Articles 27-29 Belhar Confession: Article 2