Untitled Sermon
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
I Can observe that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing
I Can observe that these spiritual blessings are in heaven in Christ.
I can observe that before the foundation of the world I was chosen to be holy and blameless in love before Him V.4
I can observe that I was predestine to be adopted as a son through Jesus Christ.
I can observe that God works out everything that is in agreement with the purpose of his will
I can observe that predestination is apart of God’s plan. v.11
I can observe that the good news for gentiles is that God saves them/us v.13
I can observe that the Spirit is God’s guarantee of our inheritance. v.14
I can observe that the same power that raised Christ from the dead can be understood. v.19-20
I can observe that spiritual wisdom and insight is important so that you can grow in the knowlegde of God. Therefore pray for this, for you and others v.17
I can observe that we’re God’s inheritance. v.18