Living in God's Authority

Acts  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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It’s great to be available to see everyone at worship today. I know things are different, but I have missed gathering together and I am excited to be able to gather for worship again, even if it doesn’t look the same. Even though the church building has been closed, that doesn’t mean the church ever ceased to function. Calvary was able to make some very quick changes to ensure worship still continue and was able to get to as many people as we could. People in our church used their various talents to minister to the people in the community. Hundreds of meals were provided, masks were made, individuals helped numerous people with different forms of technology, our services are now able to be played in the nursing home. So yes, I have yearned for the day we would be able to return to worship together in person, but I am amazed at the amount of ministry that occured during this season of life. None of us were prepared for the pandemic, but God ensured ministry would still continue. So while the church building was closed, the church continued to work.
The first several chapters in Acts illustrate a church that begins to move and minister to the community. This church didn’t have a building or what we would call a formal gathering, but yet it thrived. Thousands of people came to know the Lord and dedicated themselves to the teaching of God’s word and prayer. I hope that as we have had to forego the gathering together in person for a season, that God would use this time to help us grow in our faith. Personally I will never take foregranted the ability to gather together for worship again. Honestly, there were times when I would wake-up and go to church without really appreciating that opportunity as I should. Those days are done. The temporary closer of the church building for a season has developed a yearning to meet with the people of God in worship. I hope God has done the same in your life as well.
God wants to use each of us and our church. In Acts 3:1-10, we are going to look at Peter and John. The events pentacost have past. Thousands have come to know the Lord and now we see Peter and John going about their lives. As I think through the events we have looked at throughout the previous weeks, I can’t help think how could anything top that. Talk about a mountaintop experience, how could anything ever match up. This week we will look at the event of Acts 3 as Peter and John, inspired by the Holy Spirit, live out the calling God has placed on their lives. So if you have your Bible, follow along as I read beginning in Acts 3:1
Acts 3:1–10 ESV
Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. And a man lame from birth was being carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple that is called the Beautiful Gate to ask alms of those entering the temple. Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked to receive alms. And Peter directed his gaze at him, as did John, and said, “Look at us.” And he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” And he took him by the right hand and raised him up, and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong. And leaping up, he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God, and recognized him as the one who sat at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, asking for alms. And they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
Peter and John didn’t just sit back basking in the events that occured just a short time ago. They didn’t just assume that something good had happened and they were done. No, they went right to work for the kingdom of God. No matter what experience we find ourselves in, there is always the next choice that faces us. Take David for example, he has established the great kingdom of Israel. The country is facing prosperity like they have never seen. David has been faithful, honored, and served God. Because of his obedience, God used Him. However in-spite of all his faithfulness, David’s next decisions causes great turmoil both in His life and in the life of Israel. The opposite is true as well. Even when we find ourselves in difficult situations, one decisions can turn us back to God and turn us to walk obediently with Him. The Christian life is not about a single event of salvation or a couple years of obedience. No, the Christian life is about daily surrending to Christ and living in His authority.
As I look at Peter and John, I see two lives that are walking in step with Christ. They are intentionally prepped and ready to serve God
Intentional- prepped and ready to serve God
Obedience to God does not happen by accident. If we do not prep and ready ourselves to follow Christ, we are going to fail. Even when you give your life to Christ, that does not mean that the old sinful nature ceases to exist. We are free from sin, but we still battle daily to follow God and say know to our wordly, sinful desires. Christians who faithfully walk with God are intentional. They intentionally prepare to encounter God. They know their identity in Christ. Even though they are still sinners, that is no longer what defines them. Christians are no longer defined by sin, but are defined by the blood of Jesus Christ. Please know that once we belong to Jesus Christ, nothing can ever change that identity. We are God’s children and you always will be. But we must be reminded of this identity daily. When we live in this identity, it will guide our daily actions and decisions. God will work through us when we know our identity.
We must also know God’s authority. God is sovereign over all things. His power guides all things in creation. Our next breathe is a gift from God. Each day is a unique opportunity for us to be used by God. We trust in His authority. In fact, God’s authority has been entrusted to His people.
Matthew 28:16–20 ESV
Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
When we are walking with Christ, He is with us. Obedience leads to the authority of God going with us. How often do we live in that authority? Perhaps we miss this quite a bit. There are times we see glimpses of this, but far to often we probably live according to our own power and ability instead of trusting in God. We must prepare ourselves by seeking to know His authority.
Christians must also be spiritually prepared to encounter God. We can’t ignore our spiritual walk all week long and then expect God to show up and move mountains for us when we need Him to. Sometimes He will, but fare too often we will find ourselves in a place where we will not recognize what He is trying to do. We must invest in our spiritual lives by daily spending time with God and seeking Him.
a. prepared to encounter God- know their identity in Christ, know God’s authority, prepared spiritually
So even when we have done all those things, we still must expect to encounter God and be used by Him.
b. expect to encounter and be used by God
I think there are so many days when we fail to expect God to either show up or for God to use us. We spend so much time going throughout our day and carrying out our plans, we miss so many opportunities for God to use us.I believe this is carried out as we go through out our lives. Peter and John are not purposely seeking out lame individuals to carry-out miracles. No, they are traveling to the temple for daily prayers. And as they go through-out their daily life, God uses them. God desires to do the same for us today. We need to expect God to move, expect God to show up, expect God to use us for His kingdom.
Because Peter and John displayed these items, we see God’s power displayed
2. God’s power displayed
Peter and John respond as they come across this man that is in need. This lame man would have been well known by the individuals going to worship at the temple. Everyday he would sit there and ask people for alms to live on. How many people walked past this man, probably not giving him a second glance. There are hurting people around us each and everyday. It is easy for us to simply either not look or ignore them and go about our day. What a shame it would have been if John and Peter would have ignored this man. But they saw Him and and cared for Him. Peter speaks with God’s authority and acts in faith
Peter speaks with God’s authority and acts in faith
It would be one thing for Peter to speak about the authority of God. He could of gave a sermon outlining how great God is and what God could do for this man. Yes, Peter speaks, but he also grabs the mans hand and helps him up. Peter directly acts in faith. What would have happened if Peter had begun to doubt? What if he would have thought. “what happens if God doesn’t heal this man and I try and stand him up? What if I have just invoked the name of God and nothing happens. But we don’t see him doubt. We see him reach down and lift this man up.
God calls us to do the very same. Maybe God isn’t calling us to heal the lame or the blind, but there are hurting people all around us. God has given us gifts, talents, abilities, and physical blessings to allow us to minister to others. We need to use what God gives us obediently for His will. God is powerful, gracious, and loving God. There is nothing He can’t do. We should be excited that this God wants to use us to accomplish His purposes. Does He need us? Absolutely not. God is capable of doing all things on His own. But He desires to use us to display His glory. When God works and uses us to provide physical healing, this also can begin the process of spiritual healing.
Physical healing, starts spiritual healing
Taking care of people’s physical and emotional needs are very important. However, our ministry in these areas are an avenue for us to love our community, love people, and share the Gospel so they may be healed spirutally as well. When we are faithful and when we serve, we will see mirculous results
Miraculous results
-praise, worship, and Glory to God
Peter performs a miracle with results in praise, worship and God’s glory. It begins with the individual.
a. individual level
This man’s life is changed. He is no longer defined by his condition. His life has become new. This is how God works in the lives of individuals. When someone trusts in Christ, they are moved from a condition of sin into a condition of grace, forgiveness, and righteousness. Their life is literally brand new. And we get a change to be a part of that. We should be excited that God allows us to be used by Him. It should not be a burden to be obedient to Christ, but we should be overjoyed that God chooses to use us. God doesn’t need to use us. No, He can accomplish everything and anything by His own power. He doesn’t need us, but he desires to use us. We should view our mission in Christ as a priviledge to be used by Him for His glory and for His kingdom. The Bible tells us that the angels in heaven celebrate whenever someone comes to know the Lord. We should be just as excited to be given the opportunity and priviledge to be in God’s service. He will transforms lives of the individuals. This miracle not only transforms the life of the one man, but the entire crowd is in awe and wonder. God has the ability to transform crowds and societies.
b. crowd/societal level
We need the healing power of God to work in our world today. I cannot remember a time in history when things have been this divided. We have lost the ability to sit down with people and engage in a civil conversation. There is so much anger, hatred, and division happening in the world, there is no earthly solution that is going to lead to healing. We need God to move. As His people, we need to be praying daily for unity and healing. We need to pray for God to move in the hearts of the lost and replace anger with His love, grace, and peace. The world can try all sorts of things to bring change, peace, or healing, but Jesus Christ is the only one who can actually bring the change that is needed. Let us pray for God to provide a renewed revival in the world. May the Holy Spirit work in the work in ways we see in Acts. Let us as His people lead and live obediently by the Spirit and through His glory.
So today, I am excited to gather in person once again. I have longed to hear our voices united in the praise of God. As great as it is to gather together as the church, it is not what church is all about. Let us be encouraged today, renewed by the gathering of the saints, renewed in passion and vigor for the Gospel by our brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes, it’s great to gather as the church, but let us be inspired to go beyond our walls and live for Christ. You will leave here with God’s authority. It is your choice of whether you will be obedient and live in that authority or if you’ll choose to follow your own path.
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