The Corrupt will Fail

Samuel: Set Apart  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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We are set apart and so we should look different. Samuel was set apart and so were Eli's sons. only they looked like the world



(read story)
Devil says you are not to be different, you must be like everyone else
To be Set Apart is to be Holy
Our relationship with God sets us apart from the world. It says, you are different, you believe different, you act and speak different. Your sanctification moves you closer and closer to that reality.
Spurgeon, “I believe the holier a man becomes, the more he mourns over the unholiness which remains in him.”
Samuel was set apart just as the other priests were. the difference is Samuel knew he was set apart for God, Eli’s sons believed they were set apart for themselves.

Set Apart (22-36)

Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Eli’s sons debauchery
not only stealing sacrifices
now fornicating with prostitutes
from chapter 3 Phinehas was married
Caananite worship included this
their sin matched those of Canaanite priests
may have taken place in the tabernacle itself
Eli’s rebuke
soft towards his sons
as the High Priest these actions should have sparked a fury
his eyes are closed
not until the people were talking did he address the matter
“people circulating”
notice though 3:2, now his eyes began to fail
he closed his eyes too long to the sins of his sons
who can intercede
priest was mediator between man and God
but no one between priest and God. Where could they go?
Jesus our High Priest
mediator between man and God
Desire for death
wages of sin is death
their corruption showed no reverence, there is no where else to turn, they must pay the wages of their sin.
set apart
continued to grow in favor with God and the people
being set apart, holy
even surrounded by evil, continued to grow
we are set apart for God, we live in sin soaked world, so let us stand apart, let us show the world the difference
you can’t be set apart
engaged in unrepentant sin
treat others like dogs
legitimize or legalize sin in your hearts
cannot be set apart, it’s like swimming in the mud filled pool singing I am clean

Prophecy against his house (27-29)

Our covenant
I chose Levi and set them apart
go before me (altar)
make sacrifices on behalf of people (burn incense)
Represent the people before God (ephod)
I provided for you
this is what you do?
kick - despise, scorn
stole what was due me and treat me as nothing
honor sons over me
not stopping his sons or removing them from position
Hebrews 10:26 For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,

Penalty (30-36)

We agreed to the covenant and you profaned it
honor for honor
“lightly esteemed”
insignificant, declare cursed, disdain, become trivial
days are coming (warning)
your house removed from honor
i will break the power of your house and your descendants will die young
I Kings 2:27
Solomon removes Abiathar from priesthood - descendant of Eli
Eyes will fail from weeping
Sons will die on same day
I will no longer provide
“your legacy will be that they have nothing. For all they stole from me I will take everything from them.
They will desire restoration so they can be provided for, yet no indication they will have it
boys killed in battle against Philistines
Ark of covenant stolen
Eli heard the news, fell from where he sat and broke his neck and died.
Phinehas’ wife gives birth, name the boy “Ichabod” then she also dies


Called to be set apart
in the world not of the world
being a christian does not give license to treat anyone like they are less than human
to do as you wish
to use it as a means to an end
as a tool to gain for yourself
Jesus came to set you free from the world
free from the clutches of sin
be Christ to the world
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