Written On The Heart
No letter of commendation
Paul’s Confidence In Christ
An Unveiled Message
(2) The idea of the veil now takes hold of Paul’s mind, and he uses it in different ways. He says that, when the Jews listen to the reading of the Old Testament, as they do every Sabbath day in the synagogue, a veil upon their eyes keeps them from seeing the real meaning of it. It ought to point them to Jesus Christ, but the veil keeps them from seeing that. We, too, may fail to see the real meaning of Scripture because our eyes are veiled.
(a) They may be veiled by prejudice. We, too, often go to Scripture to find support for our own views rather than to find the truth of God.
(b) They may be veiled by wishful thinking. Too often, we find what we want to find, and neglect what we do not want to see. To take an example, we may delight in all the references to the love and the mercy of God, but pass over all the references to his wrath and judgment.
(c) They may be veiled by fragmentary thinking. We should always regard the Bible as a whole. It is easy to take individual texts and criticize them. It is easy to prove that parts of the Old Testament are sub-Christian. It is easy to find support for private theories by choosing certain texts and passages and putting others aside. But it is the whole message that we must seek; and that is just another way of saying that we must read all Scripture in the light of Jesus Christ.
(3) Not only is there a veil which keeps the Jews from seeing the real meaning of Scripture; there is also a veil which comes between them and God.
(a) Sometimes, it is the veil of disobedience. Very often, it is moral and not intellectual blindness which keeps us from seeing God. If we persist in disobeying him, we become less and less capable of seeing him. The vision of God comes to the pure in heart.
(b) Sometimes, it is the veil of the unteachable spirit. As the saying has it, ‘There’s none so blind as those who will not see.’ The best teacher on earth cannot teach someone who knows it all already and does not wish to learn. God gave us free will, and, if we insist upon our own way, we cannot learn his