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Isaiah: Uncommon Prophet in Uncommon Times • Sermon • Submitted
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· 9 viewsIn our rebellion we find God's Righteousness
Grieving Father, Rebellious Children
Grieving Father, Rebellious Children
Millions of Americans are experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, even though they haven't been directly affected by the events that have taken place in recent weeks.
One Doctor noted that, “During this time when the American public is already mentally stretched thin due to the stresses of COVID-19, the expression of national outrage is a normal and understandable response. During turmoil, as always, it is key that we acknowledge and address all forms of trauma, including the psychological trauma caused by racism. The recent events leading up to protests nationwide have made the call for mental health support all the more urgent across all communities.”
These events are taking their emotional toll on all Americans in all parts of the country, and we cannot afford to neglect dealing with it. This doesn't mean that we should all be on Lithium, but it does mean that we cannot pretend that we are unaffected by the recent tragedy.
Not a whole lot is revealed about Isaiah
We know he was married to a woman he describes as a prophetess and was the father of two children.
As mentioned last week, his ministry lasted about 60 years and covered the reign of 5 kings - althouhg only four are listed here. The fifth, not mentioned is Manassah, who according to Talmudic tradition, had Isaiah sawn in 2.
``Manasseh sought to kill Isaiah, and he fled from him, and fled to a cedar, and the cedar swallowed him up, all but the fringe of his garment; they came and told him (Manasseh), he said unto them, go and saw the cedar, (wronw) , "and they sawed the cedar", and blood was seen to come out.''
Whether fact or tradition remains unclear, however, the message of Isaiah’s visions and the rejection of that message by the nation of Israel led to some pretty dark days.
God Speaks (1-2)
God Speaks (1-2)
How many voices do you hear on a daily basis? News anchors, facebook stories, cable tv, movies, tv shows… and that does not include the voices of those closest to us and that we love.
Daily we are inundated by the voices competing for our attention - yet, how many of us have heard the voice of God today?
God does not go on FB Live with a message from the front steps of the church or tweet complaints about what Satan is doing today, or how he gets no respect in the media.
God is not physically showing up on the evening news or from the burning bush… In fact, sometimes God appears to be silent in the midst of our circumstances and frustrations and pain.
Yet, the Bible is filled with God’s speech and begins in verse 2 with:
Hear, O Heavens, and give ear, O Earth; for the Lord has spoken
Isaiah begins by reminding the people of Israel of God’s existence - but more importantly God’s Voice.
God speaks every single day to those who have ears to hear - who by faith choose to hear. He speaks powerfully through Creation which declares His Glory and pours our speech by day and knowledge by night (Psalm 19:1-2) for His invisible attributes, namely His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly percieved, ever since the creation of the world, int eh things that have been made.
The author of Hebrews reminds us that God has spoken clearly through His prophets - and so we can hear the voice Of God int eh words of Isaiah.
God Judges (2-9)
God Judges (2-9)
Children have I reared and brought up, but they have rebelled against me. The ox knows it’s owner, and the donkey its master’s crib, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand.”
Heart-broken. That is the response of parents all oevr hte wrld when the children they love, protect, and want to see fulfill their wildest dream begin to stretch their legs, make decisions on their own, and begin to shut them out.
It can almost seem, as those changes are being made and young people are learning to stand on their own two feet that they don’t know you - and you don’t know them.
Their sin? Their rebellion?
ignorance of all God has done for them
sinfulness that weighs them down.
a brood of evildoers
contempt and abandonment of God
persistence in rebellion, in spite of numerous warnings
sexual immorality
injustice and oppression of the poor
idolatrous worship
Isaiah 1:5-6; Why will you still be struck down? Why will you continue to rebel? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even to teh head, there is no soundness in it, but bruises and sores and raw wounds; they are not pressed out or bound up or softened with oil.
How many have seen a child or loved one repeatedly make choices where you know its not doing them any good and you watch their lives spiral out fo control and you see that nothing good is coming out of the situation.
You look at it and you weep… and the person - in theis case Israel - is blind to the true condition of their life, their heart, their health.
when you are beaten up so bad for so long, it starts to look normal - and everyone around you treats you like its normal too.
It had gotten so bad that Jerusalem was destroyed - and yet a glimmer of mercy and hope in that despite the destruction wrought by Assyria, there is a remnant, there are survivors, there are people of promise chosen by grace.
God Hates Hypocrisy and Idolatry (10-15)
God Hates Hypocrisy and Idolatry (10-15)
What religious service or acts do you perform to feel better about your relatioinship with Jesus?
While Israel was parading rams, beasts, bulls, lambs, and goats as a payment for their sin - God called them vain offerings and their incense an abomination. How are your “sacrifices and incense” becoming a burden to God?
See, they were following the letter of the law without engaging their heart in their conduct. God demanded sacrifice - there could be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood - so they did what God told them - yet they did not do it out of love or respect or honor or appreciation or gratitude for what God had and wanted to continue to do on thier behalf.
God cares about the heart attitude behind all these actions.
God Pleads with Sinners (16-20)
God Pleads with Sinners (16-20)
Here is the things that is hardest to grasp for most of us at times… because God has a desire to see us transformed, to see our hearts fully engaged in relationship with Him, God has a willingness, a desire to call Israel here - and by extension us - to repentance and restoration.
It doesn’t often look like what we think it will look like though.
God says “Come”. He says, “Let’s reason together.” in otherwords, lets settle this thing between us.
As children we don’t often see the destructive nature of our sin on every area of our life or teh destructive impact it has on all our relationships. Then we get caught in the cycle of guilt and shame and we can’t confess because we don’t like how its gonna feel - and yet, when we do the relationshihp can begin to be restored...
I recently read something along the lines of:
So here is God, not calling Israel to new and better forms of worship, sacrifice, empty prayers - it is a call to wash the filth off their hearts, put away their sin and stop violating God’s Law.
It is a call to righteousness, holiness, and moral purity that is exemplified in a compassionate life. It is a life committed to God and evidenced by the exercise of justice towrd the poor, the needy, the oppressed, the imprisoned, the widow.
“Genuine repentance will result in a sacrificial life of concern for others, even a costly concern that spends oneself for the most destitute in society.”
V 18-19 contain some of the most graphic and richest promises of cleansing in Scripture:
God is able to wash away the stain of sin. God is able to make us as white as snow. God is able to affect transformation in ourr hearts. God is able to lead us towards becoming willing and obeddient.
Not only is God able, God’s desire is for that reconciliatioin to happen for each of us.
And yet, as much as God’s desire is for us to cling to Him, to repent, to “eat of the good of the land”, He also has a terrifying warning of total destruction.
Repentent sinners will be redeemed - similar to the blessings of the Mosaic Covenant
Rebels will perish, “eaten by the sword - similar to the curses of the Mosaic Covenant.
We may not like Fire and Brimstone! I do not liek preaching Fire and Brimstone. I will share truth - and here are 2 promises and you get to choose which one you want to embrace!
God Provides both Salvation and Judgment (21-31)
God Provides both Salvation and Judgment (21-31)
This chapter concludes with a reminder of how lawless and unrighteous Israel really is. The people are pictured and completely sinful, completely defiled, dripping with blood. Immorality and Injustice are the order of the day.
Can a leopard change its spots, Jeremiah asks - If so, you might be able to do what is good, you who are instructed (well-versed in living out) evil.
And there is again a clear picture of terrifying judgment of God - that rebels and sinners will perish in the flames.
But all is not lost. There is a spark, a glimmer of hope in the midst of the fire - it is the prediction of restoration to righteousness.
Repeatedly in this chapter there is the recognition of how far we have wandered and the sponse of a loving father who wants to see HIs children come home.
Isaiah reminds us that all of us by grace, through faith, in Christ Alone, to teh glory of GOd alone, can be washed, be transformed, be redeemed with justice and stand righteously before the throne of the Almighty One.
We can be redeemed by Justice and repent by righteousness - found in Jesus
In Christ Alone:
we can stop doing wrong and learn to do what is right
we can stop bringing meaningless sacrifices and empty prayers
we can learn genuine concern for the poor, needy, oppressed, widow and orphan.
Can our sins become white as snow
can we become righteous in His sight
can we be redeemed with Justice
Though written 2700 years ago - it still speaks to the condition of our hearts and the tragedies of the broken worls and systems that are in place. We are every bit as sinful as that nation ever was. We still struggle with violence, sexual immorality, and injustice on the part of our leaders flowing from deeply rooted idolatry.
We are as apt to go throurgh the motions of religion without having a heart for God.
God hasn’t changed though. He still searches hearts. He still hates hypoccrisy. He still brings severe judgments on His people for sins. He still threatens the unrepentant with destruction - even if it makes Him unpopular. He still holds us to account for our rebellion.
He still offers One Savior - Jesus Christ - by whom we all can experience the sweet promises of Isaiah 1, where we can eat the best of the land for eternity.
Having come to Christ it is our responsibility to stand with the poor, the needy, the oppressed, the imprisoned, the widow and the orphan.
Jemar Tisby, In The Color of Compromise writes:
I am not unrealistic enought to think that there will always be injustice, there will always be sin, there will always be widows, orphans, poor and needy. There will aways be oppressed people.
Knowing the hungry and poor will always be with us does not preclude us from habnding out food or sharing Hope with those in need.
Knowing theri will always be fatherless children does not preclude me from adopting the one in front of me.
Nevertheless, that does not preclude me from helping the one right in front of me. It does not preclude me from using my voice and my vote to support policies that provide equality in educatioinal opportunities for all children.
It does not preclude me from using my voice and my vote to say Police brutality is evil and systemic racism needs to be rooted out to provide equal access to all citizens.
It does not prevent me from using my voice and my vote to say that the industrial prison complex needs to be dismantled and we need to, in the words of Dominique SuBois Gilliard, Rethink Incarceration. We need to rethink a system that rewards big businesses for keeping people in prison longer in order to line their pockets and which gives their lobbyists a seat at the table where this legislation is being voted upon.
What is the legacy of Crossroads going to be? When history looks back on this moment, how will we have responded and will teh Glory of God shine through as we Love Everybody, Always and live like a City on a Hill?
We have an opportunity to stand with the oppressed and to give voice to their cries and concerns - but dare we do it?
We have the opportunity through our voice and our vote to affect lasting change in our communities and country for teh imprisoned - but dare we do it?
In God’s eceonomy, how we respond today is a reflectioin of our understanding of repentance and restoration.
So this week let us ask the Holy Spirit to create in us clean hearts that allow us to cease doing evil, learn to do good, seek justice, correct oppression, bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widows cause.
Holy Spirit, Help us to live as forgiven people today.