Knowing the Will of God
Acts 22:1-22
Knowing the Will of God
(A Habit Forming Process)
Introduction: We are looking at Acts which is the history of the earliest
Christians and it is a major tool for our understanding as the Church and for
the greater society to know and understand what authentic Christianity
actually is; the real vs the watered down, compromised, or nationalized
Christianity. At Refuge Christian Fellowship we want the real thing. We
want the real Gospel and the real Jesus. We want authentic Christianity.
Tonight we’re looking at Paul’s defense before an angry Jewish mob in
Jerusalem -From Acts 22-28 Paul will give a defense 4 different times for
himself and the christian message.
We’ve looked a lot at Paul’s defenses in Acts and as I read over these
sections a whole different focus stood out to me. I want to focus on a
bigger theme of Acts by looking at what Ananias says to Paul about his new
purpose now that he has been apprehended by God.
“And Ananias…said to me, ‘Brother Saul, receive your sight.’ And at
that very hour I received my sight and saw him. And he said, ‘The God
of our fathers appointed you to know his will, to see the Righteous
One and to hear a voice from his mouth; for you will be a witness for
him to everyone of what you have seen and heard.”
Is Paul /Luke indirectly giving us direction for our own Christian lives? I
believe so.
How many of us have wondered or are asking even now - What is the will
of God? What does God want for my life? Am I doing what I’m supposed to
be doing with my life? Am I supposed to be in “full time ministry”, am I
supposed to evangelize? Are there things I should or shouldn’t be doing?
Paul list out four things that God has apprehended him, and I believe all
Christians, for:
To Know God’s will
To See the righteous one
To hear a voice from his mouth
And to be a witness to everyone
As I studied this passage I kept thinking about our need as believers to
cultivate spiritual disciplines - to Know, to See, to Hear from God, in order
to be effective witnesses to his salvation and coming Kingdom. As we know
and conform to God’s will by beholding the righteous one, and cultivate an
ear to hear his voice - we will be witnesses of God’s kingdom.
Or another way to put it - "The Gospel must first transform our lives then it
moves out through the city and transforms others.” - Tim Keller
So how do we do that; how does this happen?
Character is transformed by three things:
- You have to aim at the right goal.
- You have to figure out the steps you need to take to get to the goal. The Strengths or the Path.
- Those steps have to become habitual, a matter of second nature.
The Process - or Counter Formation
- The Goal: is a Renewed Creation - which includes new heavens and
the new earth, with human beings resurrected from the dead to be
the renewed world’s rulers and priests. -Resurrected, Glorified, New
- This goal is achieved through the kingdom-establishing work of
Jesus and the Spirit, which we grasp by faith, participate in by
baptism, and live out in love.
- Christian living in the present consist of anticipating this ultimate
reality through the spirit led, habit forming, truly human practice of
faith, hope, and love, sustaining Christians in their calling to
worship God and reflect his glory into the world.
1. The Habits for Spiritual transformation -Knowing, seeing and
hearing the voice of God.
1. The Intentional Habit of living in God’s word - “Let the Word of
Christ dwell in you richly…” The practice of reading scripture,
studying scripture, acting scripture, singing scripture - generally
soaking oneself in scripture as an individual and as a community has
been seen from the earliest days of Christianity as central to the
formation of Christian character.
1. N.T. Wright says, “The sheer activity of reading scripture, in the
conscious desire to be shaped and formed within the purposes of
God, is itself an act of faith, hope, and love, an act of humility and
patience. It is a way of saying that we need to hear a fresh word,
a word of grace, perhaps even a word of judgment as well as
healing, warning as well as welcome.”
2. a few years ago Bob Dylan gave a speech for an award for his
musical career. He talked about who some of his greatest
influences were and how he came to write some of the great
songs that he wrote. He said he never set out to write songs that
he thought would be hits. He said, “If you had listened to Robert
Johnson sing, “Better come in my kitchen because it’s gonna be
raining out doors,” as many times as I listened to it, sometime
later you just might write, “A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fall.”
3. What Dylan is really saying is that he listened to and sang this
song so many times that it really became a part of him. It shaped
the way he wrote music. Dylan points out something profoundly
true for us - true in all sorts of areas of our lives. What you put
into your life consistently is going to work its way through you,
and manifest itself in your thinking, speaking and daily actions.
4. Listen to the habits or practice that God gave to ancient Israel:
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall
love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your might. And these words that I
command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach
them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when
you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and
when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them
as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets
between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of
your house and on your gates.” - Deuteronomy 6:4-9
5. Scripture must become the number one source of formation and
truth for our lives. It must be the counter formation of the influence
of the world that we are inundated with on a daily basis, as Paul
says in Romans 12:1-2. It must become the greatest influence. It
must become the source of truth and life, if we are to be formed,
and transformed into people who reflect God’s character, and his
salvation, goodness and wholeness into the world.
6. To be formed by the Story of scripture, particularly the story of
Jesus, is to be formed as a Christian. To take the thousand and
ten thousandth decision to open the Bible today and read more of
this Story, even if we don’t see the whole picture yet, is to take the
next small step toward being the sort of person who, by second
nature, will think, pray, act, and even feel in accordance with
God’s character and will. And before you know it you find your
story caught up in the Story of God…. You find yourself, thinking
acting, and speaking as Jesus did - As Paul says in Philippians 2
-This is to “Have the mind of Christ”
7. As Paul says, “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the
glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same
image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes
from the Lord who is the Spirit.” - 2 corinthians 3:18
8. As we daily and continually set before us the person and work of
Jesus - who he is and what he has done transforms us into that
same image. (Story of Hudson praying…)
2. The Habit of intentional Worship and Community
1. “Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way
into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole
body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is
equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the
body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” - Ephesians
2. Just because you’ve been converted, you attend church, say your
prayers, have christian friends doesn’t mean that the qualities of
kindness, gentleness, humility and the rest just happen, without
effort on our part. - The context is important. But sooner or later,
each of us has to make the choice to “put on” the things that
genuinely anticipate, in the present, the life we are promised in
the future, the life we’ve already been given in Christ. And having
made those key choices, each christian must acquire the habit of
making them again and again...
3. Community is vital, but all members of Christ must make it
their own. According to the scripture when God’s people
gather together whether in large or small groups, whether for
corporate worship, or home fellowships we have a job to do,
we have a part to play, encouragement to give, exhortation to
bring, help to offer, we have a goal or Telos to reach and that
is that we might be mature in Love. We don’t have time to list
them out here but we often refer to them as the “one
4. But true community/fellowship can only exist where there is this
understanding that we are all sinners in the middle of our
sanctification, we are all helping each other along the path to
human wholeness. We will never be complete in this life, no one
is better than another, each of us has deep issues of sin and bad
habits in our life and once we get over this sense of competition
and sizing each other up we can get to the real work of helping
one another along the path of Virtue…
3. The Habit of Intentional Service
1. This is an outward and visible sign of the virtue of love dating all
the way back to the early church. While the great plague struck in
ancient Turkey, the rich, the well to do and particularly the doctors
packed up their families and belongings and headed for the
country. But the Christians, often among the poorest would stay
and nurse people, including those who were neither Christians,
nor their own family members, nor in any other way obviously
connected to them. Why were they doing this? When called upon
to explain the habits of heart which made it “natural” to do such
things, they would talk about Jesus, and about the God they had
discovered through Jesus, the God whose own very nature was
and is self-giving love.
2. Precisely because the greatest christian virtue is love, modeled
on that of the creating and self-giving God, the individual christian
and the Church as a whole must develop the habits of looking out
for what’s going on in the surrounding world, rejoicing with it’s joy,
weeping with it’s grief, and above all eager for opportunities to
bring love, comfort, healing and hope, wherever possible. And
with all of these it may bring faith, not necessarily by speaking
Jesus though there will be opportunities for that as well, but by
living Jesus in public.
2. The Habit of Intentional Prayer
1. Prayer is in fact a work of formation - spiritual formation. When we
pray we don’t do so to get our will accomplished but to see God’s will
accomplished and how we are to play our part in that. Something
I’ve been doing in the mornings is to spend a few minutes simply
asking to be in step with God, his will and his kingdom for that day. It
might hit me as I’m brushing my teeth or as I’m making breakfast, or
driving to work or an appointment. But making a habit of praying into
God’s will and God’s kingdom will in turn cause us to think and see
things in light of the kingdom and will of God and our part in that.
2. Finally, we must make a habit of praying these things into our lives.
One of the great Easter prayers in the old English Common Book of
Prayer asks for two things: First, that God’s special grace will put
good desires into our minds; and second, that his continual help will
enable us to bring those desires to good effect.
Conclusion: Scripture is clear Character development through the spiritual
disciplines is vital to the Christian life. This scripture tells us the reason is
because we are headed somewhere. We, those who are Christ, are
headed for the glory and excellence of Jesus Christ. We are headed for
human wholeness for New Creation!! The New Testament makes it clear
that this work has already begun. It began the moment you placed your
trust in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ and were subsequently filled
with the power and presence of his Holy Spirit.
But following Jesus isn't a quick fix. It's a journey: an invitation to repent
and believe; to learn and grow; it is a slow process of being shaped into the
image of God.
We are now on a life long journey of “working out our salvation…” Working
to what we will be one day be when we see Jesus Christ face to face. We
are becoming New Creations day by day. Putting off the old ways of
thinking, speaking, and living we are putting on the New Behavior of Life in
the Holy Spirit.
"the new life of strenuous ethical obedience, enabled by the Holy Spirit, to
which the believer is committed.”
I believe, in these dark times, that the Church needs to hear this call of the
Holy Spirit and return to the true calling of the New Covenant - To live out
the Life of Jesus. To be parables of Jesus. YOU are the light of the World!
YOU are the salt of the earth. But if that light grows dim and if that salt
loses it savor what is it good for? It is by our good deeds, by our character,
that mission is made possible. Co-workers, employees, and
employers, neighbors, friends, family are to see the virtuous life of the Spirit
in us and as they do we can give an answer for the reason for the “living
hope that is at work in our lives, with meekness and fear.
"The Gospel must first transform our lives then it moves out through the city
and transforms others.” - Tim Keller
May it be so in our church and in our city by God’s grace and strength.