On-ramp to Exile
Adventures in Exile • Sermon • Submitted
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There are no exact parallels between the events leading to the Exile and current times
There are no prescriptions for us to follow
However, there are are descriptions of events, circumstances, actions and results
We should be able to pick up application from these—plain as the noses on our faces
This is also not doomsday message
However, we should be ready for the imminent return of Jesus
If not ready for the Rapture—you have a problem
If not ready for the Tribulation—you have a problem
Both are spiritual issues; both fall back to knowing Christ
Is This Divine Judgment?
Is This Divine Judgment?
We are NOT claiming God’s divine judgment on the US—no more than on any other part of the world
We reap the penalty of sin; living in an ever declining and degrading world system
Even righteous were caught up in the upheaval of that time—even the godly caught up in the events of our day—and previous pandemics—other chaotic events
Might we be in the period of the “seals” of Rev. 6-8?
Some scholars believe so
What we know for sure from the seals: God is still in charge—even amidst apparent chaos
Highs and Lows in the history of Israel (here, Judah)
Captivity in Egypt—but made His nation there
Exodus—turmoil…due to sin; but ended in conquest of the Promised Land
Period of the Judges—sad time…brought on by sin in the nation
Theocracy—led by Samuel
Saul’s Kingdom—both good and bad; ended badly…due to sin
David’s Kingdom—united all Israel; powerful and stable
Solomon followed David
Temple Built in Jerusalem
Temple Built in Jerusalem
Jehovah God chose this city in which to make His home—a true high point!
God’s glory dwelt in Jerusalem
Solomon’s Kingdom—powerful, stable and wealthy…for awhile!
Divided Kingdom—Israel, North; Judah, South
Israel captive to the Assyrians (722 BC)
Ultimately, Assyria was judged for their brutality
Judah ultimately captive to Babylon (586 BC); 70 years in exile
…and Babylon was judged, conquered by the Medes...
Fuzzy timeline…vassal state before that
On-ramp begins at the beginning of 1 Chron. 36
Main Idea: To learn the cumulative effect of sin upon a nation
Main Idea: To learn the cumulative effect of sin upon a nation
Looking at the results of their mistakes—the exile—and learning some lessons
Message to Judah
Message to Judah
Note the reason behind the message
v.15, ...because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place
Many messages from many messengers “pre-exilic prophets”
Some were generic: idolatry, wickedness, bribery, oppression of the people, denial of the true God
Some from Micah:
1:3 …the LORD is coming out of His place, and will come down and tread upon the high places of the earth
It was about idolatry
1: 7 All her carved images shall be beaten to pieces…all her idols I will lay waste....
Some from Habakkuk, his 1st complaint:
1:3, Why do you make me see iniquity....Destruction and violence…strife and contention....
1:4, The law is paralyzed and justice never goes forth....wicked surround the righteous; so that justice goes forth perverted.
Woe to her who is rebellious and defiled,
the oppressing city!
She listens to no voice;
she accepts no correction.
She does not trust in the Lord;
she does not draw near to her God.
Her officials within her
are roaring lions;
her judges are evening wolves
that leave nothing till the morning.
Her prophets are fickle, treacherous men;
her priests profane what is holy;
they do violence to the law.
The Lord within her is righteous;
he does no injustice;
every morning he shows forth his justice;
each dawn he does not fail;
but the unjust knows no shame.
Mocking by Judah
Mocking by Judah
His prophets—messengers—were not just ignored; but mocked
Some event in life of Jeremiah
His letter was burned by the king, though the common people were alarmed by it
As Jehudi read three or four columns, the king would cut them off with a knife and throw them into the fire in the fire pot, until the entire scroll was consumed in the fire that was in the fire pot.
And the officials were enraged at Jeremiah, and they beat him and imprisoned him in the house of Jonathan the secretary, for it had been made a prison.
So they took Jeremiah and cast him into the cistern of Malchiah, the king’s son, which was in the court of the guard, letting Jeremiah down by ropes. And there was no water in the cistern, but only mud, and Jeremiah sank in the mud.
We don’t know exactly how all the prophets were treated…but this is probably typical in attitude…if not behavior
This was not mocking of the prophets; it was the mocking of the message they had delivered
Massacre of Judah
Massacre of Judah
It was brought because there was
We may think back to Genesis…Noah and the flood
No Remedy!
No Remedy!
v. 16
Not for the squeamish!
v. 17, …killed their young men
...no compassion...
Looted the temple…burned the temple
Broke down the city’s wall
Took everyone else captive vv. 20-21
We have a pattern of God preserving a remnant
Mess We Are In
Mess We Are In
Let’s first of all remember that God had compassion and sent messengers—prophets
He still does
We still have the Gospel!
The Word of God is available—books, downloads, virtual access…
Whole Bibles, NT’s, Gospels of John, tracts, booklets...
No shortage of languages, translations
No shortage of preachers, accurately preaching the full counsel of the Word
They’re on radio, TV, across the virtual world...
We still have the church
Even though we are not meeting collectively, we are still meeting virtually and connecting among ourselves
Believers are driven to silence
So often mocked—look at VP Pence
Not a national thing
Not a national thing
This is NOT an indictment of the United States
It IS an indictment of culture…particularly western culture
We were blessed with the Church
A culture that fails to learn the lesson of history
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
We have walked away from the true God—idolatry of self reigns
Nothing more important than self
We have ceased to know God
He has become unimportant—”unneeded” or so it is said
He was declared dead, at one time
Do we not see destruction and violence—seeing that in mob actions around the world
It takes nothing to start a riot
Perversion of justice
Criminal go free to prey on the public
The List Is Endless
The List Is Endless
Not our job to argue politics
Is our job to know, speak and display the Gospel
There will be another reckoning
First was Noah’s time—removal of the sinful and saving of the righteous
Second was the Exile
Third will be end of times—the great and awesome Day of the Lord.
Earlier comment—be prepared
Not delving into end-times time-line...
The baseline of the judgment: Do we know Jesus Christ
The difference between Heaven and Hell
Have We Learned our History Lesson?
Have We Learned our History Lesson?
Maybe the better question: What have we learned from history?
Judah’s sin—in its leadership—took the nation astray and into gross sin
Do we see parallels here?
Good commercial for doing our civic duty and voting imbedded here—Judah didn’t have that option
Ultimately, our entire culture will be judged; this earth destroyed
Yes, we may be seeing some shadows of coming events in the current events
Then, there will be a new Heaven and new Earth.
Also, the Lake of Fire
Our destination will be one of those
In the meantime, God is still in control; still compassionate
See His workings; hear His messages and listen to His messengers