1 Timothy 3:14-16 Foundation of our Faith
1 Timothy 3:14-16 The Foundation of our Faith 私たちの信仰の土台
English follows Japanese
うな人格を持つ長老と執事を求めるべきかについての話に移ります。4 章を始める時、彼はこれ
らの偽の教師たちがどのように実際信仰を離れるかについて語っています。しかし、テモテ一 3
るよう召されているのか、そして、4 章で彼が私たちの信仰の土台を敷く時何を置いて行ったか
を語ります。まずテモテへの手紙一 3 章 14-16 節を読みましょう。14 わたしは、間もなくあな
たのところへ行きたいと思いながら、この手紙を書いています。 15 行くのが遅れる場合、神
である生ける神の教会です。 16 信心の秘められた真理は確かに偉大です。すなわち、/キリ
Letʼs pray.祈りましょう。
心ではありません。14-15節で彼はこう言っています。, この手紙を書いています。 15行くの
パオロが 16 節で言っている人はイエス・キリストです。イエスはエフェソ 2 章 19-20 節でも語
られています。 “ 19 従って、あなたがたはもはや、外国人でも寄留者でもなく、聖なる民に属
する者、神の家族であり、 20 使徒や預言者という土台の上に建てられています。そのかなめ
中とても大切です。これらの聖句の主要点を話し始めると、彼はこの教会、この神の家は “真理
理はこの世では友を作らないとうい事実をイエス様はヨハネ書 3 章 19-21 節で教えています。
19 光が世に来たのに、人々はその行いが悪いので、光よりも闇の方を好んだ。それが、もう裁
きになっている。 20 悪を行う者は皆、光を憎み、その行いが明るみに出されるのを恐れて、
光の方に来ないからである。 21 しかし、真理を行う者は光の方に来る。その行いが神に導か
たちは真理を告白し私たちの信仰の土台である真理を離してはなりません。それが 16 節のポイ
ントです。16 信心の秘められた真理は確かに偉大です。歴史を通じて教会は信仰告白という教
も有名で 1500 年以上前に書かれています。そこには福音そして教会の礎となる 12 ヶ条の神に
た奥義について、なんと言っているかコロサイの信徒への手紙 1 章を見ましょう。コロサイ 1 章
24-27 節
に、キリストの苦しみの欠けたところを身をもって満たしています。 25 神は御言葉をあなた
は教会に仕える者となりました。 26 世の初めから代々にわたって隠されていた、秘められた
計画が、今や、神の聖なる者たちに明らかにされたのです。 27 この秘められた計画が異邦人
めに神から離れてしまっています。ローマ書 3 書 23 節が言います。23 人は皆、罪を犯して神
します。16 節で続けます。キリストは肉において現れ、/“霊”において義とされ、/天使たち
の文の一つ目はキリストは肉において現れ、 これが受肉、キリストが地上に来た時、神が人とな
ったことです。これをヨハネ書 1 章 14 節で学びます。14 言は肉となって、わたしたちの間に
立証されました。なぜ私はこれが復活のことだと言うのでしょうか。ローマ書 1 章 3-4 節はこう
言います。 3 御子に関するものです。御子は、肉によればダビデの子孫から生まれ、 4 聖なる
す引用文があります。ヘブライ人への手紙 1 章 6 節 6 更にまた、神はその長子をこの世界に送
く、初期の教会だけではなく、今日の私たちにも与えられたのです。マタイ書 28章19-20節は
言います。 19だから、あなたがたは行って、すべての民をわたしの弟子にしなさい。彼らに父
と子と聖霊の名によって洗礼を授け、 20あなたがたに命じておいたことをすべて守るように教
8章:10節 10キリストがあなたがたの内におられるならば、体は罪によって死んでいても、“霊”
今一度この聖歌の最後の文で地上での御業の成就の後のキリストの栄化を見ます。16 節はイエ
得るよう制定されました。マタイ書 26 章 26-29 節 26 一同が食事をしているとき、イエスはパ
なさい。これはわたしの体である。」 27 また、杯を取り、感謝の祈りを唱え、彼らに渡して
言われた。「皆、この杯から飲みなさい。 28 これは、罪が赦されるように、多くの人のため
に流されるわたしの血、契約の血である。 29 言っておくが、わたしの父の国であなたがたと
1 Timothy 3:14-16 The Foundation of our Faith
God has told us through the apostle Paul writing this book First Timothy under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit about the problem of false doctrine. Paul began the book
talking about the false doctrine and teachers that this young pastor, Timothy is
supposed to confront and correct. Then he move into discussing the leadership of the
church and what type of leaders both elders and deacons a church should look
for…ones who will have the character to be strong in confronting false doctrine and
preserving the unity of the church. When we start chapter 4, he will once again be
talking about how some of these false teachers will actually leave the faith, but first here
in the last three verses of 1 Timothy 3, Paul sets the stage for discussing false teachers
leaving the faith by clearly laying out what it is they are leaving. He discusses in these
final three verses what the false teachers reject, and what the elders and deacons are
called to protect, and what those in chapter 4 are leaving behind as he lays out the
foundation of our faith. Letʼs begin by reading 1 Timothy 3:14-16. I hope to come to
you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how
one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a
pillar and buttress of the truth. Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness:
He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed
among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory. Letʼs pray.
If you remember when we started this series in First Timothy, I pointed out that Paul
was probably not in prison at this point, but on an unrecorded final missionary journey.
This is one of the signs of that, as he begins verse 14 by saying I hope to come to you
soon… He could likely say that because he was in some position to actually leave where
he was at and come to Timothy in Ephesus, leading to an understanding that he was not
imprisoned at this time. But thatʼs not really the point of this passage. And Paul goes on
to introduce his larger focus as he goes into the second half of First Timothy ‒ practical
matters of behavior within the church, but this also is not really the focus here in these
verses. He says in verses 14-15, I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay,
you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of
the living God. This has been his focus here in this letter to Timothy, very practical
concern of dealing with false doctrine, choosing pastors and deacons, things of that
nature; but what I want to focus on is his description of the church. He calls the church
the household of God and then to clarify that he means the church, he calls it the church
of the living God.
I donʼt think Iʼve really discussed the meaning of the word church, but the word was a
common everyday word that meant an assembly of people who were joined together
into a common membership and connection, so it would be used to speak of all the
citizens of one particular city, who all shared that same identity as members of that city.
The apostles came along and as God directed them in the writing of the New Testament,
they took that term and applied it specifically to the group of people that were united
with one identity in common Jesus Christ, and so the word for an assembly took on far
more significant meaning as the group of people that were no longer identified by their
city or country or ethnicity, but by their new family ‒ or as used here, their household,
which is Godʼs. The common binding element of this new group of people was Jesus
Christ, and he is the foundation of the church, and of our faith as Paul now discusses in
these verses.
The person that Paul is describing in verse 16 is Jesus Christ, and it is Jesus who is
described in Ephesians 2:19-20 when Paul says there, “ So then you are no
longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of
the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ
Jesus himself being the cornerstone…” If you recall from Ephesians, we said that the
cornerstone is the foundational element to every other part of the building, and so Jesus
Christ is the essential foundation that the church is built on. This is important as he
continues with his description of the church and the main point of these short but
important verses. As he begins with the point of these verses, he says this church, this
household of God is “a pillar and buttress of the truth.” And what is it that Paul is
pointing out with this statement about the church? He is making the first point about
the foundation of our faith, who is Christ ‒ that the Church protects the foundation.
So the foundation of the church is Jesus Christ, and let me add this, it is Jesus Christ as
revealed to us in the Word of God. It is not whatever version of Jesus we want to create
for ourselves. The church is a pillar and buttress supporting that truth. A pillar in a
building is obviously a column that supports a roof or ceiling, and a buttress is a support
structure that was built to hold up a wall. Why would he compare a church to a building
support? Because like a support structure, it is the churchʼs role to uphold and protect
the truth of the Gospel and Godʼs Word. Donʼt get confused about this point, though.
The church is not the final determiner of truth itself. This is something the Roman
Catholic Church gets wrong. The church as an organization does not decide truth itself,
and no individual church gets to add to or take away from the truth. A pillar and a
buttress holds something else up, it is not the thing itself. In this case what is being held
up is the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as proclaimed in the Bible, the Word of
How does the church protect the truth of the gospel and Jesus Christ? That has been
Paulʼs focus here in Timothy- taking a stand against false teachers and false teaching
within the church. The church must continue to teach the truth, defend the truth and
live the truth in order to fulfill its role of being the pillar and buttress of truth. We need
to understand that when we do this, it will not win us friends and acceptance by the rest
of the world outside of the Church. The truth does not always make people happy,
because the truth of the gospel makes moral judgements that there are actions which
are against God law that are called sin, and that we are accountable to a creator and are
not the final authority in our lives. This fact that the truth does not win friends in the
world is what Jesus is teaching in John 3:19-21 which says, 19 And this is the
judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than
the light because their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does wicked things hates
the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. 21 But
whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his
works have been carried out in God.”
This fact that the truth will not be accepted and could bring the judgment of the world
on us, does not mean that we then go away from the truth or change the truth to a lie in
order to be accepted by those who reject Jesus Christ. We must continue to confess
and hold to the truth, to the foundation of our faith, which is the point of the verse
16, Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: Throughout history, the
church has created confessions of faith to detail what exactly the truth is that the
church is supporting and defending as a pillar and buttress. Some of these, especially
those that have endured the test of centuries of time are accepted by all who are truly
followers of Christ. Probably the most of famous of these is the Apostles Creed which
dates back more than 1500 years. It sets forths 12 different truths about God that
clearly state the foundation of the gospel and therefore the church as well. The Apostles
creed says, I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe
in Jesus Christ, Godʼs only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of
the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; [he
descended to the dead.] On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is
seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic [meaning universal] Church, the communion
of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
What Paul is giving here after this is a confession of faith that declares the truth that
the church upholds. He says that what the church confesses is a great mystery of
godliness. When we discussed the Deacons last week, we discussed this mystery that
Paul is always speaking of in his letters. He frames the gospel in terms of a mystery that
is revealed in Jesus Christ. Last week we looked at Ephesians. Today, I want us to look
at Colossians 1 as we explore again what Paul means when he says the mystery of
godliness. Colossians 1:24-27 says, 24Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and
in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christʼs afflictions for the sake of his body,
that is, the church, 25of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from
God that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known, 26the mystery
hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints. 27To them God chose
to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery,
which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Again in this scripture as in Ephesians we see
that the mystery of the gospel, here what he calls the mystery of godliness is that
Salvation is available to anyone, Jew or Gentile, that our hope is only found in Jesus
Christ. He is the source of our hope of experiencing the glory of God. Without him, each
of us is separated from God by our sin and failing to properly glorify God as our creator
and king. As Romans 3:23 says, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Why Jesus is the only source of hope and salvation from our sin is what Paul now
declares in this confession as verse 16 continues, He was manifested in the flesh,
vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in
the world, taken up in glory. This is most likely a very early hymn or creed, meaning a
confession of faith, that was already in use in the church at the time. There are many
different ways that this verse has been examined and dissected to see how best it fits
together. It seems to naturally break down into two sections of 3 lines each, both of
which point to the work of Christ as the truth that the church supports and upholds.
The first three lines of the Hymn here extols the glory of Christ in his work on earth. The
first of the three lines that start the hymns are one, he was manifested in the flesh. This
is the incarnation, when Christ came to earth and God became flesh. We see this taught
about Jesus in John 1:14, And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
After the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, we second see, the resurrection, vindicated by the
Spirit. Why do I say that this is the resurrection here. Romans 1:3-4 says, 3 concerning
his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh 4 and was declared to
be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from
the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord… His resurrection from the dead after being crucified
for sin was proof given by God the Holy Spirit that he truly was God the Son, which
meant he was perfectly holy and could be the one who took our place and endured
Godʼs wrath against our sin. By doing that, he made salvation possible. So, a key truth
that must be defended and supported by the church is the fact of the resurrection as
much as the death of Christ.
Both verses of this hymn if I can call them that end with a phrase pointing us to the
glory of God, and they both seem to do with his ascension to Heaven. The third and final
line of this first verse is seen by angels… This probably points to angels worshipping him
in Heaven after his ascension. The book of Hebrews has a quotation pointing us to the
fact that because of Jesus coming to earth and what he did while here on earth, he is
worshipped by angels. Hebrews 1:6 says, “And again, when he brings the firstborn into
the world, he says,“Let all God's angels worship him.” We protect and uphold the truth
that we serve a risen Savior who came to earth as God who willingly gave up some
characteristics of God in order to take the punishment for our sin, and with that work
complete, he returned to his rightful place of glory.
We protect this truth by proclaiming this truth as his church, the body of Christ. This is
what the second verse of this hymn proclaims as the final three lines proclaim the glory
of Christ in the continuing work of his church. The first line says he is proclaimed among
the nations. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gives his final command ‒ his Great
Commission - to all believers, not just the apostles, not just the early church, but us still
today as well. Matthew 28:19-20 says, 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you
always, to the end of the age.” Christ continues his work through his church ‒ thatʼs us ‒
as we continue to take the message of his birth, death and resurrection that brings
salvation to everyone we can. Do the work of proclaiming the gospel, then the Second
line of this hymnʼs second verse will happen. It says Jesus will be believed on in the
world. Now we cannot convince anyone to believe. Our part of this is the proclamation,
but it is the Holy Spirit that draws a person to salvation by convicting them of their sin
and need for a Savior. The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead in the
second line of this hymn, is the same Holy Spirit that makes dead sinners alive again
through Jesus Christ. Romans 8:10 says, 10 But if Christ is in you, although the body is
dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. It is the work of the Holy
Spirit to enable dead sinners to put their faith in Jesus Christ. We are called to
faithfulness in proclaiming the gospel, but we do not need to worry about the
results…that is a work only God can do.
Once again, we see this verse of the hymn ending on the final line with Jesus Christʼs
glorification after having completed his work on earth as verse 16 ends Jesus was
“taken up in glory.” At first it may seem out of place to again put a reference to Christʼs
ascension after the work of the church, but remember that the Great Commission was
given before his ascension. So, its fitting that after declaring the truth that the church is
responsible for fulfilling that Great Commission, that we are reminded that our work as
the church continues because Christʼs work of coming to earth and dying and rising to
forgive our sins in completed. The ascension is proof that his work is done. Christ came
for one purpose and one purpose alone to make atonement or payment for our sins by
dying on the cross. Luke 19:10 says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the
lost.” At his final meal with his disciples before his death that we call the last supper,
Jesus institutes Communion or the Lordʼs Supper by telling his disciples that it is his
death and shedding of his blood that makes atonement or payment for sin so that the
lost ‒ all of us ‒ can be saved and forgiven for our sins. Matthew 26:26-29 says, “Now
as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the
disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” 27 And he took a cup, and when he had
given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you, 28 for this is my blood of
the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 29 I tell you I will
not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my
Fatherʼs kingdom.”
This proclamation of the truth ‒ that salvation and freedom from sin is found only in one
person, Jesus Christ is still our message today, and we as his church must believe it,
must defend it and must proclaim it! It is what joins us together as the body of Christ,
and so when we take communion as we will today in obedience of Christʼs command to
eat and drink in remembrance of his death, we are being reminded of what saves us and
of the message that we have a responsibility to proclaim to others. If you are here today
and have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and been obedient by being
baptized to declare your faith, then we invite you to join us in this Communion time.
There is nothing in this bread or this cup of juice that will save you, but the Bible says
that there is something unique about it, so that we are not to eat and drink unworthily.
So, I would ask that if you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior or been
fully obedient that you just let it pass by you. Parents, there is no better way to teach
your children the importance of the Lordʼs Supper than by not letting them participate if
they are not ready. After I pray, the Deacons will pass out the bread and we will eat
together and then the juice and we will drink together. Letʼs pray