1 Timothy 1:12-17 Testimony of a true Teacher
English follows Japanese
1 Timothy 1:12-17 Testimony of a true teacher 真の教師の証
いました。今日の聖句を読みましょう。テモテの手紙一 1 章 12-17 節を読み真の教師パオロの証を見ましょう。12
と見なして務めに就かせてくださったからです。 13 以前、わたしは神を冒涜する者、迫害する者、暴力を振るう
者でした。しかし、信じていないとき知らずに行ったことなので、憐れみを受けました。 14 そして、わたしたち
の主の恵みが、キリスト・イエスによる信仰と愛と共に、あふれるほど与えられました。 15「キリスト・イエス
罪人の中で最たる者です。 16 しかし、わたしが憐れみを受けたのは、キリスト・イエスがまずそのわたしに限り
た。 17 永遠の王、不滅で目に見えない唯一の神に、誉れと栄光が世々限りなくありますように、アーメン。祈り
こと、つまり彼らの証をすることです。旧約聖書の歴代誌上 16 章 8-9 節などで見ることができます。8 主に感謝を
ささげて御名を呼べ。諸国の民に御業を示せ。 9 主に向かって歌い、ほめ歌をうたい/驚くべき御業をことごとく
ダマスコへの道でパオロへのイエスの召しにも見ることができます。使徒行伝 22 章 14-15 節で彼の召しについて
会わせて、その口からの声を聞かせるためです。 15 あなたは、見聞きしたことについて、すべての人に対してそ
本来の命令です。使徒行伝 1 章 8 節 8 あなたがたの上に聖霊が降ると、あなたがたは力を受ける。そして、エルサ
まります。12 節はわたしを強くしてくださった、わたしたちの主キリスト・イエスに感謝しています。私たちの
トのヨハネでしょう。彼は、ヨハネ書 3 章 28-30 節でこう言いました。28 わたしは、『自分はメシアではない』
れる。 29 花嫁を迎えるのは花婿だ。花婿の介添え人はそばに立って耳を傾け、花婿の声が聞こえると大いに喜
ぶ。だから、わたしは喜びで満たされている。 30 あの方は栄え、わたしは衰えねばならない。」
パオロは 12 節でこう言って続けます。この方が、わたしを忠実な者と見なして務めに就かせてくださったからで
パオロの証の次の部分は彼の焦点は変えられた人生にあり、過去の罪ではありません。13 節にこうあります。以
となので、憐れみを受けました。 私たちはパオロの背景を使徒行伝から知っています。彼は常に積極的に活動して
する者 となっていました。最後に彼は暴力的で高慢な人であることに気付きました。それが暴力を振るう者でし
た。 15-16 節でパオロは自分自身を最悪の罪人であると言いました。 15「キリスト・イエスは、罪人を救うため
です。 16 しかし、わたしが憐れみを受けたのは、キリスト・イエスがまずそのわたしに限りない忍耐をお示しに
2 章 1-3 節, 1 さて、あなたがたは、以前は自分の過ちと罪のために死んでいたのです。 2 この世を支配する者、
た。 3 わたしたちも皆、こういう者たちの中にいて、以前は肉の欲望の赴くままに生活し、肉や心の欲するままに
への手紙 3 章 23 節は真理なのです。23 人は皆、罪を犯して神の栄光を受けられなくなっていますが、
13 節で彼が, しかし、信じていないとき知らずに行ったことなので、憐れみを受けましたと言う時、彼は神を知ら
に創造主である神と私たちの関係はそうなってしまったのです。イザヤ記 59 章 2-3 節はこう言っています。2 むし
を妨げているのだ。 パオロの罪、そして私たちの罪です。ですから、福音を語る時神の恵みについて語らねばなり
神に向いて 14 節で言います。そして、わたしたちの主の恵みが、キリスト・イエスによる信仰と愛と共に、あふ
れるほど与えられました。 恵みは神の私たちのための私たちにはふさわしくない賜物です。私たちは罪のために何
ス・キリストが私たちのために何をなさったかを理解します。そのほかに人は初めてヨハネ書 3 章 16-18 節の素晴
らしい真理を聞く必要があります。16 神は、その独り子をお与えになったほどに、世を愛された。独り子を信じる
者が一人も滅びないで、永遠の命を得るためである。 17 神が御子を世に遣わされたのは、世を裁くためではな
人には必然的な成り行きがあると言うことです。ですからヨハネ書 3 章は 18 節でこう続けます。18 御子を信じる
者は裁かれない。信じない者は既に裁かれている。神の独り子の名を信じていないからである。 神がイエス・キ
につながる賜物です。それはパオロがエフェソ書 2 章 8-9 節で強く念を押したことです。8 事実、あなたがたは、
恵みにより、信仰によって救われました。このことは、自らの力によるのではなく、神の賜物です。 9 行いによる
のではありません。それは、だれも誇ることがないためなのです。 神は彼の信仰の賜物を受ける者を定められま
エスを信じることを全員に伝えなければならないのです。ですからパオロは 15 節でこう言って福音の説明を続けて
コリントの信徒への手紙一 6 章 9-11 節は 9 正しくない者が神の国を受け継げないことを、知らないのですか。思
い違いをしてはいけない。みだらな者、偶像を礼拝する者、姦通する者、男娼、男色をする者、 10 泥棒、強欲な
者、酒におぼれる者、人を悪く言う者、人の物を奪う者は、決して神の国を受け継ぐことができません。 11 あな
いる人たちに彼ではなく 16 節で話している神の大いなる恵みに向くよう示しているのです。 16 しかし、わたしが
わることのない永遠の命を約束されているのです。エフェソ書 3 章 10-11 節を思い出していただければ、パオロは
福音のメッセージは教会に与えられたと言っています。10 こうして、いろいろの働きをする神の知恵は、今や教会
によって、天上の支配や権威に知らされるようになったのですが、 そして、彼は教会に与えられた福音メッセージ
について言及しています。11 これは、神がわたしたちの主キリスト・イエスによって実現された永遠の計画に沿
す。神の栄光が常に中心であるべきです。パオロは彼の証を 17 節の言葉でこう締めくくっています。17 永遠の
他に神はいません。唯一最高位の創造主で全ての大宇宙の権威を有する方の第一の戒めの言葉が出エジプト記 20 章
3 節にあります。3 あなたには、わたしをおいてほかに神があってはならない。
たち全員が喜んで進んで言うべきアーメンで終わります。然るべき。然り、そうなるべきという意味です。 私たち
き、ともに神に栄光を帰すことができます。Letʼs pray.
1 Timothy 1:12-17 Testimony of a true teacher
Last week we saw the first issue in the church that Paul addressed. Paul told Timothy that he had left him
in Ephesus to confront false teachers who were causing problems in the church. They had left the clear
teaching of the gospel based on the revealed Word of God and instead were teaching their own version of
the truth that took away from the truth of Scripture and caused disunity in the church. Those people were
to be confronted in love with the hope of restoration. Now Paul turns to his own testimony as that of a
true rather than false teacher of Godʼs Word. Letʼs read our passage today, 1 Timothy 1:12-17 and see
the testimony of a true teacher, Paul. I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord,
because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service, 13 though formerly I was a
blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent. But I received mercy because I had acted ignorantly in
unbelief, and the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ
Jesus. The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world
to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the
foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in
him for eternal life. To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever
and ever. Amen. Letʼs pray.
It is clear from Scripture that one of the marks of being a Christian and therefore of life within the church
is that the people of God share the story of Godʼs work in their lives, in other words, their testimony. You
see this in the Old Testament with verses like 1 Chronicles 16:8-9, “Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon
his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his
wondrous works! You see it in Jesusʼ call to Paul on the road to Damascus in Acts 22:14-15 where Paul
describing his call says, “14 And he said, ʻThe God of our fathers appointed you to know his will, to see
the Righteous One and to hear a voice from his mouth; 15 for you will be a witness for him to everyone of
what you have seen and heard.” Finally, in the Great Commission itself, sharing Godʼs work in our lives is
an inherent part of Christʼs command. Acts 1:8 says, 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit
has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the
end of the earth.” We are to be witnesses for Christ, to tell people about what God has done for us and
can do for them. So Paul now shares his testimony of what God has done in his life.
The false teachers had turned the simple gospel into something that was unrecognizable by their teaching
that led people away from faith in Jesus Christ and to focus on invented and frivolous and often unbiblical
teachings. Paul, on the other hand, based all of his teaching on the unchanging truth of the gospel, which
had changed his life. He was relentlessly focused on bringing the gospel to bear on every aspect of life.
And as he shares his testimony the entire focus is again on the gospel that has changed his life. By
looking at Paulʼs focus in his testimony, we can see what should characterize our witness as well.
The first aspect we see of Paulʼs testimony is that The focus was on Christ not on Paul. Too many times
even when we are sharing about our faith, the focus is on us, maybe our past of sin or our ability to live
this new life in Christ, but as Paul writes here, from start to finish, the object is Christ. It starts by
thanking Jesus. Verse 12 starts, I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord. The basis
for our testimony must start with gratitude to God for salvation. If we are truly grateful to Christ and
recognizing that we owe him everything, then our life and our testimony will naturally point to Jesus Christ
in our words and our actions. Arguably, The greatest witness to Christ ever, John the Baptist, who had
the privilege to be the final prophet introducing the world to Jesus as the Messiah, showed the attitude
we all need when he said in John 3:28-30, “You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, ʻI am not the
Christ, but I have been sent before him.ʼ The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the
bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice. Therefore, this joy of
mine is now complete. He must increase, but I must decrease.” This must be our focus in sharing what
God has done for us…he must increase, but I must decrease.
Paul continues in verse 12 by saying… “because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service.”
Paulʼs focus was Christ, because he understood that Jesus is the ultimate judge…because it was only
Jesus who could call him and make him successful in his call and mission, which was all in service to
Christ. His testimony was not about talking about himself, because his entire life was about living for
Christ and being found faithful to him, no matter how he looked in the eyes of the world or even other
Christians. He understood that he was nothing without Christ, which is the thing he talks about.
The next aspect of Paulʼs testimony that we see is that his focus was on a Changed life and not former
sin. Look at what he says in verse 13, “though formerly I was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent
opponent. But I received mercy because I had acted ignorantly in unbelief…” We do know Paulʼs
background from Acts. He was always on the go, moving politically with the religious leaders and secular
government so he could arrest Christians. If you like action adventure movies, he probably lived an
exciting life, as if he was in one. I have heard testimonies from probably well-meaning Christians who
seemed to glory in their former sin more than pointing people to Jesus. Iʼve heard plenty of Christians who
talk about the life they had before Christ like they miss living that life. They have stories about drunken
“fun” that they had, stuff they got away with, success that came to them in their given field. To hear some
Hollywood Actors talk, Jesus is just a nice addition to the great life they already had.
That is completely different than how Paul describes his life. He describes himself in a few basic terms
that summarize his life. Remember that his background was actually extremely religious…in the eyes of
other people, this was a morally upright, godly man, who now saw his past the way that God viewed his
past. When that happens, we wonʼt focus on the past, but on Godʼs mercy. Paul realized that of all the
things he could have said about who he was without Christ, he needed to stress how God viewed who he
was. To God, he the ultra religious Jew, was a blasphemer…one who spoke and acted directly against
God. Instead of being busy serving God, he instead realized he had been a persecutor of Godʼs true
people. Finally, he recognized that he was a violent and arrogant man. Thatʼs what insolent opponent
means. In verses 15-16 Paul describes himself as the worst sinner when he says, “Christ Jesus came into
the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. But I received mercy for this reason, that in me,
as the foremost…” Was Paul the worst sinner? In the history of the world, there have been many more far
worse on a human scale than Paul. But Paul rightly saw himself as a complete failure who had disobeyed,
dishonored and rejected God with his sin.
Until we see ourselves as Paul saw himself and how he describes each of us in Ephesians 2:1-3, “And you
were dead in the trespasses and sins 2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world,
following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience̶ 3
among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the
mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.” Its when we see ourselves as no
better than anyone else, but guilty and dead in sin before a righteous God, deserving only his wrath and
judgment, that we come to really understand and be grateful for Godʼs mercy.
His understanding of who he was as a sinner changed his focus from what he had done in the past to the
wonderful love and mercy of God that changed his life. He was no longer that violent, arrogant,
blasphemer who persecuted Godʼs people; instead he was a grateful recipient of Godʼs mercy. It was that
focus that led the majority of Paulʼs testimony to focus on the gospel, which is where we should focus as
we share what God has done in our lives.
If we are going to keep the focus on Christ as we share our testimony of Christʼs work in us that has
changed us, then we must put the focus where Paul did, and for him, The focus was on the details of the
gospel. This is the purpose of sharing a testimony to give the gospel, so that in a personal way you can
show the effect has had on your life and encourage them to accept it. The only way you can encourage
another person to accept the gospel is to be clear in explaining it. Look at how Paul does this.
First, Paul is very clear about sin. He explained that he was a sinner. He said, I was a
blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent. He also says here, Christ Jesus came into the world to
save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. When we explain this to others, we are pointing out that
everyone of us has sinned. It is the truth that over and over the Scripture points out. Every heroic figure
in the Old Testament is shown to sin starting with Adam. Noah obeys God and is rescued from the flood,
but he gets drunk and sins with his son. Abraham lied about his wife. Moses disobeyed God and struck a
rock instead of speaking to it. David committed adultery and murder. And throughout the Old Testament,
the pattern is clear, that Romans 3:23 is true, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” It
may not be as clear here in this passage, but Paul makes it clear that sin has separated us from our God.
When he says here in verse 13, I received mercy because I had acted ignorantly in unbelief, he is pointing
out that he did not know God and was separated from him, and really did not believe in him even though
he was very religious. As we share the gospel, we must make this clear that sin has caused a separation
between us and God. There are plenty of people who think they know God and are very religious, but
there is a break between them and God that they donʼt recognize. In Japanese, there is the word, ZURE
that describes a broken bone or something out of alignment, or dislocated. This is how we are to God who
created us, because of our sin. Isaiah 59:2-3 says, but your iniquities have made a separation between
you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.
It is Paulʼs sin and our sin that means when we talk about the gospel, we must talk about Godʼs grace.
After we point out the problem, which is sin, we have to point to the solution, which is Godʼs grace. Paul
turns immediately there after discussing sin. Verse 14 says, and the grace of our Lord overflowed for
me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Grace is Godʼs undeserved actions on our behalf. We
deserve nothing because of our sin, but Godʼs grace to us is seen in giving us the gift of faith and love,
both of which we experience in Jesus Christ. Why does Paul say it the way he does here. Most of us who
understand the word grace can see love being attached to it. Paul is sharing a short version of his
testimony, so he does not go into detail. And depending on who you are talking to, they may already
understand what Jesus Christ did for us. Others need to hear for the first time the wonderful truth of
John 3:16-18, “For God so loved the world,[i] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him
should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the
world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Of course Christʼs death was only
necessary because there is a punishment for our sin…there is a consequence for rejecting God. That it is
necessary for us to believe in Jesus and what he did for us by dying on the cross means that there is a
consequence for those who reject Jesus. So verse 18 of John 3 continues… 18 Whoever believes in him is
not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the
name of the only Son of God. That love that God showed us in Jesus Christ dying to pay the punishment
for our sin must have a response of faith in Jesus Christ.
So Paul also addresses faith as the necessary step that brings salvation from our sin, but even that faith
he shows as flowing to us from Godʼs grace. It is not a work that we produce on our own, but instead the
gift of God leading to salvation in those he has chosen to be his own. That is what Paul focused strongly
on in Ephesians 2 where verses 8-9 say, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not
your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
God chooses who will be a recipient of his gracious gift of faith, but we do not know who will respond as
the Holy Spirit leads so we must share with everyone that they must believe, because Godʼs heart is to
save everyone. Thatʼs why Paul continues his explanation of the gospel in verse 15 by saying, The
saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save
sinners, of whom I am the foremost. God is sovereign over salvation and who he knows will believe, but
over and over in Scripture there is a clear message that his desire is to save sinners, not some sinners,
not just American Sinners or Japanese sinners or Filipino sinners but All sinners. No matter what you have
done, Jesus grace is greater and stronger than your sin.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 says “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice
homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the
kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were
justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. Those sins listed here in 1
Corinthians are a lot of what we may call really bad sins, but Godʼs grace is greater than all of those sins
and his love is available to anyone who has committed any sin. Itʼs by Godʼs grace that Paul was able to
say “and such were some of you.” No one is too far away from Godʼs grace and forgiveness. Thatʼs why
Paul wants to focus on how bad his sin was so he can point people hearing his testimony not to himself
but to Godʼs great mercy which he talks about in verse 16 But I received mercy for this reason, that in
me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to
believe in him for eternal life. We have not fully presented the gospel without pointing to Godʼs mercy.
Yes, salvation is necessary because of our sin, but as Paul demonstrates for us here, salvation is from
beginning to end about God. It is about his patience towards us as sinners and his mercy towards us who
are in need of his mercy and forgiveness.
His mercy extends even past this life, to what Paul calls eternal life. Godʼs plan for salvation is one that is
beyond our short time on earth. It started in eternity past and goes into eternity future, where those who
accept Jesus Christ are promised to spend eternal life, that continues forever. If you recall Ephesians
3:10-11, Paul says that the message of the gospel was given to the church then he says in verse 10, “so
that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and
authorities in the heavenly places.” Then he talks about the gospel message committed to the church as
he continues in verse 11, “This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus
our Lord…” See what he says regarding the gospel ‒ it was Godʼs eternal purpose!
But within this gospel presentation is also another focus, and that focus was on the need for a
response. As we have seen, God know who will respond. It was his choice and plan from eternity, BUT
Paul tells us that he is patient with people. He gives as much time as possible…he makes our lives go on
year after year, he gives chance after chance for you to hear the gospel. He wants you to hear time after
time that he loves you and wants you to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. He patiently waited for Paul
to accept him, while Paul arrested Christians, watched Christians get murdered for following Christ, and
publically and loudly rejected Jesus Christ. Yet God was patient, until he responded to the supernatural
meeting with his Savior Jesus Christ. I cannot tell you that you like Paul will see Christ in a supernatural
way like he did, but I can tell you that every chance you are given to respond to the gospel and believe in
Jesus is a miracle that God is giving to you by not immediately punishing you for your sin. That patience
demands a response. Godʼs desire, and my desire as a pastor, the desire of our church as Godʼs people is
that you know Jesus Christ. Donʼt put it off another day, because ultimately salvation is about the glory of
God, and God is glorified by saving sinners but he is also glorified by punishing sin for those who reject
This is the last focus in Paulʼs testimony and must be the focus anytime we share the gospel and really in
how we live our lives. The focus is on the glory of God. Paul ends his testimony in verse 17 with these
words, “ To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever.
Amen” In every part of our life, living for Godʼs glory is our calling, even when we donʼt feel like it. It is our
responsibility and should be our delight that no matter what we are experiencing in our lives, our aim is to
do that which is most pleasing to God. We are nothing, before the Eternal King who has and will rule
through all the ages of human history, who exists in complete perfection and without being held to our
human boundaries and understanding of time and existence; because he is both immortal and invisible.
There is no other God. He is the only supreme creator who can say with all the authority in the universe
the words of the first Command in Exodus 20:3, “You shall have no other gods before me.” He is the one
we should be living our lives to honor and exalt, because all glory belongs to him both in this time and for
eternity. And Paul closes this testimony with a word that all of should willingly say, Amen. It means so be
it, let it be…this is how it should be. This is how our lives should be ‒ giving glory to the king of kings and
lord of lords, our Savior Jesus Christ. If we are doing that then we will be regularly sharing and giving
testimony to what God has done for us, so that we can see others respond to the gospel and glorify God
along with us. Letʼs pray.