Delivered from all Ps 34:19

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The Psalm that we will be looking at today is Psalm34. At the top of the psalm we have the title which tell us the historical context of the psalm, we learn what was happening when David wrote it. It says “A Psalm of David When He Pretended Madness Before Abimelech, Who Drove Him Away, and He Departed.”
This refers to an event that we have recorded in 1 Samuel, when David was on the run from Saul he was taken captive and brought before King Abimelech, who is also know as Achish. David was afraid of the King and so he pretneded to be insane. The King fell for it and let David go. David escapes from King Abimelech and then he writes this psalm.
This psalm is a sing of praise to God for his deliverence and its a call to tohers to put their trust in him. This psalm was written during a time of trial and deliverance and in it we find a lot of encouragement for ourselves for when we are going through difficulties.
We will take time to read the psalm together. READ PSALM
A helpful way to look at this psalm is to divide it into four units. V.1-6 David praises God for his deliverance and calls others to do the same. v.7-10 David gives general teachings about God’s deliverance. V.11-14 David gives counsel on how to lead a blessed life. V.15-22 David emphasises his counsel with promises and warnings.
During the short time we have together there is one verse in particular I want us to focus on. This verse is found in the last unit. v.19.
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.”
This verse spilt neatly in half. The first half is a statement. The second half is promise. The first half could cause fear. But the second helf removes all fear.
We see firstly, that God’s people will suffer through out their lives.

I. Many are the afflictions of the righteous

Verse 19 begins with a statement of truth.
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous...”
In this statement are three points I want us to notice. What we notice first of all is that this statement is presenting a possibility but something that is sure to happen. The righteous, that is those who are God’s children, they will suffer affliction.
We will suffer as believers. Though we look forward to a place where there is no suffering, where Christ is and where we shall be with him forever. While we are not there but here on earth it will be our lot as the people of God to suffer afflictions.
Another point that we must notice is the word many. Many are the afflciitons of the righteous. This verse tells us that the afflictions of the righteous numerous. They will come in different forms and at different times all throughout our lives.
The third point that we must notice is that it is the righteous that will siffer. Some people believe that when they suffer it is because God is punishing them for wrong they have done. But here we see that it is the righteous who will suffer many afflictions. When we suffer as believers we must never think that God is punishing us. This verse says that the righteous suffer.
The reason this is important to remember is because if you believe that your suffering is a result of God’s punishment then you will not turn to him for refuge, you will not run to him for help and strength to get through, instead of running to the one in whom our strength lies, you will run from him.
We must remeber this truth and we must also hold on to the fact that God uses the suffering of a Christian for good. It is often through our suffering that God makes us more like Jesus. God makes all things work together for good to those who love him and are called accroding to his purpose.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous. It is encouraging for us that the verse doesn’t end there. We have that statement of truth, in the second half of v.19 we have a wonderful promise.

II. The Lord delivers from all

The verse says “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.”
One person has commented on this by saying “Be our troubles many in number, strange in nature, heavy in measure; yet God’s mercies are more numerous, His wisdom more wonderous, his power more miraculous; He will deliver us out of them all.”
There are two points that I want us to see from the second half of this verse. We see first who this deliverer is and second how far his deliverence extends.
We see first that it is the LORD who delivers the righteous. It is God almighty. The God who is sovereign over all things. The one who spoke everything into existence, the one who upholds everyhting by the power of his word. This is the one who delivers his people from afflictions, God who is all powerful. Not only is he an omnipotent God, he is also a loving God. The Bible tells us that He is love. He is gracious and kind. He loves his people and therefore he delivers them from suffering.
He is all powerful which ensures us he can deliver us and he is loving which ensures us he will deliver us.
As one song says “For the Lord is good and faithful, He will keep us day and night. We can always run to Jesus. Jesus strong and kind.”
Infinite power and infinite love.
The next point we meed to notice is the extent of this deliverence. How far does it extend.
The verse says “But the LORD delivers him out of them ALL.”
That word all is a very small word, but it has a great meaning and carries with it great comfort. This word all tells us that there is not a single affliction that a believer will face that God will not deliver him out of.
Here we have a promise we can cling to. Whenever a believer suffers they can be sure that God will deliver them, it will not last forever. God has got it all under control, he has allowed it for a good and loving purpose and he will not allow it to go on for longer than it needs to. He will deliver you and he will bring it to an end. He will do this for each and everything thing you suffer as a Christian.


“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.”
So these are just a few thoughts on this verse. Yes as Christians we will suffer but the Lord who is strong and kind will deliver us out of them all.
In this psalm we see that God delivered David and he praised him for it. God will always deliver us and so we must praise him as well. V.1 says “I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
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