Cherished, Chosen, Called

II Thessalonians   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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What a joy is is to be a child of God and to know that you are cherished, that you have been chosen, and that you have been called ultimately to glorification with Jesus Christ!

Paul has just discussed the tribulation period and the son of perdition who will come into the world and rule and reign during this 7 year period.
Now Paul again reminds the believer at Thessalonica that they will not have to endure this terrible time of tribulation because they have believed the gospel, they will be saved from the wrath to come.
We are here reminded what a joyous privilege it is to be saved and to be a child of God! He turns their attention from thinking on the terrible events of the tribulation to now thinking on the blessed benefits of their salvation.
Let us take time tonight to consider some of these blessed benefits of our salvation:
You are:

Cherished (Vs. 13a)

What a joy to know that you are loved by the God of the universe! God does not merely tolerate us, in reality, He loves us with an everlasting love as His own dear children.
I John 3:1- behold what manner of love- you and I are sons and daughters of God!
The particular word translate beloved here speaks of a demonstrated love! God has surely demonstrated the love that He has for you and I!
This is the same word that is used in John 3:16- this describes how God demonstrated His love by sending Christ to die for our sins!
No matter who you are or what you have done, God loves you and desires to make you His child. For those who have placed their faith in Christ, as the Thessalonian believers had, what a wondrous relationship now exists between God and His children.
We ought each to take a moment tonight to meditate on the idea that Almighty God loves and cherishes each and every one of us!
You may have made a mistake, you may not have been as faithful to the Lord as you should have been, but nevertheless God loves you. His love is unconditional!
I John 4:19- we love him because he first loved us
II Corinthians 5:14-15- love of Christ constraineth us/Galatians 2:20- live a life motivated by love.
When we grasp the love that God has for us, it ought to motivate us to devote ourselves to living for Him!
You are:

Chosen (Vs. 13b)

There are many passages of scripture which speak to God’s choosing of men unto salvation and this is often thought to mean that God has chosen some to eternal bliss and some to eternal condemnation but if we examine the scriptures we will quickly recognize this is not the case.
God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility are communicated in scripture and though there is certainly a tension between the two they do not contradict one another.
I Peter 1:2- sheds some additional light on this subject- elect according to the foreknowledge of God.
God knows end from the beginning- Isaiah 46:9-10- the future to Him is as clear as the present
God knew from the beginning of time those who would respond in faith to Him and thus it is said that He has chosen men from the beginning, this does not release us from the responsibility to place our faith in Him.
We may never fully comprehend the interaction between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility in this life but we know that both are a reality.
We see the basis for God’s choosing even in this very passage of scripture. God’s election is based upon the work of the Holy Spirit and springs from our belief of the truth.
The Spirit of God draws us to Christ but we have a responsibility to either believe the truth or to reject it.
Time and time again in scripture we see men and women instructed to believe thus we see the responsibility of man. John 6:28-29- believe on him whom he hath sent. /Mark 1:15- repent and believe the gospel/Luke 22:67- If I tell you, ye will not believe/John 4:48- except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe/John 6:64- some believed not and Jesus knew beforehand/John 8:24- if ye believe not die in your sins. Contrast verse 13 with verse 12 of unbelievers.
We have the free will to choose to believe or not to believe. God’s election is on the basis of the decision we ourselves make in response to the light that we are given.
It is plain to see that salvation is offered to all but all men must choose to either accept or reject God’s offer.
What an amazing thing that God should choose to save anyone especially with the foreknowledge to know all of our mistakes, faults, and failures.
Yet God has chosen to save anyone who will but place their faith in Jesus Christ!
You are:

Called to Glory (Vs. 14)

Our destiny is glorification. One day in the future we shall be like Christ. I John 3:2- like him see him as he is.
You and I just like the Thessalonian believers have heard the gospel call and have responded in faith assuring our future glorification.
How we ought to rejoice that someone delivered the gospel to us just as Paul did to the people in Thessalonica!
Not only will we escape the great tribulation that is to come but we will instead be glorified with Jesus Christ!
Since we have the hope of deliverance from wrath and future glorification, we ought ourselves to be instruments for the furtherance of the gospel!
There are still many who need to hear and it is our duty to deliver the gospel message to them so that they may have this hope as well!
We may endure difficulty, hardship, and opposition here but we need only to look ahead to find joy in the fact that we will one day be glorified with Christ.
Each and every one who has sincerely trusted Christ believing the gospel message will one day be glorified, not one will be left out.
What a wonderful thing it is to be saved! We certainly are undeserving yet God in His mercy and grace has provided for our redemption and deliverance.
What a joy to know that God loves us, that He has chosen us in spite of our faults and failures, and that one day we will be glorified with Him!
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