1 John 2:7-11
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v. 7, In light of what John has spoken in v. 3-6 (if we say that we know God and keep His commandments, we are not liars; if we rest in Him, if He consumes us in His presence, it should be show in our lives as it showed in Christ’s), the author makes it clear that nothing new here is being presented. (Lev. 20:26; Mt 5:48, this is not a new concept for Jews who grew up hearing God’s Word read to them or disciples of Christ being taught the teachings of Jesus)
v. 8, Another contrast, he reflects what Christ had spoken to them in Jn 13:34, in that what he presents to his audience is connected to this call to love each other (which he will bring up again in this letter, v. 4:7,11)
The truth of this command is in Christ and these disciples
What does this mean and why is it connected to “the darkness… passing away and the true Light is already shining.”
v. 9, John clarifies his point, if you hate your brother, you’re still in the darkness
v. 10, If you love your brother, you are abiding in the Light and therefore are safe from stumbling
v. 11, John emphasizes a serious point here: if you have hate towards a fellow brother in Christ, you are living in the darkness, and are blinded, hindered immensely to walk upright
Recap on last week, Read 1 Jn 2:1-11
Head- What does it mean?
Head- What does it mean?
(10-15 min.)
v. 7
In light of what John has spoken in v. 3-6 (if we say that we know God and keep His commandments, we are not liars; if we rest in Him, if He consumes us in His presence, it should be show in our lives as it showed in Christ’s), the author makes it clear that nothing new here is being presented.
(Lev. 20:26; Mt 5:48, this is not a new concept for Jews who grew up hearing God’s Word read to them or disciples of Christ being taught the teachings of Jesus)
v. 8
Another contrast, he reflects what Christ had spoken to them in Jn 13:34, 15:12 in that what he presents to his audience is connected to this call to love each other (which he will bring up again in this letter, v. 4:7,11)
What does it mean when John says he is writing a new commandment to you because the darkness is passing and the Light is already shining?
The “new command” of loving one another is rooted in the New Covenant, it is an important marker of the Church that all people would become exposed to the glory of God (note, out of anything that Christ could have commanded His disciples on the eve before His death, this was it)
This command is distinct from the old ways of loving God and neighbor; this command to love is presented here with a new urgency for those whom Christ died for
Note, when John states that this command “is true in Him and in you,” it is true in Him in the sense that the command was fulfilled by Christ and true in us in the sense that Christians partake in Christ’s fulfillment of this command by continuing to obey it. Without a love for our fellow brothers and sisters, we have no communion with God and are left out in the darkness still.
v. 9-11,
v. 9, John clarifies his point, if you hate your brother, you’re still in the darkness
v. 10, If you love your brother, you are abiding in the Light and therefore are safe from stumbling
v. 11, John emphasizes a serious point here: if you have hate towards a fellow brother in Christ, you are living in the darkness, and are blinded, hindered immensely to walk upright
Heart- Do I buy it?
Heart- Do I buy it?
(20-30 min)
Is there anything in this passage that is challenging you?
Sure we might agree that love = in the light and hate = in the dark, but do we live as though that is true?
What factors do you face that keep you from loving your brother or sister in Christ? What cultivates a hatred in you for them?
What does loving your fellow brother or sister in Christ look like as a sailor?
Hands- So What? How then should I live?
Hands- So What? How then should I live?
(10-15 min)
Walk with God: What does loving your brothers and sisters look like personally in your walk with God?
Keep Christ first: What does loving your brothers and sisters look like personally when we keep Christ first?
Keep sin out of your life: What does loving your brothers and sisters look like personally when you are keeping sin out of your life?
Right now, there is an outcry of injustice in our county and I do not agree with all the factors being presented within that outcry. That said, regardless of what I believe or even know to be true, I have brothers and sisters who look and think differently about the outcry than I do.
I have a responsibility to listen, to console, to engage gently, respectfully, patiently, and lovingly to those who are genuinely hurting.
It is better for me to continue sitting quietly in the dust with those whom I disagree with and mourn with them, than immediately after force them to justify their pain.