Small Group 6/18/20
Hatred of the world.
Detzler identifies four truths which “need to be seen, if one is to understand election: God is eternally just; a man is responsible to obey God’s call; evangelism is essential to Christian living; faith supersedes logic” (Detzler, p. 71).
When people are brought face to face with the gospel message and refuse it to continue in their sin, they bring upon themselves the guilt and consequences of their sin. This is strong language, especially in view of the brief statement of verse 23. The phrase be guilty of sin “implies that the sin in question remains like a personal possession with the person who commits it. It is not something that can be over and done with” (Morris, p. 681).
When people are brought face to face with the ugliness of sin in their lives, they tend to fall back on the solution of killing the messenger.