The Burden of a Black Father
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I wish I didn’t have to mention the times we’re in, but I would be irresponsible of me to not tell the truth (elaborate).
But, today is Father’s Day.
1693 Tomas Shepherd, “Must Simon bear the cross alone and all the world go free?..”
1. Forced to Carry the Cross
1. Forced to Carry the Cross
Brother Simon, was forced to carry a burden that was not his. He was forced to carry a burden he didn’t ask. He was forced to carry a burden he didn’t deserve. But the burden he carried was necessary for the plan of salvation. Jesus has been tasked with giving his life for the sin of thew world. That means he has to died a sinners death, even though Jesus does not deserve it, but we do and the cross was how God was to accomplish this work. Jesus didn’t deserve the cross, but in a legal sense neither did Simon. I see a analagous principle here. That the same way this African man had to get so close to Jesus that Jesus cross becomes his cross, so to have Black people in this country had to carry the burden or racism and injustice. We were not deserving of this polite, but we have to carry it. We did not ask to be taken from our homes, but here we are. We did not want to see our children sold of but we did. Simon was minding his own business living his life but then was was forced to carry the cross of Jesus.
Forced? (explain the term) Simon was forced. Unfortunately we all have been forced into circumstances we didn’t deserve or ask for. The very sin that Jesus was sent to destroy has at times involuntarily enlisted us into that that service. Things we have had to endure in life: trauma, abuse, poverty, discrimination, environmental degradation, and everything else we face are unsolicited burdens we bear with Jesus.
Father’s too. We are forced to carry extra weight of powerlessness. We have to live in the reality although this world teaches us to protect our loved ones we aren't always able to be there at all times.
2. Father to his Children
2. Father to his Children
Simon is identified as a certain fan, but we know he is a father to at least two children. The text doesn’t give us a lot of information about what type of father he was, but he was in his children's life enough to have a lasting impression.
Being a father means being there. (Preach on absent fathers and having to hear it) Being there for your children means being present: Physically, emotionally, financially, Spiritually.
Spiritually- (Romans 16:13)
3. Followed Christ
3. Followed Christ
In Luke’s account of the same scene, it says that Simon followed behind Jesus. So, as Simon is carrying the cross he is being led by Jesus. He is literally and figuratively looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Because as heavy a load that Simon must carry it is not anywhere near as heavy as the burden of the sins of all humanity. And I imagine, only because if it were me I’d do it, that Simon is focused on Jesus. And it makes sense how he can continue to endure the weight of the cross. It makes sense because it is the same thing that we have always done and will continue to do. “Forgetting what is behind...”
There is no place that God will take you that Jesus hasn’t visited on Calvary.
Harriet, Sojourner Truth, Martin,