Dangerous Calling
Happy Fathers Day
Thank you for worshipping with us this morning
Please stay till the end as we have two important announcements following the service today
Thank you to Justin & AD
Today we are continuing in our series through 2 Corinthians
Today we will be in chapter 11, beginning in verse 16
In today’s passage we are going to hear about the struggles and difficulties Paul has endured in his missionary journeys. What we will see lived out in his story is merely a reflection, a shadow of true substance of the Kingdom of God. We will see that suffering is the means by which the proclamation of the Gospel is delivered.
Hanging on the wall above my desk are three meaningful items. To the left is my diploma and to the right is my ordination certificate BUT in the middle is a plaque our team from Chad gave us once we returned on from the mission field.
Below our names it says, “for your leadership through suffering”
“Initiating PIONEERS work in Chad”
“Leading the first team to the Tama people”
It was an honor to lead this team and be first in country to make a way for our church planting efforts among one of the many unreached people groups in Chad. But this work did have a cost.
Sickness: Dysentery and Malaria
Fear: of bandits, car-jacking, and kid-napping during the 2-day roadless drive through the desert
Near Death: memories of being shot at, the sound of rocket propelled grenades and bullets ricocheting off the roof of our house during a week-long coupe attempt. The memory of French hostage rescue flying in on helicopters to secure our position and fly us to safety.
Recovery: Its the PTSD from that time. Crawling to safety on the floor at the sound of fireworks. Ducking when a car back-fires. The moments when I still have to pause when I hear a low flying helicopter and have to remind myself of where I am and that it is safe.
Now, from the safety of my home I read of hundreds coming to faith in Chad and I’m thankful - thankful that God gave us the privilege to participate in his work. Though we bare scars and brokenness from that time, I would not change it.
I am reminded that our suffering is not unique or isolation. Countless people - countless brothers and sisters in the family of God - suffer for the sake of proclaiming Jesus as the true King and Savior.
Paul’s story is one more example that suffering is the means by which the proclamation of the Gospel is delivered. It is uncomfortable and dangerous. We leave safety and comfort behind as we journey forward with a present hope in a secure future.
Dripping with SARCASM (16-21a)
Dripping with SARCASM (16-21a)
Leaders of the day - boasted in their power, education, skill, success, bank account, followers, platform
Paul is going to turn the whole argument on it’s head.
He isn’t gentle or diplomatic
Rather - his tone is dripping with sarcasm
Let me be foolish because obviously you love fools (19)
You being so wise yourself.
You celebrate:
Being made a slave
Taken Advantage of
Puts on air
Strikes you in the face
All of these describe a domineering leader. Someone who says it like it is.
Paul’s Shame:
I guess I’m just to weak for that...
Paul doesn’t dominate them or control them or use them - Paul is a servant OF the gospel TO the people.
Paul boats in the very thing the people reject
IDENTITY (21b-23a)
Are the Hebrews - Same here
Israelites - same here
offspring of Abraham - yep
Servants of Christ....
It’s here that Paul begins to draw a distinction.
SUFFERING (23b-29)
General Suffering
More labor
More imprisonments
Countless beatings
Often near Death
While to false teachers display diplomas and letters of recommendation - Paul talks about his rap sheet and his mug shot. They graduated from where - Well I’ve been to jail more than them.
They wear what kind of clothes while they preach? Well, I’ve been beaten so bad my clothes were soaked in blood.
Specific Suffering
5x forty lashes minus one
3x beaten with rods
Once stoned
3x shipwrecked - day and night adrift at seas
General Suffering
Examples - OFTEN
DANGER from rivers
DANGER from robbers
DANGER from Jews
DANGER from Gentiles
DANGER in the city
DANGER in the wilderness
DANGER at sea
DANGER from false christians
False Teachers
Look at my house
Look at my comfort
Look at my blessings
God likes me - so should you
Paul just flips everything on its head
Sleepless nights
You think you’re weak - I’M WEAK
TRUE BOAST (30-31)
You want me to boast in something, OK, I’ll boast in something
I boast in anything that reveals my weakness
Paul’s example is not unique
St. Augustine
“There are some who occupy the pastoral chair in order to care for the flock of Christ, but there are others who sit in it to gratify themselves by temporal honor and worldly advantages. "
If this we saw then, how much more now. - 400 AD
Paul’s example is a reflection of the true nature of the of the gospel of the Kingdom of God
Jesus is King of a Kingdom but how God talks about his kingdom is shocking - it’s upside down
Nations and leaders talk about power and might
But Jesus says the greatest person is the weakest, the servant, the one who responds with love to evil in the world.
Jesus wasn’t just announcing God’s kingdom but Jesus is King of the Kingdom
Jesus healed, served
The one whose feet carried the good news of the Kingdom knelt down to wash his disciples feet.
This is the example of our King
Jesus enthronement
All humanity rebelled
The way that Jesus established his reign over the entire world
Not through military might
Through being our suffering servant
How beautiful are the feet that bring good news
Jesus then sends us out to continue announcing this upside down kingdom.
We are to continue proclaiming the Kingdom of God through serving and with suffering
This is what Paul understood
He walked in the reality of this dangerous calling
He boasted in this dangerous calling that exposed his weaknesses so that the power of the gospel might shine through
No we carry the good news of the kingdom of God.
GO - to the nations
7,410 unreached people groups in the world
Represents 3.23 Billion people
300,000 + protestant churches in America
Context - Learner & Proclaimer
Learn Language
Learn Culture & Customs
Build relationships and seek to meet physical and spiritual needs
GO - to our neighborhoods
Whether you go to the nations or to your neighbors, our mission is the same
Become disciples who make disciples
We are called to faithfully demonstrate and declare the gospel in our own culture and in our own context
We need to continue to be learners, listeners as we seek to understand the culture God has us in. Listening to the heart and longings of the people in our community as we seek to faithfully proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God.
This can be easy to say but hard and uncomfortable to actually do.
In Jerusalem - sharing the gospel with Muslims required that we also speak to the Crusaders
Palestinians would often ask us whose side are you on - Israeli or Palestine.
I feel like I was more prepared to speak to these issues in a foreign culture were easier to discern than the issues we see in our own culture
Issues of racism, injustice, police brutality
In 1966 Karl Barth said, “Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspaper from your Bible.”
97-000 ‘xpointe’
Thank you for you generosity and for participating
Together we gave gave $10,000 over
Here are some of those stories
3 ways to give
Weekly email
Process: guidelines from the school, submit our plan, approval, gather
We received those guidelines that include:
Mandatory Temperature check
Mandatory Face-Masks
Mandatory social distancing
Sanitation of Common Surfaces
Gatherings of less than 50 people
Collecting the full name, address, phone number, and email of all participants and submitting this information to the county each week.
Collection, handling, and submission of personal information
Limited gathering size
Overall atmosphere
Though we could meet under these current guidelines we prefer to wait.
For the next three weeks - online for kingdom conversation
July 19 & 26 - Worship in the Park
Tentative Date: August 2
As many of you know, the elders have prayed through adding more people to our elder team.
Elders are men in the church who are charged with leading and shepherding the local church through sound doctrine, prayer, and oversight.
We are prayerful and cautious before inviting someone to this responsibility. A potential elder will go through 4 phrase as a candidate over a period of 12 months.
Phase One - Time or prayer and interviews
Phase Two is trial period where the individual joins our meetings for 3+ months as we continue to seek God’s leading.
Phase 3 - we present the elder candidate to the congregation and the elder candidate continues to participate in elder responsibilities with a voice in decisions but not yet a vote.
During this time we invite the church family to pray and confirm God’s leading
Phase 4 - The elders will meet together with the candidate and spouse to determine if it is appropriate to continue forward. If so, the candidate will be presented to the congregation one month before the elders make their final vote.