Pressing on Purpose

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Good morning, good morning to all of you. This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord. I don't know if you can tell him not but you are not in my home office today. We are on location at Christian Love Baptist Church in Modesto, California. We bring you greetings and just sitting in here just being in this Sanctuary I can tell you. I miss it. I miss it. There is something about being in the house of worship on the day of worship with people who have come to worship. There's just a handful here, maybe four or five. We are really practicing her distancing but it feels good to be here today. It's especially today and it it's hard it's hard because my wife my best friend is hurting this morning because on a day where we celebrate Father's her father had his transition from labor to reward and my father in love for the last 28 years has some Has been a presence and a power and promoting for everything. We did as a couple and I I can't help but be grateful to the woman he raised he and my mother in love Gwendolyn. They did such an awesome job. So to my sister Adrienne to my brother Myron to my wife Nicole, I just Hurting with hurting this morning. I'm hurting for you. I'm hurting with you. But God still can be trusted. He is still a God who never leaves or forsake and then even at our lowest moments, he still sits high and is willing to draw clothes. So keep the camels in there and your prayers we will have arrangements for his home-going. I'm sure a later date, but today is Bittersweet for that, but there's a word for us and I'm excited about that. I'm excited to be back in our place of worship and bring from this place if you have your Bibles and I want you to join me if you would. . Does this book of Philippians chapter 3 verses 12 through 16. We started part of this series last week if it's an eye Christian series. I want to focus on some I statements that can be developed in the life of the believer. Especially when times like this car for us to not lean on what we see or think or feel but me know what the word of God says. We are Christians not just by label but by intentionality as well so are intentional work is informed To Us by scripture scripture tells us what we should and should not be what we should and should not think so. The termite guy is really just a focus on not the work of the world. But the work of you the worshiper what I'm supposed to do, we would love to change the world but the Bible more about changing your heart last week. We talked about counting it all joy, so I count is what I took from that I learned to count. I will count the pressures the problems The Perils of this world. I will count it. Joy, and that that takes an intention to work today. I want to talk about pressing on purpose pressing on purpose and I'm going to read that passage of scripture. It's going to be in the new Jean King J. Something you have it's a Manhattan and turn to it. And then let's see what God has to say. They're Philippians chapter 3 verses 12 through 16. In the Bible says not that I have already attained or I'm already perfected. But I press on that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me 13 says brother. I do not count myself to have apprehended. But one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore let up as many of the Armature have this mind if it if in anything you think otherwise God will reveal even this to you. Finally verse 16 nevertheless to the degree that which we have already attained. Let us walk by the same rule. Let us be of the same mind. Amen. pressing on purpose I picked up this. recurring theme in the mist of this Very Fresh Very fractured New Year Of Life 2020 has been something. I mean if it ends today I'd be all right, we could just go ahead and skip the rest and go on to 2021. I would hold watch service tonight. I would violate every Sheltering in quarantine and it plays move if God would allow us to speed through the calendar. And to see what else see what else was happening. And I want I want to do here is I want to let you know that although this is a challenge and although it is. Putting us in the midst of conflict. They ought to be celebration got to be celebration because what I know to be true about what God is doing is that he's not doing this for punishment before for sex. His work is not simply just to make us feel good but his scripture declares that he will not stop that work in us until we are exactly what good is so not good. Not better not best. God is looking for Perfection. I don't know about you, but I needed to be perfect. I needed to be perfect and true and always and in that's not always the case at times. It looks like we might have lost our feed, but I'm going to get it back.

I hope you still with me. We're going to have some technicalities, but that's okay. We're going to work it out this out first week. So be prayerful with us be mindful that we're all dealing with the little bit of the technology bug and it has gotten us all but we're going to get this place up to speed so that we can live stream from here from here on out. But we were pressing this point about 20 20 has been stressing. It's been challenging. It's brought crisis to us, but it's also been cleansing. It's also been clarifying. It's also been making concise what my life has spread out all over the place what was important at the close of 2019 has fallen away in 2020. I think I thought we were Central like I had to have on my life wasn't going to be right my priorities have shifted. I don't know if you always have but maybe you should start to look at that because what we did to get here not only will not get us through this but it will not go with us forward those days are gone. But the convenience the Comfort we had of things coming easily towards us and I know I'm throwing that turned out but it's still relatively subjected to it might not have always been easy for minorities and people of color but it was easier than it is right. Now. Do your breasts do you think they unsettle Spirit that's in our world. It's waiting to say the least but I'm encouraged because it's better for a wound to be open and exposed in to be covered and infected and racism has been a covered infected wound in our country for far too long. So the fact that it's in the streets the fact that it's is being broached in every venue you can name is is good news. Because what what what it does is it brings our sickness to the surface and wherever I sickness surfaces, we got to save your that are satisfying he's waiting on it. He's waiting for us to show up in him into him the place of harming us and let him lay his healing hands on it. We can't fix this mess when I get to legislate folk treating us with with the legal precedent necessary. You're not going to make anybody be moral to you by the laws on the on the books murder has always been a prosecutable crying but we still take life that you can go to jail for betting line is still prolific then he never stopped us and it is not going to stop us. Now know if you want to see a change in the hearts of men coming from the hands of men then it better be the head and heart of God that's doing the changing. That's why guys were declared in Chronicles that if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and here's what I want to focus in on that seek my face in 2020. It's been hard to see. Sweetheart, it's easier to criticize to judge and to hold people in contempt but seeking is a serious work. I mean, you got to push through some stuff. I want to go see where I'm going here to get back to where God wants you to be her. I had to get behind my the color of my skin and remember that the curvature of my heart. God is cut away some things in me. That that my blackness can't bring back and he's cut away that ability for my flash to take over the wheel of my soul know he's made it. So now I can live according to his righteousness and not my sins wretchedness and that's the work in you than you know right now more than ever we need to be present. We need to be focusing on what God is calling for us and it's times like this where the message gets convoluted. It's hard to remember what we were pressing towards. What what did Jeff civil rights? When do we want something more? Was it just a change in leadership or do we want something more? Is there a party promoting the progressive change you need or are you willing to let God have his painstaking patient work but that don't mean you stand still and wait God is giving us a prescription for our purpose while we wait on him to do with only his power can do I want to talk to you tomorrow about what is going to take for us to press on purpose because that's what Paul is right into the church at Phillipi. He is pinning this letter from a place of trying to put the people of God on task and stop having the trials of Life who are going to test. Anyway, those Trials come to test us become this traumatic experience for you you knew in this like you would have tribulation God never lied to you. He never hid it from you. But if you're going to have tribulation then what's my work? I'mma tell you I work is to press on purpose to forget about what your flesh there isn't focusing on what your faith prescribes press on purpose. No don't accidentally start going God's way but with all intentionality from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same price on purpose when when they call you out your name and try to tempt you away from your character pressed on purpose. That means hit the pause button on you being bothered by Presidential treatment and then activate the button that says I will look to the Hills from which cometh my help. I'm not waiting for a president to do what my God is waiting to do. What did Paul tell the church at Phillipi that'll tell the Church of America what we need to do well or inductive method tells us that in God's word is God's way my job is to mine it out. Now if you Got your bottle is open. I want to take you back to outline. I'm going to be working there the job of two people here is one is mine. My best friend's taking a Hiatus this morning, but let's go back to us scripture. Let's look at what God is saying to us here. I want to let you know that when I think about what God is doing certain things come right to mine that that inform us what it looks like to press on purpose and I see some things I only got three in this today. We ain't going to be long cuz I want you to go enjoy and celebrate your father's I want you to be in a place where you remember what your Earthly father has done. But please don't forget for those of you who are without a father that you've always had a heavenly father and he was always worthy of the best are on in the best praise. So it's nothing else today. If the world went has departed. Remember the Hedley one is right available to you, give you these three things. We going to be on our way when I sit here. In our scriptures that if we're going to be pressing on purpose. The first thing we need to do is we need to be faithful and forget it. faithful In forgetting. I wonder if anybody understands what that means. When I start at the the onset of This Book of Philippians. I am struck immediately by pause urgency to bring a very powerful church under the more powerful authority of God. He's trying his best to steal some of the things that have been raising up in the church at Phillipi that has been apostasy being taught from the church in Philippi gnosticism is taking a whole not the system is simply the belief that anything material is wrong and everything that spiritual is right and it literally less the believer off the hook. It tells you don't do nothing. Don't wear nothing. Don't buy. Nothing don't spend nothing don't act nothing don't do anything physically to be a believer that everything is metaphysical. You got to think right infield hit the right Spirit over text you if it was that simple everybody be first. It ain't that simple because why you are in these bodies of Flesh the spirit of God needs to be fed and growing but the work How to put the flash on pause and activate the face that your spirit demand for we walk by faith. I think the Bible says and not by sight so it's called is pretty to a church in the middle of problematic teacher practicing things that are not profitable to the body of Christ. And initially when he comes in he drives home the fact of what the church should be there by the time you get to chapter 4, he starts turning the work from the collective to the individual and that's what you need to be. It would be great. If I hold Church get here one sermon and all of us get on one Accord that ain't how this thing works. This thing works by each one of us taking the work on making sure we're on the right Accord CZ to worry about brother Smith. I don't have to worry about itself is easy to worry about Sister Sarah. I know she out there. So when she come to me and I can get right now you're working to get right right. Now your work is to be about the father's business from your place of authority and your place of authority as you can only control what you do reactions means the flesh is controlling you but responses mean the spirit is controlling you coming first John when he tells us be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within you that in the flesh work. That's the spirit work. So how impressed I got to forget. I got to be faithful to forget. And it's hard for us to do anything. Mental markers is the work of every human. I want to hear that. I'm back in my element I get to see some 8 minutes right here. So don't say Amen if you don't agree, but tell me now. How hard is it for you to remember the good times? So it's not hard at all a mess is it ain't hard rock this remembering good stuff. Yeah. Yeah, we Circle it on our calendar and write it in our journals. Are you kidding me? We make purchases in the mist of good thing. So those things become markers to the good thing. We're experiencing think about your wedding day your birthday or anniversary think about Christmas and Thanksgiving. We take pictures we sing card. We dress festively we have certain soundtrack that place. I can't miss a December what I've done he have to weigh. I'll look it up when we went to sermon this over see if I'm talking about what I'm talkin about that they're just certain things that make the day real for us and draws back nostalgic Lita days like this in the past join the day like this in the present and it makes us anticipate days like this in the future good is easy, but all my brothers sisters. I'm wondering do you take such he's at putting grief in a rememberable Place. Usually what hurts us has to get away from us when somebody mistreating us we quickly put a lid on that box put a box on the Shelf. Don't forget what a shelf is. Reading time. We're treated unjustly. We put that unjust treatment in a jar. We seal the top of the jar and we get as far away from that jar as we can. That's why some of us come on over some of the most minor thing cuz really like that thing you in it's all those things you didn't do. It's all those boxes all those jars coming to bed all that one moment. And it everything you tried to forget comes rushing back know that I said tried to forget because we don't try to forget good, but we work very hard for getting the bag in his letter to Philippians and his first command for what they should do. If he doesn't tell them what they should do. He says thinking about myself when I consider what it takes to get to where Jesus wants me to be. He's at the first work for me is I got to forget what's behind which had your Bibles open right there by the first to present the Preamble and he's not that I have attained it cuz some of y'all think because I can preach it that I've been practicing it. That's a lie from the pit of Hell the same way you struggle with the hard things of God is the same way. They had struggles with the way things have gone. I wish I was standing up there so I can tell you it's harder to do it from up there than it is from down here. Be down here. You ain't looking at nobody but one up there. I got to look at all of them and one. Yeah, I got to see all of us and all of you in my responsibilities spiritually, but I still have a responsibility for me to be about the work of maturing and perfected. Can you believe I heart Pizza preach on some stuff? They still give me pain. I wanted to talk to you about some prescriptions to do right when I barely take the medicine for my physical health. Do you think I'm really taking the medicine for my spiritual help? I'm just like you and say it again, which I can meet and closer. I'm just like you yeah. Yeah when I hit my hand with a hammer while I'm nailing up aboard I say the same things you say. High when I'm alone and feeling stressed out and you know, Mahalia Jackson playing play the same music you play I went I went to go away and let my hair down and you see I've been practicing at a little too much but when I want to do it I go to the same place that you called. I don't look at me crazy don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm saying the same things you do when you go per don't coat know that those same things are being done by me and men like me and leaders like me because the truth of the matter is no matter how much the position is held hot. We are still low hanging fruit.

It's a hot call but we some low down.

say manor house either one works. So probably trying to prescribe anything for you. He said if I think about where I am, I have not attained anyting. By the door, I'm already attained in the world already. Perfect, but it's what he said, but I

after it at work follow right there is in the perfect 10th. It simply means Paul started following and he ain't stopped yet to some of y'all couldn't reach perfect and you stop chasing it chasing it is the work. Yeah, it's hard to be perfect. But you better be push it out here. You got to make it your Pursuit. You might not ever gain it but you got to be about getting it be when it when he comes he needs to find on our way to Perfection not waiting on Perfection. This ain't a waiter in a restaurant with a high-end meal that you sit back and wait be delivered to you know, you got to catch your own food. You got to prepare your own meal. You got the plate your own dish. You got to walk it out to your table and then you got to sit down and eat it all. Yeah, it's your work to continuously look for a way not to arrive. But you keep moving towards arrival start that Preamble with that he goes on and says I'm tasting it as though I might apprehended that means I ain't doing it without. Hope my hope is that one day not by accident, but my intention I'm going to catch Perfection C is what I'm after my mind my friend my cook with tell me you miss 100% of the shots. You don't take High sounds simple but most of us are always complaining about the lottery that we didn't win and we didn't buy a ticket. I don't understand how you expected to win. You almost got to be in it. I ain't trying to make it like this, but you got to be in you got to be involved in the If you want any of the outcome, it's great that you're for Superstars and try to clean some of the fan at you have from being a fan. But if you ain't hit them in the gym shoes, you can under the ownership of their success. You can wear a championship half a chicken breakfast. Go to the parade, but you didn't sacrifice nothing in the problem is with the life of the believer, especially in times like this when we got just about everything we want we all got trophies. We've done no work. We all got metal. We did not labor one bit and you coming to the house of God and come into the presence of God and swear. You've said enough prayers, but he can barely get you to buy over your food swag. You read enough scripture KJV. Remember the most simple of versus swear. You've been dedicating your life to Christ, but once a week for 1 hour is not dedication. No, no, I'm going to get a reward because I have intentionally set my life up to be always in the pursuit not like I got it but just like I'm going to get it cuz I'm going to get it what you going to get parts for I get there I got to do some stuff in. The first thing is I got to can't forget. Got to be faithful to forgive me. I can't forget that I can never remember and I know that might sound The Logical but you know where we would be out of office we forget something. We can let some stuff go away as past us. I think we'll be good. Now. Don't put this on the national stage this deal with personal stuff cuz you ain't never put pants being black. You never going to get past being cool. I don't care how much money you get somebody's more. What didn't you? Okay? What kind of job you got some sleep and Runs run out somewhere cuz there's only one at the top and he owns it all and I'm talking about in the physical sense, but I got to forget what it took to get up the wrongs beneath me. And I know that sound like spiritual work, but it's right there a scripture verse 13 says brother. I count not myself to have apprehended it. But this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind forgetting the Greek usages to put something away. Never to be recalled again. I got to be faithful with forgetting. This is what I got to forget. I forgot I forgot to forget my flaws and my faithfulness. I got to forget it. I got to forget what I did. Right and what I barely did it all I got to forget it. I got to forget my Majestic moves and my mistakes. I'm wondering if you're running the same. Analogies that I am cuz when I think about forgetting I got some stuff today, I'd love to put away. I want to forget about the date of my mother didn't know my my name. I just wanted to put that first at the list. Let me always think that you always knew that I was your baby. Let me forget that part. The Bible tells me I put that there but also forget about the days when she knew your name and was crazy. Don't hang on to those but they did hard to do. Now that she's gone. I want to keep them all. But if I'm going to follow the prescription of pressing on purpose, I've got to be faithful with my forgetting. That means all my bed and all my good I got to forget it. What if we're getting look like it doesn't mean nothing like it in traffic without a kit celebrate it or suffer from it daily. I'm trying to help somebody right now. So busy shouting about what you did last year that you've done nothing this year. Is somebody if you still crying about last year's lost and you are missing this year's game. We got to let go aboard hurt us and would help us not forgetting that it had an impact but moving me on it challenging and changing us to stay where we were please make you stay in pain just like prop. It makes you want to stay and problem. Now the Bible says if you want to move with God, you got to let both of them go and it's got to be a conscious work. I got to be faithful. Am I forgetting forgetting those things that are behind me. Doesn't matter what you have done. The operative words are have done. Maybe I can give you a good analogy. I can put you on good footing when you could do that. Anybody got a friend. That's still talking about that Miss state championship high school jumper. Anybody got a free that played tailback one time and still talking about that one touch that he could have broke for 99-yard if that d-lineman hadn't grabbed this second. If you don't have a friend, maybe you are that free. They're still talking about that spelling bee you almost won. a gray Ford That job you almost got right out of college though, those husbands. You almost married that are famous now knows why they were almost yours that I'm with somebody else and satisfied. We love to live on the legacy of what almost happened as though there still a possibility of you satisfied. Let me tell you something. You didn't take that shot and that shot ain't coming back. You didn't make that run and a handoff ain't going back to you. I ain't trying to call you out from trying to move you off because if you stay in high school. Got some college classes, you'll never take if you stay in Grace actually graduated. See there's a real world out there for us in the real world doesn't care anything about what you almost did. or used to do No, no, I said Janet Jackson's decided now. What have you done for me lately?

I know what you was. Here it is. What is you? What what are you today and my brother so hard to answer that because I want to live in the glory of almost where I want to live in the grief of what was but God says bus glory and grief has got to go. Is behind you? You know what? I ain't cut no more. I got a star with a cut used to be you know, when I am heartbroken no more. I got chipped places with a brakes used to be but if God can't work healing then God is not healthy for you while I serve a God that can't fix what's wrong with you. He is already fixed it. He's got to get you to forget it. There's a challenge right there. Can you forget? Not once not twice not even 10 times. Can you forget every minute of every day of what just happened? I mean when you call on God and he answers I want you to make them on you, but I want you to keep me when you petition God and he provide I want you to shout hallelujah, but I want you to move on about your living our problem is we get in one state and we want to stay I got by before you took three cycles of a mountain. Wonder if you show them something they had never seen before they call that mount the Mount of transfiguration. The gospel is out this picture of Jesus getting to the top of the hill and what was inside of him came out of him and when it came out of him the Bible says it was a blinding light and when it's shown up two witnesses appear Moses and Elijah they stood there talking with the disciples that we looked at that and said May in fact, it was all speak up and act p

Yep. It is but there's a problem. It's good to be here. But now I sent you don't want to leave and that's what his next word says. It's all good if that's Bill three churches. One for Moses one for Elijah and one for Jesus right here on this mountain. And as soon as he said the Bible says that the skies cracked open and a voice right now and says this is my son in whom I am well pleased and guess what any mediately the Witnesses were gone and immediately Jesus was back to where he was an immediate. He said let's get off this mountain cuz that's the problem with your Mountaintop. You always want to make them permanent. You climb up here. You celebrate the effort to get here. And then you want to stay up here. There are more valence to cross and more Mountains to climb one of the total Journey. One might start you but one ought not ever stopped you so if you trying to build a permanent structure with something pleasant happened, you better get moving. If you're trying to set up a tent with something tragic happens. You better get moving if you're trying to nurse a star so that always shows you better let it heal because God is about what he's doing next. Not what he did. Why give you new mercies every morning? Dr. J said today? And you still on last week's I don't know. It's for today. You shall not take what I give you is for right now. And right now we got enough to get through. I got to forget. That's the first thing I got to do. If I'm going to be pressing on purpose. What else does it prescribed for us? There's another thing is another thing that it shares if you're still with me on the screen, but I have to reclaim my reach if I'm going to press on purpose. I got to be faithful in my forgetting but I have to reclaim my reach. We don't wreck the scripture cuz I ain't got nothing smart to tell you to Bible is smarter than I'll ever be. He said forgetting those things which are behind and listen and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I don't know if you know this or not, but I have noticed some things in my 51 years. I have noticed we have become a service-oriented society that is different from here to pass along with me wrong. Let me qualify my statement. We used to be a society society that serviced others. Follow me Kennedy in his inaugural speech turn to a country searching for something to Rally them and found a Clarion call and then an article of dress that says ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country and I saw it it was on newsreels. I would ne'er in real-time, but I can imagine if some powerful Pros like that was spoken from a powerful person that it might become something worth chasing and I believe the whole nation called a spark that day and decided that we're going to turn out good gear sport the good of all Humanity not just ourselves and we made some achievements space travel what look like social justice was starting to play out and then all of a sudden in the midst of us reaching for those things that will always right in front of us tragedy struck that same voice that gave that Clarion car for us to seek out selfless. Act was taken from us with a shot. From a tap grassy knoll. I don't know whatever conspiracy you consigned to but he got removed and all of a sudden what drove a country became a blanket that wrapped Us in grief. We lost our way when he was gone. Then his brother was gone. And then she was gone. We lost a lot of good. Who gave us those same state within somewhere along the way as we were waiting for the next powerful personality to be risen. We stop thinking about serving others and we got busy serving self. We bought house music Reebok cars and we got promotions and we got IRA and 401k and we put letters behind our name and all of a sudden what we always wanted is what we right now have and guess what we stop serving. We just got first we were serving the world then we start serving ourselves and you know where we are now, we're stuck waiting to be summer. We're waiting for the next person to get raised up and speak something powerful to Rally us all together. Ain't nobody getting up. Next figure to be transformed right in front of our eyes the next Barack to stand up at a convention and be that Pinnacle figure of what about Hope and change and it happened cuz it didn't start in you nothing on this side can create you back to the region creature. You will see God designed you to always be pursuing what he had for you is what he says in the end some of the writings in the New Testament. He said I have good work plan for you. Pass it he said but I need you to reach out to discover. I need you Abby about finding a good things. I said I would but we don't want to reach you don't want to reach for the remote and it's four feet away from me. I would say the word but my computer will start talkin if I call that name starting with an a y'all know that name that y'all learn to ask for everything put on my TV start my coffee pot activate. My alarm. Where is my phone think my headphones. We do a lot of watery service and never woman's name you want to put up there or whatever fellas name. You want to tell your little sister to you. Love not having to do anything for yourself. Can I tell you something God is not letting the believer off the hook.

I got perfect plans for you, but you got to be walking the path with perfect pants. Why are you simply said I'm going to do my part. Will you do yours? Why did you stop reaching? It's all I'm talking about. When will you reclaim your reach? Where will you want what God has right in front of you. He's not going to bring it on a silver platter. But if you seek it, you'll find it if you knock. It will be open. I think it's in the Bible if you But you know what we want God to give it without us asking forgot to bring it without us speaking to open it without us knocking and I don't know who's God you got but I got a guy that don't force his way on anybody not even those we create listen to his words when he says behold. I stand at the door and knock the one who put you on the other side created the air that you breathe over there gave you all the physical amenities to be on the other side of the door matter fact gave you the actual door. He's actually doing something that you ought to be looking for him or do you want to do for him? He is knocking at a door and waiting for you to open to him if I was God. forget you

and I'm coming into my house and claiming with my death that would be by verbs and an innovator man. Try to take me out. I'll take him out like that. But God is so gracious and loving sometime. He said I don't want to be anywhere. You don't ask me to be. I want to give you nothing. You ain't reaching for no, I don't get to heaven and say I ain't want this. Now when you get there, you're going to be satisfied cuz you've been trying to get their destination when you don't get it by sitting you didn't believe you ain't reaching the work it out into work for you reach into work it out. He's safe so you can show the world how to reach you got a prize as yours, but lift your hand extend your arm change your mindset how many pessimists in here Protestant pessimism is a poison that's killing you would probably result and swear. We got a guy who provides all I need in this step out of this door and go to a payday loan place. Why pray if he's going to get a loan? It's us who stand at bedside praying over loved one's talking about how God Is A Healer, but walk out and playing funerals.

Why is Buca power that you have no belief that is profitable? That's the dumbest thing I ever heard like taking. The space shuttle to San Jose. That's way too much powerful way. Shorter Journey space shuttles ain't meant for short John. I mean if I got that kind of power for me, I got to settle I'm not trying to go 80 miles up the highway when I have something that can travel the span of the Universe. I want of you picking up what I'm putting down a lot if you have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you

Cuz you won't reach. My brother's my sister's loved ones re-clean your reach asking for something to give it to you guys. Put it in front of you go get it. Here is the path for you now walk in it. He's calling you. The man at the pool and he says I ain't got nobody to help me in the water guy say I ain't ask your problem. I asked what you want purpose. What do you want for yourself? You get up rise you take up your bed. Pick it up. I ain't going to carry. I hate this question bubble. But Jesus ain't in the carrying business. He's in the empowering business. You got into lazy cuz everything's been at your fingertips. God is teaching us to reach again to dream again to Hope again and stop waiting for it to come. We are about our father's business. Now as we go Provisions make a reservation for that state for dad. Make sure you did it. Well don't thinking that that's gross don't eat raw meat. What else does it say for us to say something else? Not only do we need to be faithful loyal we lost it again in forgetting. I'm coming back. I'm coming back. Y'all wait on me wait on me. Play Oh me. We ain't going to let it upset as we know what we're doing. Trust me. Trust me. Trust me. I'll write you back you bad you bad. All right, we talked about a couple of things already. We just got one more we talk about being faithful in forgetting if we're going to press on purpose. We talked about reclaiming our reach if we're going flat press on purpose in that last game is the Press on purpose. I didn't make it up. I know it don't sound like it's a really progressing but I'm just going by what the word says we go back to scripture and that's where I like the Bible says forgetting those things which are behind and looking for those things which are ahead. I do something when if you see it in your Bible to he says if I forget and if I start reaching for what's ahead then I've got to put a purpose. To my position. I'm not here for nothing. I'm here to breast. That's what I'm here for. That's what my whole life is about. My whole life is about this present but not just pressing for the sake of presage because a lot of us push a whole lot of things that don't need to be pushed some of you trying to be friends with forget don't want to be friends with you. Stop. Stop pressing some of you trying to get hired by a place that ain't got no job vacancies. Stop pressing some of your still banging at closed doors and walking down dead-end path. I'm just trying to help somebody. How do I know all this? I always think about what I'm supposed to have instead of what I'm purpose tan and supposed to in purpose to acres. You're supposed to be on the throne supposed to have 40 acres and a mule. I'm supposed to have my own Architecture Firm, but guess what? I ain't gave me none of that stuff. No, but what happened purpose to is exactly where guy has me with exactly what I have with exactly who is around me. I'm trying to stop live by plans and I'm living my purpose and my purpose now is to accept whatever God allows. I'm about that. You ought to be bad that you'll be bout that life about that pressing life. I'm pressing on purpose though. So the way is open and it seems hard just because it's hard don't mean it's mine. Don't mean it's not mine. I'm supposed to press I can get through difficult things. Don't move my mountain.

Will you sing like that? We got a God who moves mountains that's all you want to move. But this was said give me the strength to climb by bike or even some treacherous Heights ahead of me. So, you know what these human legs don't let me climb will give me Hinds feet. He said so that might be seeing I'm about prissy what is oppressed. It's the ability to move Beyond flesh and let faithfulness Empower me not what I can accomplish For What God Says will be accomplished see purposefulness has promises. Plans you better have productivity. You sit down and write out of here is what I'm going to do list. You are in charge of everything to make that Miss get satisfied. You can't the resources the master of information and some money. But if I'm counting on God for my shelter with this a lean-to or a luxury Cabana if God's bring it I'm supposed to be the purpose to tell me you have refused a tent waiting on the Tabernacle the big one the permanent one when God sent the tent. And now you complaining about the rain when he gave you shovel.

The song you are shouting about your home while you are not thanks for your shelter. Tell me you want your ass class. He won't use your bus pass. How do you want help with that have him? Even on sick days. I can be productive. I'm wait till God fully heals me with this. I'd be as full as your healing might be cuz it ain't about what you want is about what God purposes. Please tell me you got kicked out of school and you swear you made a mistake know you're in God's purpose. So he had a marriage falling apart. And you said you made that misery for yourself know you're out of that on purpose or on purpose to see if you belong to him. Everything that happens is because of him now if you ain't he is Danielle all that you and I don't know what a couple people who can say all that to me and say all that to me and it's all care cuz God left both of them to their own designs, but you and I love one. We don't make our own decisions. We don't pick out her own courses. We don't follow our own past. We let the guy who saved us Now guide us stop saying if you ain't doing it. Great Jehovah, Jehovah God you Stop going where you want to go doing what you want to do. Wake up and ask God. What are we up to today? Where do you need me? Where should I be? What should I put on? What will I eat? I ain't taking no fault. I'm just accepting the brecci. I'm going to press forward on purpose, says I'm pressing for something listen not in general but specifics for the Mark King James. That's how I remember it for the price of the High Calling.

Hey, we are together. Y'all wait. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm not going to let Satan get the last word on us. All right, so then what am I pressing for his right there in the passage of scripture when I look at it. It's playing I see it. It says I press toward the mark. So that's the direction. For the bride's there's an object of the high calling and it has some worth a direction right for an object of high worth some of us a present for nothing. 4in nothing game for no good reason how many of you have worked your whole life just to get a mortgage paid and still been unsatisfied with the house. How many work all your life to Tabitha the bill of sale off of brand new car and still feel unsatisfied while you're driving it because your plans don't satisfy fully to your plans and you know where your plans adjust your plan the nation of Israel plan to go to the promised land, but they walked in a circle for a whole generation. And then finally God's plan became their purpose. They went into where God intended to some of us are circling. We're never going to be satisfied. Some of us I meant to die in our Pursuit cuz you don't want nothing. You ain't after nothing and it ain't worth nothing. I just said three things you should have been riding down. I got to make sure I want something that's worth something and is about something I have wasted a lot of my years chasing nonsense. I chase the next high the next pretty face the next compliment only be down. disappointed and disregarding But at a loss the effort. From now on purposeful in my present. I want what God wants for me. I want to go with God would have me to be and I want to gain only what God wants to reward me with sometimes. I don't get it wrong. Sometimes I get scars and not a success story. Sometimes I even have pain and I'll make a profit come with Nelson Mandela here. I never lose either I win or I learn that are to be your Mantra God is either going to give me a victory or teach me a lesson and they are great times with both of them happen. But there's at least every time we're at least one will happen. Problem is you've not seen the value in lesson and you not let go of the prophet of what you game. We talked about wisdom and Sunday school wisdom has to be obtained and asked for it to come seek you out and jump down your throat your foolishness. Did that wisdom only comes to those who ask for it who are seeking it and who I Satisfied by on the move. I press toward the mark for the prize of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. I should have stopped there but the next to versus help me because all of us ain't present. I said man. I know it to be true some of us. Have yet to be about God's business? We're still messing around with old stuff doing old saying about God's purpose and we are not with Paul start to write this. I see something very interesting when he gets the verse 15 and 16. Let us therefore. He says who are as many as be perfect beat us minded. They all of us don't do it that some of us were perfectly content being foolish perfectly happy being without purpose or intentionally and I live I'll just circle I'm not satisfied with that fact not only satisfy don't want those people around me. People around me who are about the father's business and that's what Paul was talking about here. He said it's got to be about people who have the same mind as you see it the way you see it. And if the household of faith doesn't then how will we help those without faith in the building?

Which city is play? I'm recalling a good memories. I've had here, but the mirror. Wheaton prematurity and nothing Unity

we have the same mind if you be otherwise God of shorts ain't calling out the foolish foolish people just fall away. I'm calling out the purposeful list purposeless folk. Just stay away. I ain't got to make you go eventually you $1. I got the most I started this journey with a no more tells me where I'm headed. I'm doing this on purpose here is my final press on purpose nevertheless where to we've already attained. Let us walk by the same rule. That means we got something and let's go ahead and get what we supposed to be after something. So let's go ahead and get this is a winning way. But Jesus show me what it look like. He had one mind. I must do the works of the one that's it. They tried to make him a bread King and he never multiplied another fish. Never divided another low. He's like, I ain't here to feed your body to eat fish and bread drink my blood eat my flesh. He was about that one mind. They wanted to put them in Jerusalem at 10. He's been ongoing to Calvary as a sacrificial lamb and I'm on my way even when Peter stood up so you don't never die. As long as I'm alive by Jesus says, he's that mine get behind me. That's a tenant that you stopping me from my purpose. Some of us have been born as a lesson in our living it ain't for you or somebody else Jesus did that purpose for living on purpose do Miracles through met him through murderous Pharisees and scribes. You kept pressing depressed through walking on water and unstopping deaf ears and loosening Tangled time. He kept pressing on purpose to right at the foot of a Hill Called y'all got with a cross being that was meant for you and I we're in the thorn that was meant for I had with a woman that was with spikes in his head. That should have been and out and die on a cross that was earned by our wickedness. He kept pressing this Express so hard that they couldn't kill. He was pressing toward that work of laying down his life. He died. They didn't murder him.

buried in a borrowed 2 early the first day of the week. He got up with all power in Heaven and Earth on purpose. I went to Hades and set captives free. I took the keys to the gates of hell. I took the sting out of death and I Rob the victory from the credit. He said I didn't do it for me. My purpose was to make sure you make it so that when you started pressing you have this final product cuz now I'm going to be with my with my dog and the way is clear. It's not easy, but it's accessible man is right in front of you. Are you willing to press through it? Hey Rachel, tension. Got to press on purpose political division on purpose Uncle Tom.

You're not here for a revolution. You here for a destination? And I'm not letting anything distract me from my brother. Do you go ahead get civil rights? I want Christian right now. You said I go to prepare a place for you. I'm not going to let you find it on your I'm going to go and receive you on it when I come back receive you to me, and I'm going to take you to where I prepare for you, and it's not fighting to see. Maybe somebody out there understand is why we press on purpose. Maybe you need to be reminded. You can make a decision today. Put salvation. Maybe just need to Simply ask you this right now. I've been pressing without a purpose trying to make a living when you call me to a life and trying to find things when you called me to substance. I've been trying to beat somebody when you call me to witness about somebody not I but Christ in me. My power not my strength, but the book says by hits. It was a spirit is there is Liberty. I'll give you three Bottle Shack.

Maybe some of your linen behind you in ways. It was never meant to get out of the rat race.

It's a doggy dog, and you ain't a dog.

Able to pay a fee payer for you, but is also a purpose. The purpose right now is for salvation. Let him come and learn of me for my yoke is easy and my burden is life. If you can ask Jesus to come into your heart if you can believe that he's the son of God and die from it that you were sending you need saving if you could tell him all about the wrong you've done and let him give you all power to live rightly afterwards. Let him lead and guide your life by his spirit Bible says not you working on salvation or you're gonna be saved you are saying salvation is instantaneous. It's on the confession. It's on the belief. It's only accepted Christianity.

We got to work that out. We working for we working it out. Maybe get a Salvation. Maybe you've already with the time when you said yes to Jesus, but you never put yourself into a church home Christian love is a place where you can roll will be back here. But until then we are supposed to be out of the building. We supposed to be in the world, but not of it we're not supposed to be asking the loss to come to us. We should be going to all do you need a church? And I know you think you need a perfect one, please if you're looking for a perfect church and you find it. Don't join you don't ruin it cuz you ain't perfect. Working hard to stay out of those for perfect Church. Let me help you with some Anal Perfect 2. There's only a hospital full of sick people. Translate that you'll get deeper into our wounded. We re living be patient with us though. God ain't through with us. But he's done. We're going to be pure gold. Somebody say I want to be pure tired of being polluted that you're home. We want to be with you and partner with you and this walk to be mature to find your purpose. We reach out to us for membership. And then lastly you might need prayer. I need it my best friend and her family needs it. It's a holiday. I know Happy Father's day, but you do know why we're celebrating yourself. Not a damn Joy state of hurt.

Eagle Eye selfishness that is just what I wanted to be cold. What it is for everybody can take care of those problem AP situation, but I promise you this.

If we would pray and not complain if you pray. Jealous, if we were frightened and I try to find a practice if we would ask God. He says the guy who has all this will give unto you a liberal. He would just that cuz you ask not. And where you at? You ask amiss? I ain't trying to perfect play with you. I'm just trying to tell you perfectly changed. Will you break your already saved? You already know churchome. You want to belong here to free just where you are exactly what we want from there. I we can say exactly what we need exactly what we need to have and I'm of a mind y'all that that's the real work real work is just prayer. So, would you value of me? Would you join me in this prayer God we've been pressing for absolutely personal things cars clothes credentials clouds degrees on it from the world. I'm tired exhausted and still haven't accomplished anything. So God. We don't want to press for productivity redirect energy. Refocus on the path you playing for us not what we want, but what you will have for. God make us say bus in continue to develop us into the image of Christ. Don't stop until we are just like him make everything for my good even if it ain't good to me. I'm counting on you making it good for me. Unacknowledged. That there is good to come we press on anyway, so I'm a crying while depressed helping to keep pressing some got no energy left. I hear you saved in my weakness in your weakness that strength is perfected to work through them, but I ain't got none left showing. They got everything in front of them cuz you can do it all through. We don't be mindful to give you the honor and praise God. You're worthy. We love you in the name of the the one worth pressing food in Jesus name we pray. Amen. All right. You might have made a decision and I hope you did whatever. It was. We'd love to hear about it. Maybe you can come and help us with that just by dropping us a line letting you made a decision. I want to hear about it all the school. So come. Mario cremation without Stella send an email to Kristen on Modesto. At and we'll be quick to respond back to you and let you know that we're excited for you. We want to know. But maybe maybe you've already made a decision. Really? Okay where you aren't that's fine. Can I give you another purpose to we are not giving a profit for a personal use me to call Andy Stewart and those who are in connection with membership known as giving is how we show I shouldn't stewardship. It ain't just money though time Talent touch and I want you to be a good Steward of all the things God. And I'm telling you there's some good stuff. So if it's time for you to be a good Steward with your profit your treasure what you think about me about sharing an opportunity for us to utilize what God has called you to do and faithfulness you can give. Faith life size are on our website click on the menu and select giving put your amount in and share with us. We be grateful and there's a pressure whatever God lays on your Hardware fine. We just want you to follow and find what God does for faithful stewards. They just money God has there's other things you might maybe you want the convenience. Look I'm going to make it as easy as possible if you from your smartphone. 209-336-5997 just text gear to that number straight to our site you can type in your mouth for help you set up an account and your gifts will deposit it and try to make it easier for you guys laying on your heart to do that. I promise you will practice on Purpose ministry more than fine paper ways to serve God is a monetary gift. We just make you mistrust is here with us still on the ground and Glory by honor your father don't have to be worthy of it. It's an office. It is your birthday. Thank you for the dad to Justin are good to kiss. You didn't give birth to me to two lies that aren't yours when you just pour it in your best to someone else's blessing. I appreciate that too. Thank you. From birth, but by choice, I appreciate you. Do you need to be on a two and then most certainly you can we remember our heavenly father you remember that? He's always been the living dead beat about our Heavenly dad always been on time. If it was just what we needed when we need to do something special with pink of the special things that they've gone off and don't play with that. We only get one right up to the 11:59 and 59 seconds. All right, and then meet us on Monday, we have meditation meet Mondays where we coming to a virtual room and cover what the sermon fed us might need some time to chew on it. That's okay. But in that room would we do there if we let those questions coming? I ain't always got answers but sometimes answers in the room, but we talked we discuss now that we throw clothes and we're not going to let Kobe keep us away from closest are we can still develop a fellowship we have to get to know each other at every Monday from 6 to about 7:30. And I posted on our website the ID number is there as well, please join us there on Mondays. I want to thank my friend and brother Marcus Davis Guy quest for Lending us the rights to his music. It is helpful not to have to pay those fees for licensing and thank you brother Phil. Dr. Phil Ellenberg the gospel Fellowship Church in Richmond. He allows us to use his music as well. We are grateful for our friend and Gabriel thank you, brother Jacobs on site today, but he just left some of that talent that God is giving us access to it. And I appreciate what you do for us. I can't wait till we get back to get ahold of those two step on and then as usual y'all nothing else to say it is done hard to clean it time for us to leave. You ain't got to go home to go to get away with this beautiful little bit. I'll be here next year and God willing see you on Monday or maybe Wednesday Bible stating like always just know. I love you and ain't nothing you can do about it. I carry on lamp one.

No, drop you off a takedown.

I'm up here working for a look at this.

Is Ben sweat it out of prison with your dress shirt? All right, we all do and I think y'all.

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