Marriage 1

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Gen 2 18-25

Notice that the first time God tried to find a help meet for Adam He form animals and none could be found

Than God put Adam asleep and take a rib from him to from his help meet.

To me this is very important, his wife is not like a animal one pick out, but a wife is a part of him.

Genesis 2:23, And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

2:19 Adam was the first man and the forefather of the entire human race. He lived a total of 930 years. He was created in a state of innocence and in the image of God. He was also created with the appearance of age, with a high level of intelligence, and with the ability to communicate with God. When he and his wife, Eve, fell into sin (ch. 3), they brought the curse of sin on the entire human race. Adam also appears in nine references in the New Testament in regard to his headship over the human race. (First Reference, Gen. 1:26; Primary Reference, Rom. 5:12–21.)

2:20. Adam (related to Heb. ˒adamah, “ground”) literally means “earth man.” It is applied to mankind in general, and to the first created man specifically. Adam was a historical person and was the father of mankind.

2:21. Ribs: It may mean “rib” or “side” (of the ark, a building, or of leaves of a door). Here it would mean from “his side” or “from his ribs” to convey the plural number. Verse 23 indicates it probably involves flesh and bone.

2:22. Brought her unto the man: Here a loving Father presents the bride to the man.

2:23. After noticing all of the animals, Adam now at long last (This is now = “this time”), finds that which “corresponds to” him. The close association of the man and woman is conveyed by their names, since she is called Woman [˒ishah] because she was taken out of Man (˒ı̂csh). Adam’s act of naming his wife reinforces his leadership and authority over her (cf. God’s naming in chapter 1 and 2:19, 20).

2:24. Therefore indicates a reasoned conclusion in light of Adam’s joy at finding a mate. Leave: Here the man leaves, but note Psalm 45:10, 11. Cleave is a strong verb, meaning “join, stick to.” The two verbs “leave” and “cleave,” may be subordinated in the following way: “Let a man forsake, or abandon, his father and his mother in order that he may cleave unto his wife and in order that they might become one flesh.” If he does not leave, he cannot cleave, nor can he become or be one flesh. This is the strongest Hebrew construction to indicate a change of state, the verb “to be” (hayū) plus the preposition (le). The process of becoming one flesh, totally united in life, purpose, and pleasure is presented. Note the change of state in verse 7.


2:24. God’s ideal plan for marriage is one man for one woman for one lifetime. God’s pattern for marital happiness is evident when a man loves and leads his family, with children who obey and reverence their parents (Eph. 6:1–4), with a wife who respects and supports her husband’s leadership (Eph. 5:21–33). A mutually supportive attitude must characterize both husband and wife if they are to succeed in building a harmonious home. Illustration: Marriage is so important in the mind of God that it was the first of three divine institutions and was patterned to illustrate Christ’s love for the church. Application: Christians should therefore do their part in contributing to the success of the family. (First Reference, Gen. 2:24; Primary Reference, Eph. 5:22–6:4; cf. Matt. 19:3.)

2:25. Naked … not ashamed: Their outward nakedness was a sign of their integrity. They lived and moved without guilt, shame, or fear of exploitation or threat. Naked in the Hebrew sounds like the word subtile in 3:1, thus tying the two chapters together. Satan will concentrate his shrewdness on their integrity.


Tuesday night Bible Study 10/23/07


[1]King James Version study Bible . 1997, c1988 (electronic ed.) (Ge 2:20). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

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