What’s for Dinner?
What’s for Dinner?
Mark 6:31-44
1. Other than Jesus’ resurrection, this is the only _____________
recorded in all four gospel accounts.
2. This miracle is one of Jesus’ few ________________ miracles.
3. Although this miracle benefits more than 5,000 people, yet its
greatest benefit is for the __________________!
CONTEXT: As Jesus’ disciples ________________ a
challenging mission trip and process John the Baptist’s
decapitation, they need a __________ (6:30-34).
TEST: Jesus, as He hears His disciples state their
LESSONS: What lessons must we learn from the miracle
of feeding the 5,000+?
A. We must learn that nothing is too __________ for Jesus
to use for His purposes.
B. We must remember that significant ministry regularly
begins when we are at the ________ of our resources!
C. We must learn that Jesus asks us to be His __________,
not the source.
D. We must learn Jesus’ basic paradigm (pattern) for
1. We start by realizing our ____________________!
_____________________, decides to develop and
__________ His disciples’ faith (6:35-38).
2. We ___________ what Jesus wants for us to do!
PROVISION: Jesus miraculously __________ the 5,000+,
3. Though ______________, we offer to Jesus what
as He continues to teach the disciples and test their faith
we have!
4. Jesus blesses and multiplies what we put in His
LEFTOVERS: Jesus’ miracle results in twelve basketfuls of
__________________ (6:43).
5. At the end…Jesus gives us our own ____________
of blessings!
EFCGV September 22, 2019