Bread, Yeast and Spit!
Bread, Yeast and Spit!
Mark 8:1-26
Act 2. THE PHARISEES’ SIGN: Jesus refuses to give the
Pharisees a _________ to see from heaven (8:10-13).
Program Notes…
1. All four spiritual-sight acts are tied together by ________ trips!
Act 3. BLINDNESS IN A BOAT: Jesus ___________ His
disciples and _______________ why they cannot see
2. Today’s first miracle, feeding the __________ is remarkably
similar to Jesus feeding the 5000!
Act 4. THE BLIND MAN: Jesus enables a blind man to _______
3. Today’s final miracle is the only “________________” or
“two-step” miracle in Jesus’ ministry!
Act 1. FEEDING 4000: The disciples fail to _______ a lesson
they should have remembered from the past (8:1-9).
EFCGV October 20, 2019