Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
B. Jesus existed, but what He actually did is a _________.
Mark 8:27-33
Three Program Notes…
C. Jesus was just a good man and good teacher (but
1. This passage brings us to the key ________________ point, the
not _________!)
pivot point, the midway point, in Mark’s gospel!
D. Way too many people treat Jesus as a ____________
2. Today’s passage, Mark 8:27-33, is greatly ________________
word and not as their Savior.
upon by Matthew and Luke.
3. Don’t ___________________ that today’s passage takes place
Who do you (the ______________________) say I am?
(Mark 8:29).
as Jesus and His disciples approach Caesarea Philippi!
Who do ______________ say I (Jesus) am? (8:27, 28).
Who do you (in this ________________) say that Jesus is?
Why did Jesus come to ____________? (Mark 8:31-33).
Today, who do ______________ say that Jesus is?
A. Jesus is a __________ figure who probably never lived.
EFCGV October 27, 2019