Whatta Ya Gotta Lose?
Whatta Ya Gotta Lose?
Mark 8:34-38
What has God revealed about Himself to you?
God’s invitation to follow Him is
____________________… to accept that invitation
Separating faith and belief then:
makes it __________________; John 14:6.
There is a significant difference between a Christ
________________ and a Christ ________________.
Belief is what we _________, faith is how we _________.
It is impossible to be a ___________________ without
experiencing a life ____________.
God knows our following Him is a ______________ in
He doesn’t want our __________________; they already
belong to Him. He wants our ______________, period.
A life of good works __________ our faith; it does
NOT __________ our faith!
It is not what we have _________ we believe; it is how
Our life application:
Put our faith and trust in Christ, not just believe He
we have ______________ and ___________ that will
He wants us to surrender All to Him.
make the difference.
Strive to do His will.
It’s a life change.
Lordship is a complete surrender of __________ will to
____________ will.
Bible References:
John 3:16; 1 Cor. 6:19b-20a; John 14:21; Mark 7:21-23;
Matt. 7:16-20; Luke 4:5-8; 2 Tim. 3:12; Matt. 7:21-23;
John 14:6
Here is a word you have not heard in this message,
EFCGV November 3, 2019