Believe and Pray
Believe and Pray
Mark 9:14-29
“This vivid account shows that the disciples are just like the rest
of us: beset by failure, too ready to engage in arguments,
undisciplined in prayer life and more eager to learn techniques
than to take time to walk closely with God. The incident also
reveals how feeble the disciples are when they are on their own.
We can draw lesson from these failures.”
David E. Garland
Four encounters occur in today’s text:
1. A crowd gathered as religious leaders taunt “the nine” because
they were ____________________ a boy possessed by an evil
spirit. (9:14-19)
2. A desperate father asks Jesus to intervene, and he confesses his
________________________. (9:20-24)
3. We witness Jesus’ power, over all things, in _______________
Talk about today’s passage together:
Consider ways the truth of this text can apply to a
situation you currently face in your life journey.
Mark 9:14-19
o Share an issue (that personally impacts your life)
that you often strive to solve with your own power,
but cannot find total victory?
Mark 9:20-24
o Have you made the mistake of unconsciously
deciding the above situation is hopeless and
beyond God’s reach? Share and explain.
Mark 9:25-27
o Jesus has the power to impact your seemingly
“impossible” situation. Do you believe He can still
work miracles on your behalf, today? If so, what
intentional steps can you take to more fully give
your situation to Him?
to ______________placed in Him. (9:25-27)
4. The disciples learn the __________________ rests on lack of
______________and reliance on God to work. (9:28-29)
Ephesians 6:18 –
Prayer plays a key role in the spiritual battles we face.
Mark 9:28-29
o Upon reflection, have you been trying to solve a
particular problem or situation alone? Take a step
of faith by believing God can work as you give it to
Him in prayer. Be authentic with others and
perhaps even confess possible doubt. Who can you
ask to pray for and with you? Begin to bring the
situation to the Lord together!
Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus has the authority over all things AND He is with you in
every situation. Believe and be a person of prayer!
EFCGV November 17, 2019