The Identity Reveal
The Identity Reveal
D. Through Jesus all things __________ together (1:17).
Colossians 1:15-20
Christmas 2019
The Identity Reveal: Who is this Baby? (Colossians 1:15-20)
I. Jesus, the visible baby, is the ___________ of the invisible
God (1:15).
II. Jesus, the baby sustained by Mary, creates and
III. Jesus, in a lowly manger, will create His ____________ and
conquer ____________ (1:18).
A. Jesus is the __________ of the church (1:18).
__________________ the entire cosmos (1:15-17).
B. Jesus is the firstborn of the __________ (1:18).
A. Jesus is the ________________ over all creation (1:15).
IV. Jesus, the baby in a cradle, is destined for the ____________
B. _______________ Jesus all things were created (1:16).
to reconcile us to God (1:19, 20).
C. ________ Jesus all things were created (1:16).
EFCGV December 22, 2019